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-Intersubjectivity is a term used in philosophy, psychology,

sociology, and anthropology to present the psychological
relation between people. It is usually used in contrast to
solipsistic individual experience, emphasizing our inherently
social being.
-Intersubjectivity is existing between conscious minds;
Shared by more than one conscious mind.
Man as Being-in-the-World

The human being is the DASIEN,which

means "Being -there". Martin Heidegger
further claims that Being-in-is "the
Formal existential expression of the
being dasien,which has being-in-the-
World as its essential state."
The concept of facticity implies that an entity
within-the-world has a being-in -the-world in
such a way that it can understand itself as
bound up in its "destiny"with the being of
those entities which it encounters within its
own world.
• Heidegger argues that a human person is not a
spiritual thing misplaced into a space. Human
reality's "being -in-the-world" is a definite way of
"being-in"-----undertaking something, interrogating,
something, producing, considering. All these way
have concern.
Jean Paul Sartre, in his 1943 book,Being and
Nothingness, explains that it is through the "other-
as-a-look" that the "I" experiences the self or is
revealed. Here, what is meant by the "other"is the
other conscious for-itself who like the I or the
Being, is a lack and appropriates one's possibilities.
• The act of freedom is to transcend these many
possibilities,but one recognizes the issue of bad
faith where he or she refuses to choose or is
therefore objectified by the "look of the other."
• This distinction between the I and the Other
present a conflict.Thus ,any meaningful encounter
with the other is always a conflict.
• The I and the Other objectifies each other by the act of the
"Look"because by doing so,the Other is alienated to
transcend his or her possibilities.Sartre claims that when
you look at a person,this act of objrctification allows you to
capture that person's freedom to be what he or she wants
to be.
• This is evident when you stereotype or label a
person based on his or her appearance or certain
actions.Sartre argues that a human person has
many possibilities,but when you label a person
through a look,you take away that freedom to
choose to become.
• This concept of the lack of intersubjectivity (the human
persons ability to empathize)due to conflict(I against the
Other) might be argued through the concept of
"We."Sartre recognized that the concept of conflict may
be an incomplete characterization,hence he analyzed
humanity's use of the term "We".
"We" resist, We advance to the attact, We
condemn the guilty, We look at this or that
-Jean Paul Sartre,Being and Nothingness
This implies that there are aberrant consciousness of the
We-----which,as such ,are nevertheless perfectly normal
consciousness.It should be first given in some other
way;that is either in the capacity of a transcendence-
transcending or as a transcendence-Transcended.
--JEAN PAUL SARTRe,being and Nothingness
• According to Sartre,the concepts of "Us" and "They" as
two different forms of the experience of the "We".One
is "being in the act of looking"and the other "being
looked at incommon"(in the situation given,the latter
could refer to the people involved in the collision)as
foundations of being-with-others.
Dasein's Being as Care

Dasein's being-in-the-world is characterized

by care.This care is revealed in different
Consern's.these concerns arise from the
fact that Dasein finds himself in the
world,understand the world,and expresses
his understanding in discourse.
• Being-in-the-world belongs essentially to Dasein and its
being toward the world is concern.
• Concern means engaged--having to do with equipment---a
way of being-In-the-world.
• Concern is disclosedness.
• Dasein's being-In is what Heidegger calls the "disclosedness
of Dasein".Daseins engagement with
things,discloses(reveals)the thing.For example ,to say that
man lives in an environment,though ontically trivial (Ontical
inquiries are concerned about the being of entities which are
not Dasein),presents taht each time man engage himself
with the environment.
The other basic mode of disclosedness is
Verstehen(understanding).The hermeneutic tradition the
term Verstehen is used to refer to a special mode of
knowledge or cognition which is constrasted with
-Gorner,Heideggers Being and time
Man as a Historical Being

A human persons intersubjectivity may also be described from a

historical perspective----Dasein is a product of history.

Gorner points out,"Human being are historical being in the

sense that each of us has a history.we belong to communities
which themselves have a history."
The Role of Dialogue in the Human
Person's Intersubjectivity
Transcendental Phenomenology

---Transcendental Phenomenology--
- is the phenomenology of
consciousness, and intentional
analysis is constitutive analysis.
• Phenomenology literally means the "Study of
Phenomena". It deals with the investigation of the
structures of experience and consciousness.It is also a
philosophical movement,thatintroduced through the
works of Edmund Husserl.
• Husserl describe phenomenology as "The rigorous science
of all conceivable transcendental phenomena." because it
inevestigates show knowledge comes into being clarifies
the assumption upond which all human understandings
are grounded.
The lifeworld as the Natural Standpoint of
I am consious of a world endlessly
spreed out in space,endlessly becoming
and having endlessly become in time.I
am conscious of it: that signifies,above
all, that intuitively i find it
immediately,that he experience It.
--Endmund HUsserl
The natural attitudes or standpoint is prior to all
thinking. The alteration of the natural standpoint or not
remaining in the natural attitude by excluding---epoch
(epoche) or refraining from judgment compatible with
the conviction of evident truth. The "parenthesizing", or
the phenomenological epoch, it completely shuts off a
person from any judgment about spatio-temporal
factual being.
In my walking consciousness I find myself in this
manner at all times,and without ever being able
to alter the fact,in relation to the world whic
remains one and the same,though changing with
respect to the composition of its contents.It is
continually "on hand" for me and I my self am a
member of it.
-Husserl,ideas pertaining to a pure Phenomenology
Husserl's concept of natural attitude does not mean
that something that you see is good or bad. He means
is that the way you see things shows an ordinary or
everyday way of being-in-the-world.
The consciousness recognizes that "at hand " objects
are physical which is also applicable to humans and
The I and Thou

Martin Buber is a 20th century

philosopher,religious thinker,and political activist
whose area of philosophical concern includes
the"dialogic principle."In his work"Ich und Du"(I
and Thou),.
“intersubjectivity” in which “I” and the “others” are seen more as complementary to each
other rather than just simply a means to some selfish ends. Intersubjectivity is a kind of
relationship which considered a subject-to-subject or person-to-person way of relating. Jurgen
Habermas’ Theory of Communicatice Action will inform us the authentic form of
communication which would be instrumental to the setting up of intersubjective relationship.
MartinBuber’s I-Thou Relationship, on the other hand, explains the importance of
encountering the other as “a person”, a “You” in contrast to an object in order to assure
authentic relationship.

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