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can do?

Jovielen O. Pilo
1. Give it a rest

Teachers will introduce additional material

that is not included in the coursebook to
restore interests of the students when it is
weakening or to provide light relief. Such
material typically includes songs, rhymes,
games, cartoons, off-air recordings, video
clips, and so on.
1. Give it a rest

Although such activities involve setting the

coursebook aside, they are generally no more than
cosmetic entertainment. However, many teachers do
manage to build such activities into their teaching in a
principled way, for example by using them as
‘warmers’ for the more extended activities which
follow, or as ‘coolers’ to promote reflection on a
previous activity.
Coursebooks Evaluation Criteria

1. An overview (Is there an introduction in the coursebook?)

2. Authenticity (Is the explanation provided by the coursebook
designers authentic and reflects the coursebooks design?)
3. Assessment ( Can self and peer assessment be
4. Materials ( Are there any realia, props, audio materials
provided with the coursebook?)
5. Language ( Is the language used in the coursebook suitable
for the level of learners?)
Coursebooks Evaluation Criteria

6. Up to Up to date ( Are the topics up to date and reflect the

modern living of the learners?)
7. Suitability ( Are the topics, pictures, and characters used in
the coursebook racial or culturally sensitive?)
8. Practicality ( Does it suit the time scheduled provided?)
9. Coursebook content ( Is the syllabus clear and indicative for
teachers and learners?)
10. Comparison ( Is the new coursebook suggested better or
worse than the one currently used and why? )
2. Change it

 Omission - the teacher leaves out things deemed

inappropriate, offensive or unproductive for the
particular group.
 Addition - where there seems to be inadequate
coverage, teachers may decide to add material,
either in the form of texts or exercise material.

2. Change it
 Reduction - where the teacher shortens an activity to
give it less weight or emphasis.
 Extension - where an activity is lengthened in order to
give it an additional dimension.
 Rewriting/Modification - teachers may occasionally
decide to rewrite material, especially exercise material, to
make it more appropriate, more communicative’, more
culturally accessible to their students, and so on.

2. Change it
 Rewriting/Modification - teachers may occasionally
decide to rewrite material, especially exercise material,
to make it more appropriate, more communicative’,
more culturally accessible to their students, and so on.
 Replacement - texts or exercise material which is
considered inadequate, for whatever reason, may be
replaced by more suitable material. This is often called
from published ‘resource materials’.

2. Change it

 Reordering - teachers may decide that the order in

which the materials are presented is not suitable for
their students. They can then decide to plot a different
course through the materials from the one the writer has
laid down.
 Branching - teachers may decide to add options to the
existing activity or to suggest alternative pathways
through the activities.

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