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30 Filler Words You Can

Cut Out of Your Writing
Randello M. Braga
Caraga Institute of Technology
Senior High School and College Instructor
01 Most of the time, you can delete “that” and the
sentence will still have the same meaning, but it’ll be

02 Example: She swore that it would never happen


03 Better: She swore it would never happen again.


04 The word “that” is used as an introductory word

in transforming direct to reported speech..
Making an Assertion
Once you eliminate filler words, your sentences will be
assertive and will sound better.
Example: She just didn’t know what to do.

“ It is better to write or say:

She didn’t know what to do.


When something is “almost” or “slightly”, it is boring! If something or someone
“seems” like whatever, you’re telling your readers there is a chance that they aren’t.
Example: Above the clouds, the sun was almost blinding
Better: Above the clouds, the sun was blinding.

Natalie Goldberg, the
09 “MAYBE” . author of Writing
Down the Bones says
not to use modifiers,
but to use clear,
10 . “SIMPLY” assertive statements
to create more impact.
Example: She simply didn’t know what to do.
Better: She didn’t know what to do.

Taking out “simply” “ABSOLUTELY” Example: Better:
makes the sentence If something is absolute, She was absolutely sure She was sure the
stronger. basic or actual, you don’t the killer had ran into the
killer had run into
have to add these fillers.
the woods.
(This is just as “absolute” without absolutely)
If you are talking about the past and present, it’s okay to use the word “NOW”

Example: Better:
Now stop it. Stop it.

2016 2017 2018 2019

If now is at the “sort of”, When describing
something, readers
beginning of a “kind of “ and don’t want to be
sentence, no
comma comes “a little” uncertain. They
after it. want to be sure!
Example: Her cut sort of hurt.
Better: Her cut hurts.

“VERY” In general, be concise.

If it occurs in a sentence, you have written, try You can present these as lists or in a table for

leaving it out and see whether the quick comparison of what is a bad

meaning is changed. example and a better one. But be sure there

Example: The omens were very good. are still supplementing images.

Better: The omens were good. Very is an adverb of degree that increases
Remove as many prepositions after verbs as possible.
Lastly, certain words are often redundant.

20 21 22

22. sold
Meet with

23. cutbacks – cuts

bought up

24. this time around – this time


sold of

25. top politician – politician

26. major speech - speech
27.executive summary – summary
28. role model – model
29. safe haven - haven
30. most especially - especially
Thank you
for listening!!!
I am hoping
that you have
learned a lot
from this

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