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UNIT - 3


Asanas: “To sit in a comfortable position or
posture for everlasting period is called asana”.
Asanas is that state of body in which the body
may be positioned easily or the ability to sit
comfortabably for an extended period of time
in any position is called asana.
1. Bones and joints become strong: as a result
of performing asanas regularly,the
bones,cartilages and ligaments become
strong.The joints are able to bear more
pressure.Asanas also enhance the flexibility of
joints.Arthritis is also cured by performing
2. Muscles become strong
By performing asanas regularly,muscles of the body
become strong.The efficiency of muscles
increases.The size of muscles also increases.The
appearance of the body enhances.
3. Blood circulation become normal: When we
perform asanas regularly,the stroke volume and
cardiac output increase because cardiac muscles
start working more strongly and efficiently.The
lactic acid and acid phosphate are excreted from
muscles quickly which reduces fatigue.The level
of blood cholesteral reduces.
4. Respiratory system become
By doing asanas regularly,the respiratory organs
become efficient.The vital air capacity increases
up to 6000 cc.The size of the lungs and chest also
enhances.Various diseases such as asthma,cough
and breathing related disease can be prevented.
5. Efficiency of digestive system increases: By
performing asanas,all the organs of digestive
system begin to work efficiently.The absoption of
food becomes efficient.Appetite also
increases,stomach and instestines also
6. Immune system is strengthened
By doing regular practise of asanas,our immune
system is strengthened.As a result of this,we
are less prone to various diseases.
Meaning of Obesity
“Obesity is that condition of the body in which the
amount of fat increases to extreme levels”.In
other words,obesity can be defined as “the
condition when an individual weighs 20 percent
more than the ideal weight.”
In the case of obesity,the body weight of the
individual is always more in comparison to
height.To find out the Body mass index(BMI)
BMI = Weight in kg
Height X Height in Metre
BMI Obesity table by WHO
Category BMI
Underweight < 18.5
Normal weight 18.5 – 24.9
Over weight 25 – 29.9
Obesity Class - 1 30 – 34.9
Obesity Class - 2 35 - 39.9
Obesity Class - 3 > 40
Prevention of Obesity by Asanas
1. Vajrasana
Procedure: kneel down on the ground with your
knees,ankles and toes touching the
ground.Your toes should be stretched
backwards.Now place your palms on the
knees.The upper body should be straight.From
this position now start taking slow,even and
deep breathing.Then expand your chest and
pull your abdominal portion inwards.
Benefits of Vajrasanas
1. It is helpful for concentration.
2. It is helpful in curing dysentery,back pain and
chest diseases.
3. It strengthens the pelvic muscles.
4. Best asanas for people suffering from sciatics
and sacral infections.
5. It help in reducing hip fat.
6. It gives relief from constipation,acidity and
increases digestive process.
Contraindications of Vajarasanas
1. A person suffering from joint pain should not
perform this asanas.
2. The person who have any spinal column
problem should not perform vajarasanas.
3. The person who have some difficulty in
movement should practise vajarasanas with a
lot of care.
2.Urdhva Hastasana
Procedure: Stand straight with your arms at
your sides.Then,raise your hands up.Your arms
are parallel to each other.
Benefits: i) It stretches your arms and shoulder.
ii) It enhances body posture. iii) Helps in
tightening the abdomen.
Contraindications: In case of shoulder or neck
injuries avoid doing this asana.
3. Trikonasana
Procedure: Stand with feet apart then raise the arms sideways
up to the shoulder level.Bend the trunk sideways and raise
the right hand upward.Touch the ground with left hand
behind left foot.After sometime,do the same asana with
opposite arm in opposite direction.
Benefits: i)It is helpful in reducing excess fat around the
waistline.ii)Also help in reducing obesity. iii)It reduces
stress,anxiety,back pain and sciatica.iv) it is also helpful in
improving digestion and gives physical
equilibrium.Contraindications:i) if you are suffering from
diarrhoea,low or high blood pressure,back injuries or
migrains,avoid practice this asana.ii) Individuals having
cerevical spondylosis should not perform.
4. Ardhmatseyendrasana
Procedure: The left heel is kept under the right thigh and
right leg is crossed over the left thigh.After that hold
the right toe with left hand and turn your head and
back to the right side.In this position move the trunk
sideways.Then perform the same asana in the reverse
position.Benefits: i)Keep gall bladder and the prostate
gland healthy.ii) Enhances the stretchability of back
muscles.iii) Alleviates digestive ailments. iv) helpful in
treating sinusitis,bronchitis,constipation and cervical
spondylitis.Contraindications: i) Pregnant women
should avoid doing this asana.ii) individual who suffer
from peptic ulcer,hernia should practise this asana
under expert guidance.
Diabetes: Procedure,benefits and
contraindications for following asanas
Diabetes: is a such a disorder that it causes sugar
to build up in our blood stream instead of being
used by the cells in our bodies.
When our body does not produce sufficent
amounts of insulin or when insulin does not work
properly,diabetes occurs.There are two types of
diabetes: i) Type 1 ii) type 2
In type 1 diabetes,the pancreatic gland does not
produce insulin.Hence injection of insulin is
required daily for its treatment.

In type 2 diabetes,the body does not produce sufficient
amount of insulin hormone or hormone is produced
sufficiently but it is not used properly by the body.
There are frequent cases of type 2 diabetes,whereas the
cases of type 1 diabetes are rare.
Symptoms: Feeling of tiredness,urge to urinate
frequently,numbness in hands and feet,blurred
vision,excessive weight gain or weight loss,unhealing
wounds etc.People with obesity usually fall prey to
1. Bhujangasana
Procedure: In this asana,the shape of the body
reamains like a snake that is why it is called
bhujangasana.In order to perform this asana,lie
down on the belly on the ground.Keep your
hands near the shoulders.Keep your legs close
together.Now straighten up your arms
slowly,raise the chest.Your head should turn
backwards.Keep this position for sometime.Then
get back to initial stage.for better results,perform
this asana 3 to 5 times.
Benefits of Bhujangasana
1. It alleviates obesity.
2. It makes the vertebral column flexible and thin.
3. It strengthen the musles of hands.
4. It cures gas disorders,constipation and
Contraindicatioins: i) Person suffering from
hernia,back injuries,headaches and recent
abdomen surgeries.ii) Pregnant women should
not perform this asana.
2. Paschimottanasana
Procedure: Sit on the floor with legs
forward.Then hold the toes of your feet with
the fingers of your both hands.Then breate
out slowly and try to touch the knees with
your forehead.After that breate in slowly,raise
your head upwards and come to the prior
position.Perform this asana atleast 10 to 12
Benefits of Paschimottanasana
1. It take care of gas trouble.
2. It prevents the early ossification of bones.
3. Gives relief in sciatica,backache.
4. Reduces obesity and vertebra becomes flexible
and healthy.
1. Avoid practising in any respiratory disease or
2. If an individual is suffering from any back or
spinal problems avoid practising this asana.
3. Pawanmuktasana
Procedure: lie down on your back.Keep your
feet together and place your arms beside your
body.Take a deep breathe.When you exhale
bring your knees towards your chest.At the
same time press your thighs on your
abdomen.Clasp your hands around your
legs.Hold the asana when you breathe
normally,exhale and release the pose after
you rock and roll from side to side about three
Benefits of Pawanmuktasana
1. It eases the tension in lower back.
2. Enhances the blood circulation in pelvic region.
3. Also helps in reducing the fats of thighs,buttocks and
abdomen area.
4. Strengthen the abdomen muscles and also improve
digestive system.
Contraindications:i) Person suffering from heart
problem,high blood pressure,slip disc,hernia should
avoid practising this asana.
ii) Suffering from piles,abdominal surgery and pregnant
women should avoid this asana.
4. Ardhmatseyendrasana
Procedure: The left heel is kept under the right thigh and
right leg is crossed over the left thigh.After that hold
the right toe with left hand and turn your head and
back to the right side.In this position move the trunk
sideways.Then perform the same asana in the reverse
position.Benefits: i) It enhances the stretchability of
back muscles.ii)It keep the gall bladder and prostate
gland healthy.iii)It is also helpful in treating
sinusitis,bronchitis,menstrual disorders,urinary tract
disorders and cervical spondylitis.Contraindications: i)
women in preganancy should avoid this asana.ii) The
individuals who have the problem of slip
disc,hernia,should practise under expert guidance.
Asthma Procedure,benefits and
contraindications of following asanas
Asthma: is a disease of lungs in which the airways
become blocked or narrowed causing difficulty in
breathing.In asthma,the airways also swell up and
produce extra mucus.It usually triggers
coughing,wheezing and shortness of breath.The
coughing usually occurs at night or early in the
morning.Asthma can be allergic and non
allergic.Asthma may be due to genetic factor.There are
substances that cause allergies like irritants in the air
including smoke from cigarettes,wood
fires,sprays,perfumes etc,respiratory infections such as
cold flu,sore throat,exercising in cold air etc.
1. Sukhasana
Procedure: Sit down with the legs straight in front of the
body.After that bend the right leg and place the foot
under the left thigh.Then bend the left leg and keep
the foot under the right thigh.Place the hands on the
knees.Chin should be in.Keep the head,neck and back
straight,close the eyes.Benefits: i) It stretches and
lengthens spine.ii) It reduces anxiety,stress and mental
fatigue.iii) It spreads a sense of calmness throughtout
your body and mind.Contraindications: i) If knees and
hips are injured,avoid practising this asana.ii)
Individuals having Slip disc problem should take care
while performing this asana.
2. Chakrasana
Procedure: First of all,lie down on your back.Fix your
hands firmly on the ground.Then raise the middle
portion of your body upwards.Raise it as high as
possible,so that your body is in semi circle
position.Then keep your head downwards between
your hands.Keep this position for a minute. Benefits: i)
It cures back pain.ii) Stimulates pituitary and thyroid
glands.iii) It cures infertility,asthma and
osteoporosis.Contraindications: i) If you have
headache or high blood pressure you should not
perform this asana.ii) If you have shoulder,wrist or
spinal injuries you should avoid practising this asana.
3. Gomukhasana
Procedure: Sit down on the ground with legs stretched
forward.Now fold the left leg at the knee and sit on the
left foot.Fold the right leg and keep the right thigh on
the left thigh with the help of yours hands.Now lift
your buttocks and bring the heels of both feet together
so that they should touch each other.Now fold your left
arm behind your back over the shoulder.Fold the right
arm behind the back under the right shoulder.After
that bend your fingers of both the hands and clasp
each other.At this time your head and back should be
erect.Then do the repetitions.
Benefits of Gomukhasana
1. It keeps the shoulders joints healthy,flexibility
and strong.
2. It improves the function of lungs and kindeys.
3. This asana also helps in the treatment of
4. It makes the leg muscles strong and flexible.
Contraindications: i) The individuals who suffer
from shoulder,knee or back pain or injuries
should avoid practising this asanas.ii) Avoid this
asana in case of any knee injury.
4. Parvatasana
Procedure: Sit in padmasana or lotus pose.Stretch your
arms sideways and bring them over your head
slowly.After that let your palms touch each other.Then
stretch your hands well without bending your
elbows.Keep your spine erect.Benefits: i)It reduces the
extra fat in the back and waist.ii) It tones the
abdominal muscles.iii) It helps in reducing back pain.iv)
Improves the function of spinal cord and relief from
tension in shoulder and back. Contraindications: i)
Avoid in case of hip or back injury. ii) Don’t practise this
asana in case of shoulder injury.
5. Matsyasana
Procedure: For performing this asana,sit in
padamasana.Then lie down in supine position and
make an arch behind.Hold your toes with the fingers of
your hands.Stay for some time in this
position.Benefits: i) It is helpful in curing back
pain,neck pain and knee pain.ii)It also cures the defects
of eyes.iii) Skin diseases,diabetes can be cured,if
practised regularly. Contraindications: i) Avoid doing
asana in high or low blood pressure.ii) Individual
suffering from migraine and insomnia should avoid
performing this asana.iii) Individuals who have neck
injury or lower back problems should not practice this
Hypertension,Procedure,benefits and
contraindications of following asanas
Hypertension: means increased blood pressure.Though it is a
fact that blood pressure increases with the advancement of
age.There are various reasons of high blood pressure i,e
passive life style,improper diet,stress etc.When the heart
contracts,it pushes the blood through blood vessels and
consequently the blood pressure increases in arteries.This
pressure is known as systolic blood pressure.It is
represented by the first number.The pressure between two
heartbeats is called diastolic blood pressure.It is
represented by the second number.These two numbers of
blood pressure are measured in mm hg ( unit means
milimeter of mercury).The normal blood pressure of an
adult is considered 120/80 mm hg.The blood pressure
beyond 140/90 mm hg is considered as hypertension.
1. Tadasana
Procedure: Stand up in attention position.Lift your
arms upwards.Stretch your hands upwards.Raise
your heels,and come on toes.Also pull up your
body upwards.After sometime breathe out slowly
and come to the previous position.Repeat the
same position for sometimes.Benefits: i)Reduces
obesity ii) Improves body posture iii) It alleviates
sciatica iv) also enhance height v) Cures digestion
problems. Contraindications: i) If you have low
blood pressure you should not perform.ii) In case
of headache or insomnia or spine injury currently
you should avoid practise this asana.
2. Ardha Chakrasana
Procedure: Stand straight with both feet together.Hold
your hips with your hands.Bend backwards without
bending your knees with slow inhalation.Remain in this
pose for some time.Do it two to three times.Benefits:
i) It helps to make ankles,thigh,shoulders,spine and
abdomen stronger.ii) It relieves stress in the neck and
shoulders.iii) It reduces fat in the waist and thigh. Iv) It
helps to alleviate upper back pain.Contraindications: i)
Avoid performing this asana in migraine,headache,low
blood pressure,diarrhoea and insomnia.ii) Avoid
practise in case of hip or spinal problems.iii) Pregnant
women should avoid doing this asana.
2. Shavasana
Procedure: Lie down in spine position.Legs should
be straight.Keep the arms away from the
body.Leave all the limbs loose as well as
relaxed.Gradually,breathe in deeply.Close your
eyes and think that your whole body is becoming
loose.Feel a complete relaxation in your
body.Remain in this position for 10 to 12
mins.Benefits: i) Control high blood pressure.ii)
Relieves mental tension.iii) Relaxes and calms the
complete body.iv) Improves concentration and
memory.v) Helps in releases stress.
Back pain,Procedure,benefits and
contraindications of following asanas
Back pain: The pain which is felt in the back
usually originates from the
bones,joints,muscles,nerves,etc.It may be in
the cervical,thoracic or lumber region.The
back pain is a very common problem
throughout the world.Due to this problem the
affected persons are not able to do their work
properly as a result individual gets
overweight,lack of flexibility and undue stress
on back.
1. Vakrasana
Procedure: Sit down and stretch your legs
straight.Fold the right leg and keep the right
leg’s heel touching the left leg’s knee.Place
your right hand behind your back and left arm
over the right knee,hold your right ankle.Push
your right knee as far as possible and
exhaling,twist your trunk to the right side.Take
sufficient support of left arm.Now repeat the
same procedure with the left side.
Benefits of Vakrasana
1. It Improves the function of both spinal cord and
nervous system.
2. It Prevents and control diabetes.
3. It helps in reducing chronic back pain and
shoulder pain.
4. It gives relief in stiffness of vertebrae.
5. It reduces belly fat.
Contraindications: i) Avoid pratice this asana in
high blood pressure.ii)Individual’s suffering from
back pain should avoid practicing the asana.
2. Shalabhasana
Procedure: Lie down on prostrate position (lying
on abdomen).Spread the legs backwards.Hold
your fists and extend arms.keep your fists
under the thigh and then raise your legs
slowly as high as you can.Now hold this
position for 2 to 3 mins and then lower your
legs slowly.Repeat the same action for 3 to 5
Benefits of Shalabhasana
1. It helps in relieving stress.
2. It alleviates lower back pain.
3. It strengthens the muscles of the spine,buttocks
and back of the arms and legs.
4. It provide relief to persons who have mild
sciatica and slip diss problem.
Contraindications: i) If there is back ache or
spine injury you should avoid doing this asana.
ii) The individuals with a weak heart,high blood
pressurenand coronary problems should avoid
practicing this asana.

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