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Parts Of Speeches

Chapt 1


prepared by: Said Naqib "Sadat" 1

 Grammar is the body of rules that describe
the structure of a language.
This includes the structure of words,
phrases and sentences.
In Grammar we study ?
 Parts of speeches.
 Tenses.
 Active and Passive voices.
 Direct and Indirect speeches.

prepared by: Said Naqib "Sadat" 2

 Learning about the parts of speech is the first step
in grammar study just as learning letters of the
alphabet is the first step to being able to read and
 Learning parts of speech one must begin to
understand the use or function of words and how
words are joined together to make meaningful
communication . To understand what a part of
speech is, one must understand the idea of putting
similar things together into groups or categories.
 Let's look at some examples of categories.

prepared by: Said Naqib "Sadat" 3


blue banana milk Spanish

red apple water Arabic

yellow orange soda Japanese

green grape beer English

black lemon coffee Korean

prepared by: Said Naqib "Sadat"

prepared by: Said Naqib "Sadat" 4
1. noun,
2. pronoun,
3. verb,
4. adjective,
5. adverb,
6. preposition,
7. conjunction,
8. and articles.

prepared by: Said Naqib "Sadat" 5

 A noun is often defined as a word which names
a person, place or thing.
 There are many types of noun: Common nouns
and Proper nouns.
1:Common nouns:
 Words for common people, places and things are
called common nouns.e.g

 People: singer , manager , sailor, gardener,

dancer, secretary, pilot, police,
artist, teacher, driver etc

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 Places: bank, airport, hotel, gas station,
library park, museum ,farm , zoo, theater
factory, hospital etc.
 Things: ruler, chair, hammer, bicycle, pen,
table, saw, ship, calculator etc

2:Proper Nouns:
 The names of particular people, places and
things are proper nouns. They always begin with
a capital letter.

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 People:
Muhammad Ali, Aladdin, Dad, Mom, Mrs.
Taylor , George Washington, Harry Potter,
David Beckham, Santa Claus, Julia Roberts,
Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela etc.
 Places:
The names of famous places, buildings and
monuments are proper nouns e.g.
The Taj Mahal, The Eiffel Tower, The Golden
Gate Bridge, The Sydney Opera House, The Great
Wall of China.
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 The names of special days and
celebrations are also proper nouns also
The names of the days of the week and
the months of the year are proper nouns.

 Nouns can be singular or plural:

a)Singular Nouns:
 When you are talking about just one thing or
person, use a singular noun e.g.
a tent, a park, an idea, a taxi, a doctor, an oven,
a house, a lady, an exercise etc.

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b).Plural Nouns:
 Use a plural noun when you are talking about two
or more people, places or things.
Just add s to make most nouns plural.
 Collective Nouns:
 Words for groups of people, animals or things are
called collective nouns e.g.
a family, a team, a club, a community a
committee, a band, a company etc.

prepared by: Said Naqib "Sadat" 10

 Masculine and Feminine Nouns

 Masculine nouns are words for men, boys and

male animals e.g.
boy, man, father, son, husband, brother etc.

 Feminine nouns are words for women, girls and

female animals e.g.
wife, sister, daughter, woman, girl, mother

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 Common Gender Noun:
 Many nouns are used for both males and females.
They are called common gender nouns e.g.
teacher, baby, doctor, scientist, pupil,
parent, astronaut, president, child, cousin,
dancer, manager etc.
 The Possessive Form of Nouns:
 Use the possessive form of a noun to show
ownership and possession.
To make the possessive form, put an
apostrophe (’s) after a singular noun.
1.This is my bed and that is Peter’s bed.
2.We all like Dad’s cooking.

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 A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a
noun to avoid repetition.
There are different kinds of pronouns.
 Reflexive Pronouns:
 Reflexive pronouns are words which intensifies or
emphasizes the noun or pronoun e.g
I saw him by myself.
The words myself, yourself, himself, herself,
itself, ourselves, yourselves and themselves
are reflexive pronouns.

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1.My brother built this computer by himself.
2.John was looking at himself in the mirror.
3.Kate fell and hurt herself.

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 Possessive pronouns:
 Possessive pronouns are used to talk about things
that belong to people.

The words mine, yours, his, hers, ours and

theirs are possessive pronouns e.g.
1.This book is mine.
2.Have you lost yours, Tom?
3.This pen is mine and that one is his.
4.Sarah has lost her cat. Is this cat hers?

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 Demonstrative Pronouns:
 Demonstrative pronouns are used for pointing out
things. The words this,
that, these and those are demonstrative
pronouns e.g.
1.This is my desk.
2.These are my pets.
3.This is the Ali’s house.
4.These are sheep but those are goats.

prepared by: Said Naqib "Sadat" 16

 Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions.

The words who , whose, what, which and whom

are interrogative pronouns.
1.Who used all my paper?
2.Whom is Mom talking to?
3.Who are those people?
4.Whose pen is this?

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 Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns. They
give you more information about people, places,
and things.

 Kinds of Adjectives
a)Some adjectives tells us about the size of
people or things e.g.
a big house, a long bridge, tiny feet , a large
army, a high mountain etc.

prepared by: Said Naqib "Sadat" 18

b) Some adjectives tells us about the color of
things e.g.
a red carpet, a gray suit, a brown bear,
a white swan, an orange balloon etc.
 c)Some adjectives tells what people or things
are like by describing their quality e.g.
a beautiful woman, a young soldier, a flat
surface, a handsome boy, an old uncle etc.
 Adjective can be used describing What
Something Is Made up Of e.g.
a wooden door, a woolen jumper, a plastic chair
 Adjective can be used Describing What
Something Is Like e.g.
a leaden sky, a golden sunrise ,silken silky skin.
prepared by: Said Naqib "Sadat" 19
 The Comparison of Adjectives
 Tocompare two people or things, use the
comparative and superlative form of an
Adjective by adding –er and –est or by adding
more and most respectively. Some of the
adjectives uses different words and they are
called irregular forms of adjectives.

prepared by: Said Naqib "Sadat" 20

adjective comparative superlative

nice nicer nicest

large larger largest

wide wider widest

thin thinner thinnest

interesting More interesting Most interesting

famous more famous most famous

good better best

prepared by: Said Naqib "Sadat" 21
 An article is a kind of adjective which is always
used with and gives some information about a
There are only two articles (a,an) and
the, but they are used very often and are
important for using English accurately.
 Kinds Of Article:
1)Indefinite Article:
 The words a and an are indefinite articles. They
are used with singular nouns. Use “a” before
nouns that begin with a consonant. Use “an”
before nouns that begin with a vowel e.g.

prepared by: Said Naqib "Sadat" 22

1)John is reading a book.
2)Would you like a peach?
3)Is that a dog or a fox?
4)Have you ever seen an elephant?
5)I always take an apple to school.

2).Definite article:
 The word “the” is called the definite article. Use
“the” before a noun when you are talking to
someone who already knows which person or
thing you mean.
prepared by: Said Naqib "Sadat" 23
a)Dad is sitting in the garden.
b)Who made the mess on the carpet?
c)Turn the television off now.
d)I’ll wait for you in the car.
e)The boys are upstairs and the girls are
outside in the street.
 Using Nouns without Articles:
 When we are talking about something in general,
not a particular thing,use a noun without an
 We can also use plural nouns without an article.

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 Frogs are my favorite animals.
 Children like playing games.
 Babies cry a lot.
 Birds are animals that can fly.
 Also Nouns that don't show quantity are normally
used without a or an. The article “the” however,
may be used with nouns that don't show quantity
I like sunshine.
 I sometimes have fruit for breakfast.
 You’ve got dirt on your face.
 A clock measures time.

prepared by: Said Naqib "Sadat" 25

 An adverb is a word that modifies verbs,
adjectives and other adverbs.
 The principal job of an adverb is to modify (give
more information about) verbs, adjectives and
other adverbs. In the following examples, the
adverb is in bold and the word that it modifies is
in italics.
a) Modify a verb:
John speaks loudly. (How does John speak?)
Mary lives locally. (Where does Mary live?)
She never smokes. (When does she smoke?)
b) Modify an adjective:
He is really handsome.
He is a very intelligent student.
c) Modify another adverb:
She drives incredibly slowly.
prepared by: Said Naqib "Sadat" 26
 2. Formation:
 Many adverbs end in -ly. We make such
adverbs by adding -ly to the adjective. Here
are some examples:
 Quickly, kindly, strongly, honestly,
 Someadverbs have no particular form, for
 Well, fast, very, never, always, often, still

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 Kinds of Adverb
 1: Adverbs of Manner:
 An adverb of manner describes how and what
manner (way) an action has been done.e.g.
 Sheeats slowly. (She eats in a slow manner.)
 They are speaking loudly. (The manner of
speaking is loud.)
 2:Adverbs of Place:
 These adverbs are used to indicate place.e.g.
 She went outside.
 Children are plying upstairs.

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 3:Adverbs of Time:
 These adverbs are used to show the time of an
 She hasn’t come yet.
 They are going to school today.

 4:Adverbs of Frequency:
 Adverbs of Frequency tells us how often
somebody does something.e.g always, never,
often, twice
 We usually go shopping on Saturday.
 She is always late.
 I play tennis occasionally.
 We see them rarely.

prepared by: Said Naqib "Sadat" 29

5: Interrogative Adverbs:
 These adverbs are used to form interrogative
sentences. These are "why, where, when and
how” e.g.
 When do you come?
 Why did you fail?
 How are you?
 Where are you going?

prepared by: Said Naqib "Sadat" 30

 A preposition links nouns, pronouns and phrases to
other words in a sentence.
 The most common prepositions are
"about," "above," "across," "after," "against,"
"along," "among," "around," "at," "before," "behind,"
"below," "beneath," "beside," "between," "beyond,"
"but," "by," "despite," "down," "during," "except,"
"for," "from," "in," "inside," "into," "like," "near,"
"of," "off," "on," "onto," "out," "outside," "over,"
"past,“ "since," "through," "throughout," "till," "to,"
"toward," "under," "underneath," "until," "up,"
"upon," "with,“ "within," and "without."
prepared by: Said Naqib "Sadat" 31
 Read the following sentences:
i. Mike is in the hotel.
ii. Mother pours milk into the bottle.
iii. Polite Children never run across the road.
iv. Industrious students are always attentive
during the class.
v. The teacher is standing in front of the
 The words " in, into, across, during, in front of "
in the above sentences are all prepositions .
 A preposition is a word or groups of words used
to show some relationship of a noun or pronoun
with the rest of the sentence.
 We can divide the prepositions in different kinds.
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 1: Simple prepositions:
 Generally, monosyllable words Like `in, on, at,
to, with, by, from, up, of are all simple
prepositions. e.g
 The purse is in the box.
 He is on the roof.
 2: Compound prepositions:
 The words of more than one syllable like into,
inside, across, behind, before, Between, upon,
without, beneath, out side, are compound
 The dog ran along the road.
 Stand behind me!

prepared by: Said Naqib "Sadat" 33

 3:Participle prepositions:
 The words having “ING” like " during, concerning,
regarding " are participle prepositions. e.g
 We played game during the rain.

 4:Phrase prepositions:
 The words “in front of" is a group of words but is
not a complete sentence in itself. It is just a
phrase, we call it prepositional phrase such
phrases are "in front of, in order to, because of,
in spite of, on account of, instead of, etc." they
are all Prepositional phrases.e.g
 It was done according to your instructions.
 The spot is away from public road.

prepared by: Said Naqib "Sadat" 34

 Conjunction is a word to link words, sentence
fragments or phrases.
 As in the following example:
I ate the pizza and the pasta.
 Call the players when everything is ready.

 Kinds of Conjunction:
a. Coordinating Conjunctions
b. Correlative Conjunctions

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 1: Coordinating Conjunctions
 Coordinating conjunction like ("and," "but," "or,"
"nor," "for," "so," or "yet") are used to join
individual words, phrases. Note that you can also
use the conjunctions "but" and "for" as
e.g. Jhone and Wide are good friends.
 2: Correlative Conjunctions:
 Correlative conjunctions always appear in pairs --
you use them to link equivalent sentence
elements. The most common correlative
conjunctions are "both...and," "either...or,"
"neither...nor,", "not only...but also,“ "
“and” whether...or."

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 The highlighted words in the following
sentences are correlative conjunctions:
 Both my grandfather and my father worked
in the steel plant.
 Dane is trying to decide whether to go to
medical school or to go to law school.
 The explosion destroyed not only the school
but also the neighboring house.

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 An interjection is a word added to a sentence to
convey emotions or feelings. It is not
grammatically related to any other part of the
 We usually follow an interjection with an
exclamation mark. e.g.
 Ouch! that hurt.
 Oh no! I forgot that the exam was today.
 Hey! Put that down.

The End

prepared by: Said Naqib "Sadat" 38

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