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Johari Window

Johari Window

• Named after the first names of its

• Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham
• Useful models describing the
process of human interaction.
• A four paned "window," dividing personal awareness
into four different types
• as represented by its four quadrants: open, hidden,
blind, and unknown.
• The lines dividing the four panes are like window
shades, which can move as an interaction progresses.
• Known to Self Not Known to Self


Known to Others


Not Known to Others


• 1. The "open" quadrant

represents things that both I
know about myself, and that
you know about me

• 2. The "blind" quadrant

represents things that you
know about me, but that I am
unaware of

• 3. The "hidden" quadrant

represents things that I know
about myself, that you do not

• 4. The "unknown" quadrant

represents things that
neither I know about myself,
nor you know about me
• One way of enlarging the open
quadrant is through self-disclosure,
• A give and take process between me
and the people I interact with.
• As I share something about myself
(I move information from my hidden
quadrant into the open)

Self Disclosure

Hidden Unknown
• If the other party is interested
in getting to know me, they will
reciprocate, by similarly
disclosing information in their
hidden quadrant
• We also gain knowledge about
ourselves by receiving feedback
from others this enables me to learn
more about aspect of myself that I
am unaware of and therefore moving
information from my BLIND
quadrant into the OPEN.
• As I share more and gain more information
about myself I begin to gain insights through
introspection about aspects of myself that
both I and others were unaware of, things like
impulses that drive us, motives and instincts,
those less tangible things that we just accept
but haven’t given much thought to. These
insights help move information from the
unknown quadrant into the OPEN

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