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Creating a Masterful

Project Plan
What is Project Plan?
Establishing the scope
Defining the objectives
Defining steps to obtain them
How to project plan 101

▧ Step One: Identify the goal of the project

▧ Step Two: Map out the scope

▧ Step Three: Develop the outline!

Step One:
Identify the goal of the project
Ask yourself these questions:

▧ Why are you creating this project?

▧ What’s the goal of it?

▧ How will this affect your stakeholders?

▧ What about your team?

to help you answer those, make sure you do the following:

Research Figure out who is a

▧ How is your division stakeholder
doing things right now? ▧ Anyone who could be
What’s working? What affected by these
doesn’t work? changes is a
▧ What else is needed? stakeholder and must
▧ Figure out the real be considered as such.
problem at hand and
gain a deep
understanding of the
current system before
you try to improve
to help you answer those, make sure you do the following:

Identify priorities Set clear goals

▧ What is more important ▧ These goals serve as
here? What can take a the foundation of your
backseat? project management
You’ll need to answer:

▧ What are you hoping to achieve here?

▧ How will you measure that?

▧ What’s considered a success?

Step Two:
Map out the scope
blueprint for how things will get done and
what your project will look like
What is your budget?

▧ Before you create an elaborate project scope that’s out of

reach, you need to consider your budget first. And I’m not
only referring to your financial investment here.
▧ You must also take into account your other valuable
resources, such as time and manpower. How much of
these can you afford to use?
What is your project scope?

Project scope dalam bentuk rancangan program, yang simpel


Project scope ini secara singkat adalah detail dari tiap2 step
dalam progress project management. Sementara sederhana
dulu. Untuk detailnya

▧ Deliverables?
▧ Deliverable schedule?
Step Three:
Develop the outline!
In this outline, include the project’s:
Short term
▧ “Why”
▧ Goals Long term
▧ Stakeholders
▧ Budget
▧ Project Scope and Definition
▧ Project’s SWOT
▧ Research to highlight your biggest key findings and
discuss how they inspired your project management plan

If you don’t know exactly where you’re
going, how will you know when you get

▧ Goskills
▧ Steve Maraboli

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