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Do you believe in destiny?

The Globalization of Religion

What is Religion?
It comes from the Latin
word “religare” which
means “to bind together
again that which was
once bound but has
since been torn apart or
Types of Beliefs
All natural phenomenon are permeated by
impersonal supernatural realities or qualities
which are separate from matter, but still exist
in the natural world. This idea maintains that
these two entities (matter and spirit)
are always interacting with each other in nat
Types of Beliefs
“Atheist" is a person who
believes that God does
not exist.
Types of Beliefs
Subcategories of Theism
Pantheism - similar to animism it holds that
the spiritual permeates matter, and there ar
e as many spirits as there are material thi
ngs. It is different from animism in that these
spirits are personal and man must have a pe
rsonal relationship with some of these.
Types of Beliefs
Subcategories of Theism
Polytheism – The belief that there
are only a few personal spirits
(gods) but all of them must be
worshipped and live together in a
place outside of the physical
Types of Beliefs
Subcategories of Theism
Monotheism – is the belief
that there is only one God
and this God lives outside of
the physical world.
Types of Beliefs
The admission of a lack of
knowledge about God,
gods or the supernatural
(strong and soft).
Types of Beliefs
A view that there is only o
ne kind of ultimate
Six Major World Religions

1. Christianity (2.1 Billion)

2. Islam (1.3 Billion)
3. Hinduism (900 million)
4. Buddhism (394 million)
5. Judaism (14 million)
6. Taoism
Six Major World Religions
Six Major World Religions
Founder: Jesus Christ
Idea of God: One (Holy Trinity)
Holy Writings: Bible
Afterlife: Heaven or hell
Location: Spread across the world
Beliefs: Jesus taught love of God and
neighbor and a concern for justice.
Six Major World Religions
Six Major World Religions
Founder: Muhammad (Prophet)
How Many Gods: One (Allah)
Holy Writings: Qu’ran
Location: Middle East and N. Africa
Beliefs: The Five Pillars: Shahada (One God
- Allah), Salat (prayers), Zakat (alms), Sawm
(fasting), Hajj (pilgrimage- Mecca).
Six Major World Religions
Six Major World Religions
Founder: None
Idea of God: Brahman, Vishnu, Shiva
Holy Writings: Vedas
Location: India
Beliefs: Reincarnation states that all living thing
s are caught in a cycle of death and rebirth. Life
is ruled by the laws of karma, in which rebirth
depends on moral behavior.
Six Major World Religions
Six Major World Religions
Founder: Abraham
How Many Gods: One (Yahweh)
Holy Writings: Torah
Location: Israel and the U.S.
Beliefs: Jews believe in the laws of God
and the words of the prophets. In Judais
m, however, actions are more important
than beliefs.
Six Major World Religions
Six Major World Religions
Founder: Siddhartha Gautama
Idea of God: none
Holy Writings: Tripitaka, the Mahayana
Sutras, Tantra, and Zen texts
Location: Asian countries
Beliefs: The Four Noble Truths: (1) all beings suffer; (2) desire
—for possessions, power, and so on—causes suffering; (3) desi
re can be overcome; and (4) the path that leads away from desir
e is the Eightfold Path (the Middle Way).
Six Major World Religions
Taoism or Daoism
Six Major World Religions
Taoism or Daoism
Founder: Laozi
How Many Gods: the Universe
Holy Writings: Tao Te Ching
Location: China
Beliefs: Revert back to state of non-being
Explain the advantages and
disadvantages of religion in
the global economy.

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