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What is Personality?

 Personality – is the conglomeration of an individual’s

thoughts, feelings, emotions, attitudes, intelligence,
interests and abilities. Its a product of varied factors and
elements that may emanate from one’s nature and
environment as they journey through their lifespan.
Several theorists and thinkers define personality
accourding to thier unique perspective;
Adolescent development
Adolescent Development

 Adolescent is a period of life with specific health and

developmental needs and rights. It is also a time to
develop knowledge and skills, learn to manage
emotions and relationships, and acquire attributes that
will be important for enjoying the adolescent years and
assuming adult roles.

1. Physical/Physiological Development

In adolescence, this is marked by puberty where

changes in physical and brain structure and reproductive
system take place. In middle and late adolescence changes
in brain development also occur, allowing for executive
functions (planning, decision-making) to develop.
2. Cognitive Development

Adolescent thinking is characterized as being more

abstract, integrative, and volitional. The adolescent has a
thorough and private access to inner processes and is capable of
evaluating his own actions.
3. Social and Emotional Development

The development of the self and identify as well as the

refinement of emotional regulation are key factors to be
considered in adolescent development.
4. Spirituality and Purpose in Life

Consistently, in Philippines studies, spirituality emerges as an

element that guides behavior. Western literature, on the other hand,
identifies spirituality and purpose in life as an evolution from self-
centered needs to outward goals that benefits others.

 Competence – In health, vocational, academic, cognitive, and social domains. For the
social domain, conflict resolution and interpersonal skills are identified as critical. In the
cognitive arena, a very important achievement would be decision-making, while
academic competence is seen in school performance.
 Confidence – is seen in overall self-worth and efficacy. This means achieving a level of
self-esteem that translates to a realization and belief that one can effectively deal with
the demands of the various contexts in which he or she finds himself or herself.
 Connection – refers to developing positive relationships with people and institutions which
facilitates interaction between between one’s self and peers, family, school, and
 Character – is defined as responsiveness to cultural and societal norms, acquiring
standards for correct behaviors and having a sense of right and wrong as well as integrity.
 Caring and Compassion – means having a sense of sympathy and empathy for others.
 Contribution to Self, Family and Community – the achievement of the first 5”Cs” naturally
leads to this last developmental task and marks the transition from adoloscence to early

 Good health habits

 Good heallth management skills

 Knowledge of essential life skills

 Knowledge of essential vocational skills
 School Success
 Rational habits of mind – critical thinking and reasoning skills
 In-dept knowledge of more than one culture
 Good decision-making skills
 Knowledge to navigate through multiple cultural contexts

 Good mental health including positive self-regard

 Good emotional self-regulation skills
 Good coping skills
 Good conflict resolution skills
 Mastery motivation and positvie achievement motivation
 Confidence in ones’s personal efficacy
 Planning for the future and future life events
 Sense of personal autonomy/responsibility for one’s self
 Optimism coupled with realism
 Coherent and positive personal identity
 Prosocial and cuturally sensitive values
 Spirituality or a sense of a “larger” purpose in life
 Strong moral chaacter
 Commitment to good use of time

 Connectedness
 Sense of social place/integration
 Attachment to prosocial/coventional intitutions such as school and church
 Ability to navigate in multiple contexts

Physical Feelings and Self-concept

Development in thoughts about behavior as an
adolescence one’s self adolescent

Physical Reactions and Self-concept

Development in Perceptions of behavior as an
adoloscence others about one’s self adolescent
Thank you for Listening 

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