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Definition of Conjunction

Presentation by
Zaib un Nisa
HND -2019
Meaning of conjunction
• In English dictionary meaning of
conjunction is
• A conjunction is a part of speech that is
used to connect clauses or sentences or
to coordinate words in the same clause
• e.g of words. (And, But, For, Or, Nor, Yet,
So, because, nor, since while, where )
There are the 4 types of
The four types of conjunctions are
4. Adverbial.
• The coordinating conjunction connect
sentence element with a same
grammatical value: such as: words with
words: phrases with phrases :clauses with
clauses & sentence with sentences.
• There are seven common coordinating
• (And, But, For, Or, Nor, Yet, So)
Which can be remember by mnemonic
device FANBOYS
1. you can eat your cake with a spoon or Fork
2.Ali and Tariq kicked the football in the backyard
during the holidays. (word with Word)
3.Ali likes designing cupboard and building
cupboards during holidays
(phrase with phrase)
• The subordinating conjunction connect
two clauses of unequal value; that is they
connect dependent clause with
independent Clauses.
• There are many subordinating
conjunctions but the most common are
(after, although, as, as if, as though,
because, before, how, if , since, so that,
then, though, till, untill, when,where,whether
and wile )
1. The farmer milk the cow before going to

2. Since the new year, Ali building company

has built several new houses in the new
Estate in town.

3. Though the banks have lend the money

Ali will need to wise in how he spend it
renovating the old house on the farm.
• A correlative conjunction connects pairs to
show comparative or contrasting
relationship words or ideas in English
• There are several correlative
conjunctions.These are the most common
(either-or, neither-nor, both-and,
not only-but also, and whether-or)
1. Ali is both wise and innovative.

2. The referee gave the player not only a

warning but also a yellow card.

3. The Ali’s family had to decide whether to

go on a beach holiday or to go on a
traveling holiday during Eid holidays.
• The function of conjunctive adverb is much
like a coordinating conjunction. Both
conjunctive adverbs and coordinating
conjunctions connect independent Clauses.
• The conjunctive adverb is usually preceded
by semicolon and followed by a comma.
• Here are the most common conjunctive
adverbs( accordingly, also, beside,
consequently, finaally,however,indeed,
herwise,still,on the other hand,incontrast,there
fore and then

1. She went to a store ;however, she did not

find any thing.
2. I like her a lot ;infact, she is my best
3. Ali went shopping on Saturday afternoon
;however, he was not able to find what
he was wanting to buy for his birthday
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