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What is a GMO?

What is the difference between gen

etically modified organisms and genetically engineer
ed organisms.
What is a GMO?
Man has been manipulating DNA in plants and animals fo
r millennia
What is a GMO?
Man has been manipulating DNA in plants and animals for millennia
What is a GMO?
Man has been manipulating DNA in plants and animals for millennia
What is a GMO?

GMO From

genetically modified organism: an organism or
microorganism whose genetic material has been al
tered by mean of genetic engineering.

Genetic engineering, also called genetic modificati

on, is the direct manipulation of an organism's gen
ome using biotechnology.
What crops have a GMO trait? What do the trai
ts do and what is the benefit of these traits?

GE Crops that have been commercialized in US

GE Crops that have been approved but not commercialize
d in US

Arctic Apple

Innate Potato
Genetic engineerin
g, also called geneti
c modification or ge
netic manipulation, i
s the direct manipul
ation of an organism
's genes using biotec
GMOs in Food and Agricultura
l Industries

1. Pest resistance-generically modifi

ed plants to resists certain pests.

2. Virus resistance-genetically modif

ied plants to resist certain viruses.
3. Herbicide tolerance-genet
ically modified plants to toler
ate herbicide
4.Fortification-genetically m
odified plants fortified with c
ertain minerals.
5.Cosmetic preservation-geneti
cally modified plants resist natur
al discoloration.
6. Increase growth rate-a genet
ically modifed ogranism that has
higher yield in growth the norma
l species.
GMOs in Non-food crops and
1.Flower production-GMOs in flower
production are seen in modified color a
nd extended vase life of flowers.

2. Paper production-modified character

istics of trees for higher yield of paper
3.Pharmaceutical productions-
modified plants to produce pharm
aceutical products.

4.Bioremediation-use of modifie
d plants that can assist in the bior
emediation of polluted sites.
5.Enzyme drug production-use modified
microorganisms that can produce enzymes
for food processing and medicines.
6.GMOs in the medical field-genetic eng
ineering is playing a signficanr role from
diagnosks to treatment of human-dreaded
diseases. It helps in the production of drug
s, gene theraphy, and laboratory researche
Benefits of GMOs
⭕Higher efficiency in far
⭕Increase in harvest
⭕Control in fertility
⭕Increase in food process
⭕Improvement of desirea
ble characteristics.
⭕Nutritional and pharmac
eutical enhancement
⭕Reduce the use of fertiliz
er and pesticides.

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