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Analytical Reasoning

Logic-game questions
• The Premise

The premise is a brief paragraph that

establishes the game's setting, identifies
the specific subjects (usually people or
objects) involved in the game, and
describes generally how those subjects
are related to one another
• The Conditions

Following the premise you'll find a list of

conditions (rules) that impose specific
restrictions on the relationships among the
• The Questions

Following the premise and conditions you'll find

a series of questions about the relationships
among the subjects. The typical logic game will
include 6-7 questions. In answering the
questions, you should consider each question
separately from the other questions. Do NOT
carry over information provided in any particular
question to other questions.
Learn to recognize logic-game
• Selection: You select subjects from among a pool
• Linear sequencing: You line up the subjects in order (in
• Attribute: You assign characteristics — or attributes —
to each subject
• Grouping: You divide the subjects into three or more
• Logical: You determine cause-and-effect relationships
among the subjects
• Non-linear spatial: You determine how the subjects are
arranged spatially

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