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Created by : Indhea Ayu Oxza

Tourniquet is a device that puts pressure on

the extremities or extremities so as to limit
- but not stop - blood flow. This can be
used in emergencies, in operations, or in
postoperative rehabilitation
 Tourniquet is a flexible mechanical material that
can be made from synthetic rubber that can
stretch. The purpose of using this dam to
fixation, inauguration of the vein that the blood
will be taken, also to add pressure veins to be
taken so that it will facilitate the process of
drawing blood into in syringes. Veins will cause
changes in some components in the blood if
tourniquet is left more than one minute, then the
installation of the tourniquet must be mounted
so that it is easily removed with one hand at a
time when the needle has begun to vein wall
(Kiswari, 2014).
 Tourniquet is a bandage that functions to
compress blood vessels so that blood flow
stops and does not flow at all. This tool is
usually used when taking blood.
 Stopping bleeding in open wounds on the
arms or legs (usually in traumatic cases on
the battlefield or traffic accidents), if it is
feared it will make the sufferer / victim bleed.
 Stopping blood flow during surgery on the
arm or leg. This termination is done
temporarily with the open and close system
for a certain period of time.
 There are two types of tourniquets
 surgical tourniquets
 emergency tourniquets
 A silicon ring tourniquet, or an elastic ring
tourniquet, is a standalone mechanical device
that does not require electricity, cables or
 tourniquets pressure must exceed the
systolic pressure, for the lower extremities it
needs 450 mmhg or 150 mmhg above the
systolic arterial pressure, and for the upper
limb 250 mmhg or 100 mmhg above the
systolic arterial pressure.
 Emergency tourniquets are cuff-like devices
designed to stop severe traumatic bleeding
before or during transport to a care facility.
They are wrapped around the limb, proximal
to the site of trauma, and tightened until all
blood vessels underneath are occluded.
 Installation of tourniquet a maximum of 1
minute, if more then it will cause an increase
in the concentration of molecules in the
plasma due to the rupture of red blood cells
or hemolysis. so that the molecules in the red
blood cells come out. the tourniquet should
be removed after the needle has entered the
vein, but in some conditions it can extend the
tourniquet to 3 minutes such as restoring
venous location, needle sticking to the vein
and a large sampling.

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