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Composed of 5 components

1. Body Composition
2. Muscular Strength
3. Muscular Endurance
4. Cardio-respiratory Endurance
5. Flexibility
refers to the ratio of lean body mass and fat body mass.

used to describe the percentages of fat, bone, water and

muscle in human bodies.
Examples: BMI, Height and Weight

The traditional method of measuring body fat is through the

SKINFOLD MEASUREMENTS. A caliper is used to measure
skinfolds in these areas:
• chest
• midaxilla
• triceps
• subscapula
• abdomen
• suprailium
• thigh
• medical calf
refers to the amount of force a muscle can produce with a
single maximal effort.

Using weights, the person is tested how heavy he or she can


However, this is not advisable for beginners as it may cause

Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or group of
muscles to sustain repeated contractions against a
resistance for an extended period of time.

Muscular Endurance test also measure Muscular Strength.

These test are better suited for people with health
conditions, or those who are coming from a sedentary
Half sit up test and push up test are the
examples of this type of testing.
Cardio-respiratory endurance is the level at which your heart,
lungs, and muscles work together when you're exercising for
an extended period of time

it is tested indirectly using an estimation.

Cardio-respiratory endurance is measured by maximum
oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and how it’s used during intense
exercise. Higher amounts of oxygen uptake show that
you’re using more oxygen and that your cardio-respiratory
system is functioning efficiently.

VO2 tests are usually done with a clinician or exercise

physiologist in a laboratory, hospital, or clinic. You can do
submaximal tests with a qualified fitness instructor.
Submaximal exercise tests are used to measure your cardio-
respiratory endurance. If you’re physically fit or an athlete, you
can measure your cardiorespiratory fitness using:

• the Astrand treadmill test

• the 2.4 km run test
• the multistage bleep test
refers to the range of motion for a given joint.

The degree of flexibility that a person has is influenced by

muscles and connective tissues, like ligaments and tendons.
1. Previous injury

2. Expenses (uniforms & equipments)

3. Schedule (studies & family life)

1. Lack of Self-discipline

2. Insufficient Time to Prepare

3. Limited Budget

4. Limited Option

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