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Name :- NISHCHAL Prajapati

Class :- 9th ‘D’

Roll No. :- 32 (THIRTY TWO)

Science ( BIOLOGY )


A plant cell consists of following structure :-

Cell wall is rigid, strong, thick, porous and dead structure. It is

made of cellulose and hemicellulose. Cell walls of two adjacent
cells are joined by called middle lamellae. It is made up of
calcium and magnesium pectate.

Nucleus is double membrane bound dense protoplasmic body,

which controls all controls all cellular metabolism and encloses
the genetic information of cell.

Cytoplasm is part of cell which occurs between the plasma

membrane and nuclear envelope. It consists of aqueous
substance called cytosol and variety of cell inclusions.
Cell membrane it is the outer most covering of
cell that lies below the cell wall in plants. It is
made up of proteins and lipids where proteins
are sandwiched between bilayer of lipid. It is
sele ctively pe rme a ble in na ture .

Cell organelles are living sub-cellular

structure s of cytoplasm and are also called
organoids or protoplasmic bodie s. They include :
 Endopals mic Reticulum is a membranous
network enclosing a fluid filled lumen which is
filled with intracellular cavity. It is connected to
outer membrane of nucleus and to other end of
plas ma me mbra ne .
Golgi Apparatu s is a set of membrane-bound,
fluid filled vesicles, vacuoles and flatten ed
Cisternae (closed sacs). Cisternae are usually
stacked together (placed one above other) in
parallel rows. Plant cells contains many fre ely
distributed subunits of golgi apparatus called
dictyos ome s .
Lysosomes are simple tiny spherical sac –like structures
evenly distributed in the cytoplasm. Lysosomes contains
powerful enzymes which are made up of Rough Endoplasmic

Vacuole are non living structure of cytoplasm. These are

membrane bound regions in cytoplasm containing water and
other substances. It is bounded by a single membrane called

Peroxisomes are ovoid or granular structures, limited by a

single unit membrane and have a diameter of 0.3 to 1.5mm.
They are mostly found in kidney and liver cells. In green
leaves of C3 plant they carry out photorespiration.
 Plastid is a major double-membrane organelle found,
among others, in the cells of plants. Pla stids are the
site of manufacture and storage of important chemical
compounds used by the cell. They often contain
pigments used in photosynthe sis, and the types of
pigments present can change or determine the cell's
Depending upon the type of pigment present in them
the y are of following thre e type s :-
 CHLOROPLAST is also known as ‘KITHCHEN
HOUSE OF THE CELL’. It is a discoidal structure
found in plant cell. They have a green pigment called
chlorophyll which is involved in photos ynthe sis of food.
It ha s two distinct regions :-
•GRANA constitutes a lamellar system. These are found
layered on top of each other. Each grana of chloroplast is
made up of superimposed closed compartments called
Thylakoids. It is the site of light reaction of photosynthesis.
•STROMA is a granular transparent substance also called
matrix. Grana are embedded in it. It contains lipid droplets,
starch grains, ribosome, etc .It is a site of dark reaction of
Mitochondria is a double membranous structure where outer
membrane has specific proteins while inner membrane is folded inside
to form chambers called Cristae. ‘Cristae’ are infoldings of inner
mitochondrial membrane that possess enzymes for respiratory cycles
like Kreb Cycle. ATP synthesizing units called Oxysomes or F0 – F1
Non membranous
Ribo s o m e are small granular structures
visible only under electro microscope. They
are usually attached on the outer surface of
endoplasmic reticulum a s well a s freely in
the cytoplasm. E ach ribosome consists of
two equal subunits, larger dome shaped
and small ovoid.
 Cell Wall provides and maintains the shape of the cell.
It provides the strength and plant be ars stres s and
strain becaus e of cell wall. It is permeable and allows
entry of molecules of differe nt size s .
 Nucleu s controls all metabolic activities of cell. It
regulates cell cycle. It take s part in formation of
ribosomes . It contains all genetic information is
concerned with transmission of hereditary traits from
one ge ne ra tion to othe r.
 Cytopla s m participates in intracellular distribution of
nutrients, metabolites and enzymes. It helps in
exchange of materials between cell organelle. It acts a
site of chemical re actions like glycolysis (step of
res piration), synthe sis of fatty acids .
Cell membrane provides specificity to the cells. It allows only useful
substances to enter into the cells. It is a limiting boundary of each cell
which separates the cytoplasm from its surroundings. It provides
mechanical support of internal structure of the cell.
It helps in :-
Transportation of molecules across the plasma membrane :
This can be done by following ways :-
Diffusion is the movement of molecules or ions from higher
concentration to lower concentration. E.g. :- CO2 & O2 move across the
Osmosis is the movement of solvent from lower concentration of
solution to higher concentration of solution through a semi permeable
membrane. It is also known as ‘diffusion of solvents’.
Cell organelle has different functions according to their
classification :-
Single membranous
 Endopla s mic Reticulum helps in the synthesis fats,
cholesterol and steroids. It provides a pathway for the
distribution of nuclea r ma te rial from one cell to othe r.

 Golgi Apparatu s is involved in cell secretion and acts

a s storage, modification and condensation of packaging
membrane. It helps in the synthesis of lysosomes, cell
wall material and pla sma lemma. It produces vacuoles
or secretory vesicles which contain cellular secretions
,e.g., enzymes, proteins, cellulose, lacto protein of milk,
Ly s o s o m e s helps in intra-cellular digestion, hence they
are known as digestive bags. They are a kind of waste
disposal system. They help in digesting foreign materials and
worn out cells. During breakdown of cell structure, when the
cell gets damaged, lysosomes may burst and the enzymes eat
up their own cells. Therefore, they are also known as suicidal
bags of the cell.

Vacuole helps in maintaining osmotic pressure in a cell. It

stores toxic metabolic products of plant cell.

Peroxisomes are specialized for carrying out some oxidative

reaction, such as detoxification or removal of toxic substances
from the cell.
Double membranous
 Plas tid pe rform the following function :-
 Chloroplas t trap solar energy and utilizes it to
ma nufacture food for the plant.
 Chromo pla st impact various colors to flowers attract
ins e cts for pollina tion.
 Leuco plas t store food in the form of carbohydrates
(amyloplas t), fats (elaioplas t), protein (ale uroplas t).
 Mitochondria main function is to produce and store
energy in the form of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). It
is the site of Krebs's Cycle of respiration, a s it contains
enzymes for Kreb Cycle. Oxysomes contains enzymes
for ATP production. They are able to make some of
their own proteins; so, they are regarded as
semiautonomous organelles.
Non membranous
Ribos o m e s helps in protein synthe sis .

When both subunits of ribosome are docked

together with a special information unit, they
be come s me s s e nge r of RNA.
Animal cell [structure]
plant cell and animal cell
1. Cell wall Abs e nt Pre s e nt

2. Plas ma me mbra ne Only ce ll me mbra ne Pre s e nt

3. Lysos ome s It occurs in cytoplas m Usually not evide nt

4. Sha pe Round (irregular sha pe ) Re cta ngular (fixed

sha pe )
5. Chloroplas t The y don’t ha ve Plant cell ha ve
chloroplas t chloroplas t be ca us e
the y ma ke their own
6. Vacuole One or more small One , large ce ntra l
vacuoles vacuole taking up 90%
of cell volume
7. Ce ntrioles Pre s e nt Only pre s e nt in lowe r
plant forms

1. Nucleus Pre s e nt Pre s e nt

2. Cytoplas m Pre s e nt Pre s e nt

3. Endoplas mic Pre s e nt Pre s e nt

Re ticulum
4. Ribos ome s Pre s e nt Pre s e nt

5. Mitochondria Pre s e nt Pre s e nt

6. Golgi appa ra tus Pre s e nt (Highly Pre s e nt (Have

complex and simpler units of golgi
promine nt) appa ra tus , ca lled
Dictyos ome s )
 Endopalsmic Reticulum is a membranous network
enclosing a fluid filled lumen which is filled with
intracellular cavity. At one end it is connected to outer
membrane of nucleus and to other end of pla sm a
membrane. It occurs in three forms i.e., Cisternae (fluid-
filled sa cs ), vesicles and tubules .
It forms supporting skeletal framework of the cell /
forms endos kele ton of the cell.
It is the only cell organelle which can move within
the cell so it serves as a channel for the transport
of materials between various regions of cytopla sm
and be twe e n cytoplas m and nucleus .
It also functions as a cytoplasmic framework to
provide space for some of the biochemical
activities .
It helps in synthesis of fats, steroids, cholesterol,
Rough endoplasmic

The rough endoplasmic reticulum forms a branched

reticulum that is expanding as the cell becomes more
active in the synthesis of proteins. There are instance s
wherein the reticulum branche s out and the cisternae
dilate and forms large sacs that fill the cell. The main
reason why the rough endoplasmic reticulum is referred
a s ‘rough’ is due to the ribosomes that it contains. The
rough ER is covered with ribosomes and makes it looks
bumpy under microscopic magnification. Amino acids are
formed in the ribosomes and the information for the
synthesis of certain proteins is taken from the DNA to the
ribos ome by the me s s e nge r RNA or mRNA me cha nism.
Rough endoplasmic
reticulum [structure]
The function of the rough endoplasmic reticulum is
the proce s sing and the production of specific
proteins at ribosomal sites. . The ribosome s in the
rough ER perform their tasks and membrane that
are water-soluble, which after creation at ribosomal
site, pass e s through the membrane and into the
lume n.
Then, the proteins that enter will be further
proces s e d inside. It is almost the same as folding a
two dimensional box wherein carbohydrates are
added. When the folding is complete, they are now
rea dy to be delivere d.
SMOOTH endoplasmic

S ER by contrast, is not associated with ribosome s, so

its functions differ. The smooth ER is involved in the
synthesis of lipids,
including cholesterol and phospholipids, which are
used in the production of new cellular membrane. In
certain cell types, smooth ER plays an important role in
the synthesis of steroid hormones from cholesterol. In
cells of the liver, it contributes to the detoxification of
drugs and harmful chemicals. The sarcoplasmic
reticulum is a specialized type of smooth ER that
regulates the calcium ion concentration in
the cytoplas m of striate d mus cle cells.
Smooth endoplasmic
reticulum [structure]
 The main function of the smooth endopla smic
reticulum is to conduct numerous vital metabolic
functions within the cell. When the smooth ER is not
metabolizing compounds, it acts a storage site until
me ta bolism sta rts again.
 Another e s s ential smooth endoplasmic reticulum
function is the detoxification of the drugs, and
poisonous by-products tha t are ca rried into the cell.
 The smooth endopla smic reticulum appears to be a
membrane that is folded upon itself, a feature that can
greatly increas e the surface area, allowing metabolic
process e s to happen without the need to take up
exce s s spa ce within the cell.

Va cuole a re fluid-fille d or s olid-fille d a nd me mbra ne bounde d

s pa ce s . The y a re kind s tora ge s a c.
 In a nima l ce lls , the va cuole s if pre s e nt a re s ma ll a nd te mpora ry.
The y s tore wa te r , glycoge n a nd prote ins . The va cuola r
me mbra ne is typica lly a s s ocia te d with the ma inte na nce of wa te r
ba la nce or inge s tion of nutrie nt ma te ria l (food va cuole –
Amoe ba , Pa ra me cium)
 In pla nt ce lls , the va cuole s a re la rge , dis tinct a nd pe rma ne nt. It
occupie s a lmos t 90% of volume of ce ll. Be ca us e of the ce ntra l
pos ition, the nucle us a nd othe r ce ll orga ne lle s in pla nt ce lls a re
pus he d ne a r the bounda ry wa ll. The va cuole is bounde d by a
me mbra ne , ca lle d Tonoplast. The va cuole is fille d with ce ll s a p
which is rich in s uga rs , a mino a cids , prote ins , mine ra ls a nd
 Vacuole helps in maintaining os motic pre s s ure in a cell
(os more gulation).
 It store s toxic me ta bolic products of plant cell.
 It contains various colore d pigme nts like anthocya nins .
 The y provide turgidity and rigidity to the plant cells.
 Vacuole als o functions in pre ve nting cellular self-
poisoning by me a ns of exporting and bre a king down of
old cellular pa rts .
 The numbe r as well as the ove rall size of the ce ntral
vacuole is de pe nde nt on the type of plant, life sta ge of
the plant and eve n the se a s on. All the s e are due to the
vacuole’s function of maintaining the pre s s ure inside
the cell through wate r stora ge .

9TH ‘D’

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