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Map where Judaism start


Judaism is one of the oldest world religions.
People who follow the Jewish religion are called Jews.
The Jewish religion started in Israel around 1812 BC,
during the Bronze Age.
It began when God promised Abraham he would protect
him and his descendants and give them the land of Israel.
In return for this they promised to obey God.
The Torah is the main religious book used by the Jewish

Jews believe that there is only one God and that
he created the universe.
They believe that everyone can have an individual
and personal relationship with God.
They believe that God continues to work in the
world, affecting everything that people do.
Human beings were created by God who
provided them the capacity to decide what
is right and wrong,gave them the freedom
and responsibility for their own actions.
Action are more significant than belief.
Human can communicate with God by
means of prayers and meditation.
All human being are created equal.
Important people

 Abraham is the father of the
Jewish people. Jews see
Abraham as a symbol of trusting
and obeying God. Abraham is
also important to followers
of Christianity and of Islam.

 The story of Abraham is told in

the Book of Genesis in chapters

Important people
 Moses, is also an important

figure as he gave the Jews the
Torah around 1250 B.C. The
Torah contains the laws of God.

 Moses is the leader who freed

them from slavery in Egypt.
Moses protected the Jews from
the wrath of God, and
negotiated with God on their


 The hebrew bible (called the old testament by christians)is a collections
of 24 books divided into 3 parts.
 Hebrew name for hebrew bible.
 Created by taking the first letter of each of the three sections of the bible
and making a word out of those three letters:
 T:for Torah
 N:for nevi’im
 CH:for Ketuvim
The Torah (Teaching)

The torah or jewish written law, consists of the five
books of the hebrew bible-known more commonly to
non-jews as the old testament.
Torah comes in the “beginning” and explains” where
it all began”
Could mean the whole body of Jewish laws and
The Torah contains the five books revealed to Moses
by God on Mount Sinai.
Genesis 
The Torah is stored inside the Ark in each Synagogue.
This is the holiest place in the Synagogue.
THE NEVI’IM (Prophets)

Means “prophets”
Contains writings of gods messenger, who spoke His
word to the hebrews. The writing is the more literary
section of the tanakh, consisting of stories, proverbs,
psalms and poetries.
Early prophets: Joshua ,judges, samuel, kings
Later prophets:
• Major prophets: 
Isaiah , jeremiah, Ezekiel

• Minor prophets:
Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah,
Nachum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zecharia,
Ketuvim (Writings)

In english translation of the hebrew bible,this section is
usually entitled “writings”.
Contains wisdom
philosophy,and love hymns.
12 book in total

The Talmud (hebrew for “study”)is one of the
central works of the jewish is the record
of rabbinic teachings.
Made up two separate works:
 Mishnah-compilation of jewish laws, written in
 Gemara-the rabbinic commentaries and discussion
on the mishnah.
Jewish symbols

 The symbol or emblem of the Jewish
people is the Magen David (Shield of
David), also known as the Star of
Jewish symbols

 The Menorah is one of the
oldest symbols of the
Jewish faith. It is a
candelabrum with seven
candle holders displayed in
Jewish synagogues. It
symbolises the burning
bush as seen by Moses on
Mount Sinai.
Jewish symbols

 A mezuzah is found on
doorposts in Jewish homes. It
is a little case, containing a tiny
scroll. The writing on the scroll
is from the bible. It is in
Hebrew and it says that Jewish
people should love God and keep
his rules.
Where do Jews worship
 Jews worship in Synagogues.

 Men and women usually sit
separately in the Synagogues.

 Men must cover their heads.

 The Jewish spiritual leaders are

called Rabbis.
Holy Days

The most important day of the week is the Sabbath (Shabbat),
which is a day made holy by refraining from weekday work.
Sabbath starts at sunset on Friday and continues until sunset
on Saturday. During the Sabbath, observant Jews will do
nothing that might be counted as work. Among the things that
they can't do are driving and cooking.
At the beginning of Shabbat Jewish families share a meal.
They eat special bread called hallah. On the Sabbath, Jews
attend services at the synagogue, often led by a Rabbi.
Special clothing

 On their heads Jewish men wear
the Kippah to remind them that God is
always above them. It is a reminder to
always follow the laws of God at all times
and in all places.

 Before beginning to worship or pray Jews

will often put on a tallit. The fringes on
the shawl remind them of the many
commandments of the Torah.
Special ceremonies

 There are two special ceremonies where
Jewish boys (aged 13) and girls (aged 12)
can become adults in the eyes of the
Jewish religion.

 Bar mitzvah is for boys and means Son of

the Commandment.

 Bat mitzvah is for girls and means

Daughter of the Commandment.

After how many years Judaism undergone with changes within
times and culture.
Three present day movement that emerged in response to the
modern and secular culture of Europe and America.
These are the:
• Orthodox Judaism, Reform Judaism, Conservative Judaism
Two other smaller sects:
• Hasidism, Kabbalah
Orthodox Judaism

Most traditional of modern Judaism that adheres to
the authority of the entire Torah as given to Moses by
God at Mount Sinai
Reform Judaism

The most liberal expression of Judaism that subjects
religious laws and customs to human judgement.

Members of this denomination sought to adhere to

the original teaching of Judaism while allowing
some changes in their traditions

For example:
• Services were permitted to be conducted in mixed
Hebrew and English, no longer conducted solely in
the Hebrew language
• Women were also accorded equality in terms of
sitting together with men in synagogues and allowing
them to rabbis unlike in other denomination.
Conservative Judaism

Conserve the traditional elements of Judaism while at the
same time allowing for modernization that is less radical
that Reform Judaism.

It is sometimes described as “Traditional Judaism” without

Hasidism or Hasidic Judaism

It was largely a spiritual movement that gives prime
importance to asceticism and experience as a result of
love and humility before God
Kabbah Judaism

Another mystical form of Judaism that attempts to penetrate
deeper into God’s essence itself

Kabbalists believe that God moves in mysterious ways, they

also hold that genuine knowledge and understanding of that
inner process is achievable
Women in Judaism

Women must follow nearly all negative commandments
except trimming the beard and viewing a dead body
Women must also follow all positive commandments not
structured by time but are exempted from those that are
restricted by time.
Women have the right to be consulted on matters concerning
Women roles as wives and mothers

Male nor Female neither is God
7 out of 55 prophets of the Bible were women Sarah, Miriam,
Deborah, Hannah, Abigail, Huldah, and Esther
Numerous feminist leaders of the 20th century are also Jewish,
including two American activist Gloria Marie Steinem and
Betty Friedam.
Respect women has always been part of the Jewish culture.
Jewish Diaspora and Zionist

End of 19th century, Hungarian journalist and political activist
Theodor Herzl founded Zionist movement that advocated the
return of Jews to Eretz Yisrael (land of Israel)
Zion also Jewisg synoym for Jerusalem came from the name
mountain where Solomon,s Temple in Jerusaem was located.
Supporters of this movement are called Zionist.
Zionist believed that Jews as the chosen people of God will be
reunited from dispersion or exile back to their rightful
The dispersion of Jewish communities outside Israel that
have continually occurred since ancient history called

Leon Pinsker (pioneer and activist) publish his work Auto-
Emancipation in 1882 that urged the Jewish people to strive
for independence and appealed for the establishment of
Jewish colony in Palentine.
Zionist activities in the US became influential in garnering
American congressional and presidential support that led to
the creation of the state of Israel in 1948.
Zionist movement has come to promote the development
and protection of Israel.
Ritual of Jewish People

Adulthood: bat-mitzvah, bar-mitzvah
Separation of meat and dairy foods, slaughter and removal of
blood from meat.
Daily prayer: morning, afternoon, and evening. Synagogue,
quorum of ten (minyan)
“purification” (cleansing) of corpse, covering it in simple
white shroud.
Annual commemoration of date of close relative.

Death and Mourning:
 Belief in bodily resurrection requires burial, cremation and
embalming prohibited

Means sacrifice by fire
Hitler-led Nazi, the Germans were racially superior and
consider themselves as the master race as compared to the
Jews who were seen a inferior people.
Hitler’s police chief, Heinrich Himmler, believed in Aryan
superiority leading to the enslavement and extermination of
“Non-Aryan” and the inferior race.
He was one of the German officials directly responsible for
the Holocaust.
Jews were arrested, brought to death camps, became
victims of mass shooting, and placed in gas chambers,

while others were beaten, starved, and tortured to
6 million Jews, who lost their lives, around 200,000
Romani, 200,000 disabled patients became victims of
Nazi policies.
Nazi’s also targeted Jewish children to prevent the
emergence of a new generation of European Jews.
I and half million children were murdered all across

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