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• Controls many body

exerts control by  Ductless
releasing special (without opening)
chemical substances
into the blood called
hormones  Secrete hormones
directly into
Hormones affect other
endocrine glands or
body systems
The Endocrine System

• Consists of several glands located in

various parts of the body.

• Gland is a group of cells that secretes

- found deep within the brain

- primary link bet. the Endocrine and

Nervous System

- directly controls the pituitary gland

- stimulate or suppress hormones

- located at the base of the brain

“The Master Gland”

- Primary function is to control
other glands
• The Pituitary Gland is divided into 2
– Posterior Lobe
• oxytocin (initiates labor of pregnant women)
• antidiuretic hormones (control the water
balance in the body-> URINE output)

– Anterior Lobe
• Growth hormone (stimulates body growth)
• Prolactin (milk)
Anterior P. Homeostatic
- Overproduction of growth

- Underproduction of growth
• Melatonin
– Inhibits early puberty
– Day/night cycles
• Timing of sleep, body temperature,
• Secretes melatonin during darkness
- Participates in setting the body’s clock
• Melatonin is a potent antioxidant
• Melatonin is high when young and is
reduced as we age
- lies in the anterior neck just below
the larynx

- It secretes thyroxin and calcitonin

• Thyroxine contains large amount of Iodine.
- control the rate @ w/c cells burn food to
release energy
- bone growth
- development of nervous system of child

• Calcitonin regulate calcium metabolism in

the blood.
- low levels of iodine
• Parathyroid Glands

– small, pea-shaped
– parathyroid
glands, located in the hormone  level of
neck near the thyroid calcium and in the
– 4 small glands

– regulate the level of

calcium in the body
 Insulin
– reduce blood sugar level

 Glucagon
– Increase blood sugar levels
• the Adrenal
– 2 small glands that sit
atop both kidneys.
Medulla secretes
the catecholamine
– Each has 2 divisions,
each with different norepinephrine
functions. and epinephrine
(closely related to
the sympathetic
component of the
autonomic nervous
– the endocrine glands associated with human
– Female ovaries produce eggs
– Male gonads produce sperm

• Ovaries:
– located in the abdominal cavity adjacent to the
– Under the control of LH and FSH from the
anterior pituitary they manufacture
• estrogen
• progesterone
• Estrogen and Progesterone have several
functions, including sexual development
and preparation of the uterus for
implantation of the egg.
• Testes:
– located in the scrotum
– produce sperm for reproduction
– manufacture testosterone - promotes male
growth and masculinization

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