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Asthma is an acute obstruction of the
bronchi caused by intermittent narrowing
of the airways at many levels resulting in
obstruction of air flow
Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the
airway that causes various inflammatory
cells. The basis of this disease is bronchial
hyperactivity in various levels, airway
obstruction and respiratory symptoms
(wheezing or tightness)

Etiologically asthma is divided into 3 types:
 1. Non atopic (intrinsic) asthma
 2. Atopic (extrinsic) asthma
 3. Mixed asthma

Symptoms that arise are usually related
to the severity of bronchial hyperactivity.
Airway obstruction can be reversible
spontaneously, as well as with medication.
Asthma symptoms include:
1. Wheezing that sounds with or without a
2. Productive cough, often at night.
3. Breath or chest as depressed

a. Activity / Rest
Asthma patients will find symptoms of
fatigue, fatigue, malaise, inability to carry
out daily activities due to difficulty
breathing, inability to sleep, need to sleep
in a high sitting position, dyspnea at rest,
or in response to activity or exercise

b. Circulation Swelling of the lower
extremities, increased BP, severe
tachycardia, skin color / mucous
membrane: normal / cyanosis
e. Respiratory Shortness of breath
especially at work, weather or recurring
episodes of difficulty breathing, feeling of
pressure in the chest, inability to breathe,
crackling, wheezing throughout the lung
area or at expiration and possibilities. As
long as inspiration continues until there is
a decrease or absence of breath sounds,
deafening in the lung area and difficulty
speaking sentences or more than 4 or 5
words at a time
Ineffective airway hygiene is associated
with increased mucus production,
viscosity, and bronchospasm viscosity
Criteria for results :
a) Demonstrate effective cough.
b) Looking for a comfortable position to
facilitate increased air exchange.
c) State the strategies to reduce the
thickness of secretions.

Nursing Diagnosis
Instruct the client on the right method for
controlling cough:

 (1) Take a deep, slow breath while sitting as

straight as possible.
 (2) Use diaphragmatic breath.
 (3) Hold your breath for 3-5 seconds and
then blow as much as possible through the
mouth (lower rib cage and abdomen must
come down).
 (4) Take a second breath, hold and cough
from the chest (not from the back of the
mouth / throat) and use short, strong
coughing breaths.
 (5) Demonstrate pursed-lip breathing.

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