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• RAFIFA RIDHA (19033178)
• SOFIKA YUTRI (19045105)
• TATA YOHANA (19231094)
A. Meaning of Sunnah
• According to the language, the word sunnah comes
from the word sunnun which means work or the usual
way to do it.
• According to the term, the sunnah is the words of the
prophet muhammadsaw, their deeds and statements
• Sunnah according to the ulama of ushul is what is
implied from the Prophet Muhammad in the form of
words, deeds, or acknowledgment of the nature
of the prophet.
B. Position of Sunnah
All that comes from the prophet muhammas saw. We can called As-
sunnah . In islamic law, the sunnah has the following position.
• 1. As The Basis of The Second Islamic Law Muslims agree that the
sunnah is the second basis of islamic law after the al quran .
• 2. Strengthen and Affirm The law of The Qur’an the law
contained in the qur’an is strengthened by the sunnah .
• 3. Explain and Spacify Global Law (mujmal ) not all he commands
of allah in the quran have shown detailed actions so that they are
easily understood by muslims .
• 4. Estlabish Laws that are not in The Quran one of the
characteristics of the quran applies all the times, is the role and
position of sunnah towards those who are li-tasry , that is to estlabish
laws that are not in the quran ,.
C. Division of Sunnah
sunnah in the view of scholars is devided into four parts.
• 1. Sunnah Qauliyah
the sunnah qauliyah is the words or words of the
prophet muhammad saw in which , he describes the
religions laws and intentions of the koran which
contains civilization, wisdom, sains. And moral .
• 2. Sunnah Fi’liyah
is the act of prophet who is guided by rabbani to be
imitated in imitated which is then cited by friends .
• 3. Sunnah Taqririyah
is the recognitions of the prophet by not the denying
something there is done by a friend when in the
precence of prophet or preached to him,then the prophet
himself does not refute , does not blame or doesn’t show
that he is blessed
• 4. Sunnah Hammiyah
is something that the prophet wanted and then
conveyed to the companions so that the friend knew, but
he had not had time to implament it .
D. Function and Role of Sunnah
• 1. The sunnah strengthens the law established by the
Koran or reinforces the law established in the Koran.
• 2. Provide details on the strengthening of the Koran
that is global.
• 3. Gives absolute limits.
• 4. Provide exceptions to the general Qur'anic
F. Meaning of Itjtihad
• According to the language, the word itjtihad comes
from the words “jahada-yujahidu-itjtihadan” wich
means diligence.
• According to the terms, Hamid said that "to exert all
abilities possessed by a mutjtahid to arrive at the
science of religious law“
G. Position of Itjtihad
• itjtihad becomes a solution in determining the law for problems
that do not have an argument in the Al-quran or the Sunnah
• In the Al-quran (An-nisa’:59), to return the problem to the
source of Islamic teachings, requires a proven ability, called
• HR Abu Daud: “... Propeth said 'if you don't get something that
was decided by the prophet'. muaz answered 'I will itjtihad with
my mind‘...”
• HR Bukhary and Muslim: “if the judge commits itjtihad and
reaches the truth, he gets 2 reward. if he commits itjtihad and
does not reach the truth, he will get 1 reward”
H. Division of Itjtihad
1. Ijma agreement of the scholars in setting a law based on Al-
quran and Hadist
2. Qiyas establish a new law that did not exist before but had
something in common
3. Istihsan one's tendency to something because they think it's
4. Istishab making existing laws remain law until now until
there is an argument showing change
5. Maslahah al-mursalah establish the law based on
6. Sadud al-dzariah forbid makhruf because it is feared to have
a bad impact
7. Urf customs that affect religious law
I. Function and Role of Itjtihad
1. As a sources of law
2. the means to problem solving
3. to adapt social change with religion
4. to devote thoughts in finding solutions according the
5. Fundamental Problem (aqidah and muamalat)
6. Essential issues (state development)
7. incidental problems (issues in society
• 1. apa fungsi sunnah sebagai penghapus (soffyyah
nabilla rahman )
• 2. jelaskan batasan mutlak dalam sunnah (atiqah hulya
hayandi )
• 3.mengapa kita perlu itjtihad padahal kita sudah memiliki
sunnah dan Al-quran (m.Ilham )
• 4. pendapat tentang zaman sekarang yang meninggalkan
sunnah (syifa chaerinnisa)
• 5. jelaskan mengapa tidak semua hal dibahas di al-quran
(sepni linda dewi )
• 6. berikan contoh itjtihad pada esensial ( qotrun nada)
• 7. (putri hamidah)
• 8. (hayatul hanifah)
• 9.

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