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infusion is one way to administer fluid therapy using invasive procedures carried out using aseptic

1. Maintain or replace lost body fluids
2. Improve acid-base balance
3. Improve blood components
4. Place to enter medication or intravenous therapy
5. Fluid rehydration in shocked patients

1. Alcohol
2. Infusion Set
3. catheter according to size
4. Idlers
5. Infusion to order
6. Toniquet
7. Handscoon
8. Sterile cotton
9. Plaster
10. Crooked

1. Verify the treatment program

2. Wash hands
3. Explain the purpose and procedure of action for the family / patient
4. Check the expiration date: infusion, IV tube, catheter vein.
5. Pierce the infusion line correctly (do not rotate).
6. Hang the infusion liquid and fill the reservoir tube as much as two thirds / limited to the mark until there
is no air in the hose.
7. Adjust the position of the patient, attach the avalanche, then attach the toniquet 5cm from the insertion
• Take aseptic action with 70% alcoholic cotton and leave for 15-20 seconds
• Keep the vein in a stable position by pressing and pulling the distal part of the vein that will be inserted
with the thumb
8. Pierce the vein with an angle of 30 degrees and the needle hole faces up
9. After making sure the needle enters, lower the position of the needle 20 degrees and pull the mandrin 0.5
cm, slowly enter the catether.
•Perform the V technique when removing the mandrin by pressing the port and vein and then
immediately connect the IV tube with the catheter.
10. Remove the tornado and insert the catheter slowly, pulling the needle out
11. Stream infusion, then do fixation between the wing and insertion location without closing the insertion
12. Place sterile cotton / gaas above the insertion area.
13. Remove the gloves
14. Perform fixation (plaster size ± 5x8cm to cover sterile cotton.
15. Set the infusion droplets according to the program and write down the date of installation, colf, droplets,
hours spent, and k / p of the drug
16. Observation of patient responses.
17. Clean the appliance and put it back in place clean
18. Wash hands
19. Record activities on the nursing record sheet
• Date and time are installed
• Type of liquid
• Number of droplets / minute • Duration
• Drugs if there are etc.
1. Observation of general conditions (vital sign, pain complaints, allergies)
2. Observation of the smoothness of droplets and the number of droplets
3. Observation of the insertion area (skin color / swelling / pain)
4. Give KIE to patients / families if discomfort occurs

1. Orientation Stage
• Nurse : Good morning, sir, I'm a nurse in this room. my name is Soka Delap Sukma, you can call me
Soka. Please mention your name, sir?
• Patient : My name is Tris Abdul Aziz
• Nurse : What are you happy to call as what, sir?
• Patient : call me Aziz
• Nurse : Well, Mr. Aziz today will have an infusion. This aims to meet your fluid needs so that you
don't get dizzy and weak again. The time is approximately 10 minutes. Are you willing?
• Patient : Willing Sir
• Nurse : Okay, wait a minute, sir. I will prepare the tools first.
2. Working Stage
Nurse : Okay sir, I will do an infusion. Are you ready?
Patient : Ready Sir
Nurse : What do you usually do with your hands, sir?
Patient : Right sir
Nurse : I use Mr. Aziz's left hand for this infuse, sir. I will try to maintain your comfort
Patient : Yes, sir

3. Termination Stage
Nurse : I have finished installing the infused, if there is another need for Mr.Aziz or there is a problem, I
can call me back. excuse me first sir
Patient : Ok thank you Mr.Soka

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