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Situational Leadership: Key to Good

Forest Governance
Ginung Pratidina, Dra., M.Sc.
Berry Sastrawan, S. Sos., MAP
LHK Ministerial Decree Number 327 of 2016 concerning Functions of Some Changes in
Forest Areas of the Mount Hazy Salak National Park (MHSNP), which was originally 113.357
hectares, now only 87.699 hectares. Around that area, 100,000 people depend on their
livelihoods on land in the GHSNP forest area.
Literature review
Situational leadership
Thoha, Miftah. 2003.Leadership in Management, King Grafindo Persada. Jakarta.
Hersey and Blanchard (1982)

style Consultation
style Instruksi
1. Many direct and lots of support.
1. Little direction and little support.
2. And wisdom to explain the decision
2. instructions Specific
3. Strict supervision
3. Want to receive opinions
4. One-way communication.
4. But not too tight supervision
5. Troubleshooter initiative and decision-making
5. Decision-making remains the
is done by the leader,
6. provide limits the role of follower.
6. Two-way communication.

style delegation
1. Provide little support and a little guidance.
2. overall delegate decision-making and
responsibility for implementation of the tasks to
his subordinates.
Participation style 3. Subordinates have the control to decide on
how the implementation of the tasks.
1. Many provide support and little in the briefing.
4. Provides ample opportunity for subordinates to
2. Develop a decision together with subordinates
carry out the instructions of their own
3. Exchanged ideas / ideas and support their efforts
5. Have the ability and confidence to assume
4. Position control over problem-solving and decision-making shall
responsibility for directing their own behavior.
5. Enhanced two-way communication
6. The role of the leader is actively listening.
Research methods
Approach Populations & Data collection technique Data analysis
Samples technique

Disproportionate Observation, Descriptive data

Stratified Random interviews, analysis
Sampling questionnaires techniques

2018-2019 Employee of the National Park Mountain of

Dimension Average Description of Results Example of Case
Leaders in carrying out Orders are dominated by Orders from leaders that require special handling such as when
Style Instruction namely in giving subordinate there are collaborative projects with other institutions, or orders
Instruction 1.38 orders must be explained in sufficient detail and a from the center outside of routine work or other new things so that
lot of support. leaders must explain in detail through meetings.
Oversight by the leader is to ask the subordinate directly verbally,
Leadership in Oversight is dominated by Style or a short message whether the task that was ordered had been
Instructional but starts towards Consultation Style completed or not yet, sometimes the initiative of the subordinate
Supervision 1.53 where the leader still gives quite a lot of direction reported that the task that was ordered was finished, but if the
and support, but in supervision is still observed order was important and urgent then usually the leader who
asked directly to the subordinate who was ordered.
This happens when in a situation where the leader needs ideas
Leaders in communication are dominated by the from his employees in solving a problem. Like when NPHSM has
participation style that is communication done in to be demanded effective disclosure of information, TNGHS
Communication 3.16 two directions and the leader is actively listening so employees provide ideas by creating a TNGHS Instagram social
that there is an exchange of ideas and ideas media account so that the public can see information widely
between leaders and subordinates. through social media.
Leaders in problem-solving initiatives are In Initiatives to solve problems, depending on the main tasks and
Problem Solving dominated by a style of consultation in which functions of employees with their respective authorities and in
2.47 leaders consult with subordinates on how to solve solving important problems solved the problem is hierarchical by
problems with deliberation. the leadership.
Leadership in decision-making was dominated by the style of in decision making at the level of the leadership
instruction where most of the decisions, in the end, there is the authority of dominance by the head of officer, but
Decision Making 1.88 leadership, but the start to go deeper into the direction of the force in Operations carried out by the Administration
that consultation before making a decision asking the opinion then relegated to the Fields of the
leaders of some of his subordinates
The role of employees by the main tasks and
functions in their fields respective. So that the
Role of The role of employees in forest management is dominated by the limitation of the role of employees based on
Employees style of consultation in which the role of employees is allowed to existing staffing rules, if violating these rules, of
carry out basic tasks and functions that are appropriate to their course, there will be an offense between
fields. employees and violate hierarchy the existing.
The average of all dimensions of the GHSNP leadership is The head of officer in his situational leadership is
dominated by Situational Leadership with a Consultative Style in dominated by the style of Consultation, this is
which a leader shows a lot of directing behavior and provides a lot indeed by bureaucratic organizations.
of support. Leaders with this style want to explain the decisions
An average of 2.10 and policies taken and are willing to accept opinions from
followers, but the leader must continue to provide oversight in
completing the tasks of his followers or subordinates and
permanent decision making to the leader. Has conducted two-way
communication between leaders and subordinates.
Conclusions and Recommendations
The average
value of 2.21 Governments in developing programs
Situational for the community must pay attention to
Leadership the principle of sociological and
anthropological Public, In order to
effectively and efficiently work program
so it does not conflict with the program's
target community mores
Leadership Style
Model in Hall Development of indigenous communities
Conclusion TNGHS is and support the efforts of indigenous
between Style peoples to preserve customs

Head of Leadership Providing access to higher education to

Leadership is a Public customs such as scholarships for
indigenous peoples
bureaucracy that is
limited by rules
Thank you

Waassalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh

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