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• Cryptography :- The term refers to the science and
art of transforming messages to make them secure
and immune to attacks

• Plaintext and cipher text :-

 The original message before being transformed, it is called cipher text
 after the message is transformed, it is called cipher text
 An encryption algorithm transformed the plain text in to cipher text
 A decryption algorithm transforms the cipher text back to the plain
 The sender use an encryption algorithm
 The receiver uses an decryption algorithm

• Cipher :- encryption and decryption algorithm as cipher

• Key :-
 A key is a number that the cipher as an algorithm operates on
- To encrypt a message we need an encryption algorithm, an
encryption key, and the plain text .These creates the cipher text
 To decrypt a message we need a decryption algorithm a decryption
key, and the cipher text .these reveal the original plain text.

Alice ,, bob and eve;-

o Alice is the person who needs to send secure data

o Bob is the recipient of the data
o Eve is the person who some how disturbs the communication
between Alice and Bob- by intercepting messages to uncover the
data or by sending her own disclosed messages .
 These three names represent computers or processes that actually send or
receive data or intercept or change data.

• Two categories :-
 Symmetric key
 Asymmetric key

• Symmetric key cryptography :-

 In this cryptography, the same key is used by both parties
 The sender uses the key and an encryption algorithm to encrypt data
 The receiver uses the same key and the corresponding decryption
algorithm to decrypt the data
• Asymmetric key cryptography :-
 In the cryptography, there are two keys :-
o A private key
o A public key
 A private key is kept by the receiver
 A public key is announced to the public
 In public key encryption / decryption , the public key that is used for
encryption is different from the private key that is used for decryption. The
public key is available to the public , the private key is available to the

• Three types of keys :-

1. Secret key
2. Private key
3. Public key
 Secret key is the shared in symmetric key cryptography.
 Private and public key is used in asymmetric cryptography

• Symmetric key cryptography

 Traditional ciphers:-
 Substitution ciphers:-
 a substitution ciphers replaces one symbol with another
 Mon alphabetic cipher :-
 A character in the plain text regardless of its position in the text.
 Poly alphabetic cipher :-
 Each occurrence of character can have a different substitute.
 The relationship between a character in the plain text to the
character in the clip text is a 1 – to many relationship

 Transposition ciphers :-
 A transposition cipher reorders symbols in the block of symbols
Key :- In a transposition cipher , the key is a mapping between the
position of the symbol in the plain text and cipher text
 Simple modern cipher :-
 XOR cipher :-Modern cipher today are normally made of a set of simple
cipher , which are simple predefined function in mathematics or
computer science

 Rotation cipher :- In which the input bits are rotated the left or right. The
rotation cipher can be keyed or keyless
 Substitution cipher :- S-box
An S-box parallels the traditional substitution cipher
for character. S-box is normally keyless and is used as
a intermediate stage of encryption or decryption.
 Transposition cipher :- P-box
a P-box for bits parallel the traditional
transposition cipher for character

Modern round cipher :-

 Data encryption standard (DES) :-
 DES has two transposition block and 16 complex round
 Although the 16 round ciphers are conceptually the
same , each uses a different key derived from the
original key.
 The initial and final permutation that are the inverse of
each other .
 The permutation takes a –bit input and permutes them
according to pre defined values.
Advanced encryption standard (AES) :-
 The AES was designed because DES’s key was too small
 The structure and operation of the other configuration are
 The difference lies in the key generation
 Fig. shows , there is an internal XOR operation followed by
round ciphers
 The last round is slightly different from the preceding round
; it is missing one operations.
 Although the 10 iteration blocks are almost identical ,
each uses a different key derived from the orginial key

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