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Integrated Pest Management

Integrated Pest Management
Muhammad Alfaridzi (1610252003)
Tsamara Nurul Fu’ada (1610252010)

There are two terms namely Integrated Pest

Control (IPC) and Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Based on its history IPM is the development
concept of IPC
Why must IPM?

1. Failure to eradicate conventional pests

Currently there are still many farmers who
interpret pest control as the use of pesticides
 If the crop being cultivated is damaged due to pests,
farmers will immediately look for pesticides to spray on
their crops
 If there is a crowd of insects regardless of whether
the insect is harmful or beneficial
Why must IPM?

Although the benefits of pesticides can be felt,

farmers feel the costs of control are increasing, thereby
reducing profits
The situation arises because of the 3 main impacts
of the use of pesticides
a. The emergence of pest resistance to insecticides
b. The emergence of pest resurgence
c. Second pest eruption
Why must IPM?

2. Awareness of the environment

Pesticides as toxic substances include pollutants that
are harmful to the environment and society because of
their toxic nature and are relatively persistent in the
environment, the residue left in the environment
becomes a problem.
Why must IPM?

3. Plant protection patterns

According to Dr. Ray Smith (1969) if we seek to
cultivate plants and farming in relation to plant pest
problems will go beyond the five main stages
a) Subsistence Stage
The initial stage is usually the farmer tries his farm to
fulfill the needs of himself and his family
Why must IPM?

b) Exploitation Stage
At this stage the use of pesticides is the main technique
for eradicating pests with scheduled treatment because
farming has expanded, land is large, and high production is
the main target
c) Critical Stage
The incident of resistance, resurgence, and second pest
eruption is increasingly visible so that the cost of control
incurred also increases and real profit decreases
Why must IPM?

d) Disaster Stage
If the crisis stage continues at this stage, pest control
with pesticides is no longer profitable, because the cost
of purchasing pesticides is getting higher but the pest
attacks are not decreasing but instead increasing
e) Integrated Control Stage
After learning from previous experience, farmers will
want to apply IPM. By implementing IPM farmers feel
the benefits and optimal benefits.
Why must IPM?

4. Government policy
The legal basis for implementing and developing IPM
in Indonesia is Presidential Instruction No. 3 of 1986
and Law No. 12 of 1992 concerning Plant Cultivation
Integrated Pest Management Concept

1) Comprehension of the Nature of Agricultural Ecosystem

Unlike natural ecosystems, agricultural ecosystems or
agroecosystems have biotic and genetic diversity which
tends to be uniform. With such conditions an increase in
pest populations is very easy to occur
The structure of the ecosystem is as follows
a. Types of plants
b. Types of pests and natural enemies
c. Interaction with each other
Integrated Pest Management Concept

2) Analysis of Costs and Benefits of Pest Control

Costs incurred in controlling pests are the total money
spent to buy pesticides, pest resistant varieties, to rent a
control device, and pay for pest control workers.
Benefits obtained from pest control efforts are in the
form of rupiah value and the results obtained.
Deviation between the value of benefits and the costs of
pest control can be roughly considered as an advantage of
pest control efforts.
Integrated Pest Management Concept

3) Plant Tolerance Against Damage

Plants have a tolerance level for damage either by
pests or other causes
The existence of certain pest populations in the
plants that we are cultivate might not result in losses
Integrated Pest Management Concept

4) Maintain a little population of pests in plants

On agricultural land, it is necessary to maintain the
level of pest population that allows the process of
natural balance, and in these circumstances the pest
population does not result in economic losses for
Integrated Pest Management Concept

5) Healthy Plant Cultivation

Healthy plants will certainly be more able to
withstand pests when compared to weak plants
Healthy plants will more quickly cope with damage
caused by pests by accelerating the formation of
saplings or other physiological healing processes
Integrated Pest Management Concept

6) Land Monitoring
To be able to follow the development of pest populations
and natural enemies on the ground and determine actions,
farmers must regularly monitor their land
7) Publication Concept of IPM
In order for farmers to be willing and able to implement
PHT, it is necessary to publish PHT through various
information, education and training channels, both formal
and informal.
Integrated Pest Management Concept

In the concept of IPM Watson et. al. (1975) to

achieve the IPM target of suppressing pest populations
or the damage remains at a level that is not
detrimental, it is necessary to use a compatible
combination of IPM components
Basic Elements and Components of IPM

Basic Elements of IPM IPM component

a) Natural Control a) Technical Culture Control
b) Biological Control
b) Sampling
c) Chemical Control
c) Economic Level d) Control with resistant
d) Ecology and Biology varieties
e) Physical and Mechanical
f) Control Regulatory Control

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