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Traffic Studies Accident

Accident Studies: Desire to travel safely is strongly rooted in Mankind

However, conflicts and accidents involving man, animals, birds, and other
obstructions have occurred in road history. Recently, natural hazards of
accidents have been replaced by statistical probability of conflicts arising from
the sheer intensity of modern traffic.
Accidents are not uncontrollable, analysis made are at macro level only,
micro level analysis- costly & time consuming- solutions proposed are not re
Primary (main) cause- proximate cause – combination of causes.
Transportation is movement and engineers should make it safe. Bring down
No. of deaths and injuries. Transportation management cost is fairly low. To
get max. return traffic engineers to have a basic understanding of the factors
underlying the use of any particular technique.
We should not accept it as the normal road toll & It will not happen to me, I
am being careful, others fault can cause accidenttoo.
Drivers are expected to comprehend design & control inadequacies &
compensate in driving task.
Some data: human error cause 60-90% highway accidents, >50% killed in
urban area are pedestrians, 60% in rural area are veh. Occupants, 20%
pedestrians. 75% of all accidents in urban area, 2/3 rd of this at intersection,
1/3 rd in night time and 1/3 on wet surface.
Traffic Studies Accident
Accident Statistics & Situation in Nepal: Most countries in some way or
other keeps a record of accidents. Fatality rate per 10000 vehicles in Japan i
0.9, 2.45 in Singapore, 13.1 in India & 35.5 in Nepal. Record
An empirical formula for estimation of deaths was produced after study in 68
countries is as follows: it may be different in other countries hence with care.
No. not to taken as “in built” but more stringent steps should be planned.
Fatalities=0.0003{(vehicle)(population)2}1/3 Fatalities/ 10000 vehs
-As no. of vehs. Increase motorist death & causalities increase rapidly than
peds. Ratio of 1-veh accidents to total accidents decrease. Also ratio of sligh
to total causalities increases.
-Modification to above relation suggested by Jacobs & Hutchinson for
developing countries is Fatalities = 0.00077{(vehicle)(population)2 }1/3
In rich countries fatalities is supposed to decrease by 27%, and in poor
countries increase by 83%. It is a challenge to the poor country, we have
to face it with courage & seriousness.
Traffic Studies Accident

Road Deaths Record 1988/89 – 07/08

In 2010 it is 1756
Traffic Studies Accident

Vehicles Registered in Nepal & KTM

Traffic Studies Accident

Road accidents in Kathmandu

Traffic Studies Accident

Traffic Studies Accident

Traffic Studies Accident

Traffic Studies Accident

Traffic Studies Accident

Traffic Studies Accident

Traffic Studies Accident
In Nepal it is further complex due to heterogeneous traffic.
Objectives of Accident Studies: Study & record for analysis & solutions
i. Assess cause of accident and suggest preventive measures.
ii. Evaluate existing facilities & support new design/improvement
iii. Before & after studies to check effects of improvements
iv. Assess loss of accidents.
v. Define & identify high-accident locations
Factors Contributing to Accidents: Elements contributing accidents are
i. Road user ii. Vehicle iii. Road & Environment
Primary Cause % of Accidents
Human factor alone 65
Human + Road 25
Human + Vehicle 5
Road Factor alone 2
Vehicle Factor only 2
Human + Road + Vehicle 1
Traffic Studies Accident
Main Road User Factors:
i. Perceptual error: driver/pedestrian looks but fails to see, distraction or lac
of attention, misjudgment of speed/distance
ii. Lack of skill: inexperience, lack of training or judgment, wrong/action
iii. Manner of execution: defect in actions (too fast, improper overtaking,
failure to look, follow too close, wrong path), defect in behavior ( reckless
irresponsible, frustrated, aggressive, safety belt, familiarity with locality.
iv. Impairment: alcohol, fatigue, drugs, illness, emotional stress.
v. Pedestrians: age, sex, social standing, violating regulation, carelessness
traffic sense
vi. Cycle & motorcycle/scooter riders: reckless, aggressive, 14 x more fatal
Environment Factors:
i. Adverse road design
ii. Adverse environment
iii. Inadequate? Reduction of roadway
iv. Unexpected obstruction/reduction of roadway
Vehicular defects causing accident, which develop in short time due to lack o
proper maintenance, defective tires, brakes etc.
Traffic Studies Accident
No veh. Is perfect/ perfectly safe, improvements & constant attn. required in
braking system, lighting system (high & low beam adjusted to avoid glare to
Opposing vehs. Rear lights, parking, side, brake & tail lights, steering
mechanism, driver’s seat, eye height (for better SD ,positioning of controls.
Door locks, pollution, tire bursts, skid etc.
Road Accidents Classification:
a. Based on extent of injury:
i. Slight injury, no hospital admission
ii. Serious injury, hospitalized
iii Fatal, loss of life
b. Based on type of collision:
i. Collision accident
a. Collision with pedestrian
b. Collision with vehicle
c. Collision with object
ii. Non-collision accidents:
a. Overturning of vehicle
b. Running off the roadway and others

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