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-The end toward which effort is directed.

An observable and measurable end result having

one or more objectives to be achieved within a
more or less fixed timeframe.
-Business dictionary

Goals are long-term achievements.

Objectives are specific achievements to help you
reach the goal.
Types of Management Goals
Strategic Goals
-goals made to achieve and support the mission
and vision of the company.
Operational Goals
-set to impact the running of an organization,
where management skills, technology and
resources can be utilized in the most efficient
ways possible. Operational goals focus on
individual employee responsibilities and
performance and the position's overall impact
within the company.
Types of Management Goals
Tactical Goals
-usually short term goals that contribute to the
long-term company goal and can be analyzed and
measured more easily.
Superordinate Goals
-help to motivate individuals across different
departments and are used to solve conflicts and
establish relationships within the company.
Superordinate goals allow employees and
managers to work together at achieving strategic
goals and recognize each person or department’s
part in the overall objective.
Importance of Goals
4 reasons why goals are important:-

Goals Provide Guidance and Direction.

Goals Intensely Planning and Actions.
Goals Motivate.
Goals Help in Control.
Goal Setting Theory Of Performance
Management System

• In the late 1960s, Dr. Edwin Locke and Dr.

Gary Latham performed much of the research
that has informed our theories of goal-
setting, showing how goals and feedback can
be huge motivating factors for employees.
Goal setting theory of performance
management system

The goal setting theory states that when

individuals or organisations set more difficult
goals, then they perform better. On the other
hand if the set goals are easy then
performance of an individual or organisation
decreases (Locke & Latham 2006).
Goal setting theory
Four Mechanisms
 Goals direct action and effort toward goal-
related activities and away from unrelated
 Goals energize employees. Challenging goals lead
to higher employee effort than easy goals.
 Employees exert more effort to achieve high
 Goals motivate employees to use their existing
knowledge to attain a goal or to acquire the
knowledge needed to do so.
Goal setting theory
Points to Remember
• When a person or organisation is committed to
achieve goals and do not suffer from any
conflicting goals, then, the achievement of the
goal is positive.

• Help in developing action plan designed to guide

people and organisations.

• There is a positive correlation between goal

setting and improved business and
organisational results.
Properties of goal setting theory
Properties of goal setting theory

• Clarity
– Setting clear and precise goals.
• Challenge
– Decent level of difficulty.
• Commitment
– Makes individuals or organisations to put on deliberate efforts in
meeting goals.
– Rational as well as emotional.
• Feedback
– Determine your progress.
• Task complexity
– Don’t exceed beyond a limit.
A written description of the standards or
characteristics to be assessed for a given task
or activity used by a line manager or assessor
to ascertain if an individual, group or
organization can perform a specified task or
activity to the defined standard or
Important Criteria
1. Ambition / Initiative
2. Attendance
3. Attitude / Cooperation
4. Communication Skills
5. Department and Company Oriented
6. Focus
7. Improvement from Previous Evaluation
8. Integrity
Important Criteria
9. Knows When To Ask
10. Level of (Technical) Knowledge
11. Productivity / Deadlines
12. Quality of Work
13. Reliability
14. Stress Management
15. Teamwork

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