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On average, females excel relative to males on tests that measure recollection.

have an advantage on processing speed involving letters, digits and rapid naming
tasks. Females tend to have better object location memory and verbal memory. They
also perform better at verbal learning.[
It has been scientifically proven that women can differentiate more colors than
men, due to their genes. This is why men often get mad when a girl is trying to
prove that there is a difference between purple and the color eggplant.
Fertility is one of the major differences between men and women. On one hand, men
are continuously fertile from puberty to almost up to 100 years of age even though
by that time they are physically unable to engage in sexual activities.
Hippocampus atrophy is associated with a variety of psychiatric disorders which
have higher prevalence in females. Additionally, there are differences in memory
skills between males and females which may suggest a difference in the
hippocampal volume (HCV).
Females show enhanced information
recall compared to males. This may be
due to the fact that females have a more
intricate evaluation of risk-scenario
contemplation, based on a prefrontal
cortical control of the amygdala.
The men make mistakes. The women too. Not matter the
gender. every one are wrong some time.
Males and females differ in some aspects of their brains, notably the overall difference in size with men
having larger brains on average (between 8% and 13% larger), but there are areas of the brain which
appear not to be sexually differentiated. Additionally, there are differences in activation patterns which
suggest anatomical or developmental differences, but the source of these differences is often unclear.

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