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Understanding of Asthma

• Asthma is a type of long-term or chronic disease in

the respiratory tract characterized by inflammation
and narrowing of the airways that cause shortness or
difficulty breathing. In addition to difficult breathing,
people with asthma can also experience other
symptoms such as chest pain, coughing, and
wheezing. Asthma can be suffered by all age groups,
whether young or old.
Sign of Asthma

Often the breathing is difficult, the stomach

seems to pull away because of trying to breathe,
asthma appears choking, wheezing, coughing
constantly, and asthma marks make the lips look
bluish due to lack of oxygen. Other signs of asthma
commonly found in Asthma are the breath sound
"ngik" there is a dry cough and pain in the chest.
Symptoms of Asthma
1. Shortness in the Chest
This happens because in the chest will be exposed to air pressure that can
not enter and exit perfectly. Chest tightness at the chest will also occur
when the sufferer finished eating because of pressure from the abdomen to
the chest.

2. Tired and lethargic

Tired and lethargic is caused by the lack of oxygen in the body because the
circulation of oxygen is interrupted or not smooth because of the narrowing
in the respiratory tract. This lack of oxygen will affect the oxygen levels in
the whole body.

3. Difficult Sleep or Insomnia

Due to a respiratory disorder will result in asthma sufferers will have
difficulty sleeping. Difficult to sleep this will cause the sufferers become
weak, lethargic, and not excited the next day.
4. Nervous and Tense
Because of problems in the respiratory part accompanied by pain in the
chest it can trigger a sense of nervousness and tension in the sufferer so that
the sufferer will feel a very uncomfortable, especially when this asthma
began to attack.

5. Sweating
Another symptom that may be experienced by people with asthma is the
cold sweat from the forehead. On the forehead will bring a lot of sweat
especially when you are in cold weather. This cold weather will make the
trigger recurrence of asthma so sweat on this part of the forehead.
Why does it happen??
There are two factors that cause asthma
Factor from Inside

1. Derived disease
Asthma is a hereditary disease, for example if you know a friend or anyone
who has asthma, it is certain he inherited the disease from his parents and
Factor from Outside

1. Environment
Environment is one of the factors that cause asthma. If you have this disease
and are often in a dusty environment, dirty and less comfortable then asthma is
more easily triggered so that for those of you who suffer from this disease should
pay more attention to the environment around.

2. Food and Drink

Food and drink can also trigger a recurrence of asthma. Some foods are very
bad and not recommended for people with asthma, foods that contain high
MSG, contain preservatives, beverages that are cold.
3. Cold air
Cold air is one of the triggers of asthma. For example, room air conditioning is
too cold can also trigger asthma.
• What Is Asthma Pangan?

1. Affected Dust

Dust can enter the respiratory tract and cause allergic reactions. It is important for people with asthma to have
rooms and houses that are clean of dust such as dirt dust and paint dust.

2. Smell Flower Powder

Pollen from flowers can cause asthma relapse or asthma attacks in a very fast time. Also do not ever put flower
pots or plants in a room.

3. All Hairy Animals (Cats and Dogs)

Asthma sufferers should avoid all animals that have feathers that easily fall out like dogs and cats. In fact, in
addition to animal hair, people with asthma are also very vulnerable to some dirty particles derived from animals
such as saliva and animal skin.

4. Cigarette and Cigarette Smoke

Danger Smoke Smoke contains nicotine that can be left in the respiratory tract. Even people with asthma should
really not exposed to cigarette smoke. A little smoke and nicotine into the lungs can be life-threatening.
5. Smoke and Stinging Smell

All kinds of smoke and strong smell can cause asthma attacks. Smoke and odor can cause the respiratory tract to
become very sensitive. The production of mucus in the respiratory tract can become more numerous, causing the
patient difficult to breathe properly.

6. Heavy Sports

Types of heavy sports that trigger fatigue and require a lot of energy are actually very prohibited. Types of severe
exercise can cause the patient difficulty breathing.

7. Aspirin

Aspirin includes several types of drugs that can be a trigger for asthma. Long-term use of aspirin can cause
worsening asthma conditions. Consumption of drugs for asthmatics should only be done on a prescription basis.

8. Affected Weather Too Hot and Cold

Extreme weather changes can cause respiratory problems. If the weather is too cold it can cause the respiratory
tract narrowed easily so that asthma attacks can happen anytime. Meanwhile, if the weather is too hot it can cause
respiratory problems. So people with asthma should be able to regulate protection when the weather is hot or
9. Emotional Pressure is Too Strong

One of the most sensitive problems of asthma is when exposed to emotional stress is too strong.
Emotional pressure such as excessive anxiety, fear, and even joy can also make asthma relapse
quickly. High levels of stress can also cause asthma attacks.

10. Allergy-trigger Food Products

Patients with asthma should know some types of foods that can be a trigger allergies. Therefore an
allergic examination is required to know the exact triggers.

11. Salt

The last asthma abstinence is salt. But excessive salt intake for asthmatics can cause worsening
asthma conditions.
Here are some types of foods and beverages that can be consumed by people with asthma is safe.

1. Bananas
Bananas have good properties to help make the respiratory system stronger. This is also proven by research in the
UK, children who consume one banana per day, has a risk as much as 34% more rendang experiencing asthma
symptoms such as wheezing. The results of this study was actually not too surprising when considering the
banana is the best source of pyridoxie or also known as vitamin B6. Which vitamin B6 plays a good role in the
production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and also cyclic adenosine monofasfat (cAMP). These molecules have
been proven in helping the bronchial smooth muscle become more relaxed.

2. Spinach
Consuming this vegetable can also bermafaat to fight and prevent asthma. This is because a number of nutrients
in spinach as well as beta-carotene, vitamin C, E, potassium and magnesium are good sources of vitamins in the
fight against asthma.

3. Kiwi
Kiwifruit comes into the list of healthy fruits that are well consumed to cope with preventing and treating asthma.
This has been tested in children with respiratory problems associated with asthma. High vitamin C content in kiwi
fruit is very good for the health of the body.
A study says children who diligently consume kiwi higga 6-7 servings once a week have decreased instensity of
wheezing symptoms to almost half. This is certainly better than the other kids who do not consume kiwifruit.
4. Yougurt
Yougurt contains probiotics and beneficial bacteria for the body that serves to reduce the inflammation
that occurs in the body. In addition, probiotics in yougurt can also reduce allergic reactions. The content of
probiotics in yougurt can also work to reduce allergic reskio which became one of the triggers of asthma.

5. Carrots
In addition to some food and beverages above, carrots were entered into the ranks of healthy foods that
are safe consumed asthma sufferers. The content of anti-oxidants such as beta carotene into the body will
be converted into vitamin A. Did you know, beta carotene will be able to counteract the emergence of
asthma, especially asthma attacks that occur when the patient has been doing heavy physical activity.

6. Ginger
Ginger is one of the ancient spices in the world. In addition, apparently there is a good content in ginger
that can be useful to overcome asthma, namely ginger has a strong anti-inflammatory eel that will give a
distinctive flavor that is also efficacious to be able to relieve inflammation.

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