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3C’s Valiants

Duration 3 Days

Venue NEAP, Malvar, Batangas

Date Summer 2018

Participants 40 SHS Teachers

DO no. 8, s. 2015 (Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment),
acknowledges assessment as an integral part of the day-to-
day lessons and extends the day-to-day classroom activities,
hence, calling for quality assessment materials crafted by
skilled classroom teachers.

Based on the assessment, it was found out that the teachers’

made tests are not congruent with NAT test questions and do
not cater HOTS development and some are not properly

Terminal objectives:
1. Enhance KSA of teachers in constructing quality assessment.
2. Craft and develop standard – compliant sample test items.

Enabling Objectives:
1. understand the different types of assessments.
2. Create and design test items responsive to the intended assessment
3. Enable teachers gain confidence relative to assessment

 Multiple choice type of test
 Matching type
 True or False
 Other types of test
 Rubrics

Day/Time/D Title of Session Objectives Methodol Materials Faci/Person
uration ogy Involved
Day 1
7:30 – 8:00
8:00 – 8:30 Opening Program
8:30 – 10:00 Session 0 Slide Decks Speaker 1
Setting of
10:00 – 10:30 Break
10:30 – 12:00 Session 1 Terminal Objective: - Lecture Slide Decks Speaker 2
Test in General - Differentiate formative and Meta cards
summative test with one
follow appropriate principles
for developing and using
assessment methods in
teaching, avoiding common
pitfalls in student assessment;
identify and accommodate
the different technical qualities
of a test.
12:00 – 1:30 Lunch Break
1:30 – 3:00 Session 2 Terminal Objective: - Lecture Slide Decks Speaker 3
- Create/write quality
Multiple Choice multiple-choice test items
- Workshop Meta Cards
Enabling Objctives: - Write Shop
-Explain the advantage
and disadvantages of
using multiple-choice type
of test;
- realize that good test
items produce better
assessment outcomes;
- incorporate concepts
learned from previous
sessions in creating/crafting
multiple-choice test items.
3:00 – 3:30 Break
3:30 – 5:00 True-False Test  Gain an in-depth - Lecture Slide Decks Speaker 4
understanding of what
Items - Workshop Meta Cards
a true or false test type
- Write Shop
 Explain the advantage
and disadvantages of
true or false test type
 Discuss the different
suggestions and

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