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What is recreation?

“It is an activity done for enjoyment when one is not working.”

What would your life be without
recreation and why is it so important?

~Leisure and recreation involves the

instruction of skills that students may
use for enjoyment and entertainment
for their free time~
Objectives of the programs

May be classified under four headings;


Recreational sports activities contribute to the

physical, social, and emotional health of the
The contribute to physical health through
participation in activities offering healthful exercises
such as fitness components as muscular strength and
endurance, agility, flexibility, cardiovascular
endurance, speed and body control and
composition are developed and enhanced.

Recreational sports activities allow every individual to

develop and display his or her skills in various physical
activity settings. Most individual enjoy activities in
which they have developed skill. Recreational sports
help participants develop proficiency in both
individualized and group activities in which each
person is grouped according to skill, thus providing for
equality of programming or competition which helps
guarantee greater success and enjoyment.
Psychosocial development

Opportunities for psychosocial development are

numerous in recreational sport activities. Through
many social contacts, coeducational
experiences, and playing on and against other
teams, desirable qualities are developed. These
experiences offer training for lifelong learning,
citizenship and human relations.

Recreational sports program help participants

develop an interest in many sports and physical
education activities.
This also serves to develop and enhance
appreciation, attitude and habits that help lay
the foundation to an active, healthy lifestyle
Basic instructional program

 In Physical Education is viewed by many

physical educators as the foundation for
recreational and competitive sports programs.
The instructional program includes teaching
such as fundamentals as skills, concepts, rules
and strategies.
Management Personnel

 Some key persons involved are;

Associate & Program Rec. sports

Sports Director Assistant Managers Student council Officials
Directors Leaders members
Organizational structure of a large university recreational sports department
The Director and

Responsible for establishing programs,

securing adequate funding, involving the
community and evaluating the success of
the program

Specific duties;
Planning the programs, organizing tournaments and other of competition, supervising the
maintenance of facilities, equipment's, and supplies attending and planning sports council
meetings, interpreting the program, the management, the public in general, supervising the
program in action, preparing budgets and evaluating the needs and worth of the program

Involves in the management of recreational sports has been

happening in high schools and college campuses.

Responsible from serving as boards members to being managers,

office assistants, team or sport-specific unit leaders, coaches, and
Sports Council

The council assist and advises the person in charge as well as the
staff members, the council plays in important role in the decision-

The council also helps make decision about program operation and
policy, financial allocation and fee structures and serves as a sounding
board to improve the programs.

Should have special qualifications, including knowledge of the

activity, the participants, the goals of the program and the
organization’s philosophy

Some of the duties performed by officials are to have game

equipment ready before the contest, see accurate score sheets
are prepared, check for any safety hazards, prepare accident
reports if needed, and officiate the game or activity objectively
and impartially.
Organizational & Management
 Activities should reflect the needs and interests of the students or the members of the
 Activities should be selected in accordance with the season of the year and local conditions,
culture and influences.
 Coeducational recreational activities and recreational activities for students with varying
disabilities should be provided.
 Activities offered should require little special equipment and not require long periods of
training to prepare the participant for appropriate playing condition.
 Consideration should be given to such recreational activities as field trips, rock climbing etc.
and other outdoor and adventure pursuit activities.
 Activities should be selected with special attention to the ability and safety of the participant
as well as the provider.

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