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Chapter IV: Historical Research

 means the search for knowledge and the truth, a searching to find out. “History is any
integrated narrative or description of past events or facts written in a spirit of critical inquiry
for the whole truth”. Nevins

Historical Research

 Process of selecting the area or topic

 Collecting data

 Collating the data

 Sifting the authentic from non-authentic

 Making an interpretative narrative

Four Major activities in Historical Research:

 Choosing and defining the problem;

 Collecting the data

 Critically analyzing the data; and

 Writing the research report.

Choosing the Problem

Choosing, historical research problem, the researcher must

consider his resources, availability of data, time constraint,
and his professional competence.
Collection of Historical Data

There are many sources from which historical data may be gathered.

A. Written sources

Official and Public documents

Books and master’s theses and doctoral dissertations.
Newspapers and periodicals
Personal materials
Hand-written material.

B. Orally transmitted materials

C. Artistic Production

D. Tape recordings

E. Relics and remains

Primary and Secondary sources of data
“Primary sources, the only solid bases of historical work, are the original documents or
remains, the first witnesses to a fact.”

Critical Analysis of Historical Data

Critical Analysis to determine:

 Their authenticity
 To determine truth of the statements therein.

Two kind of criticism-EXTERNAL and INTERNAL Criticism

External criticism
 used to determine the authenticity or genuineness of historical document.
Use of auxiliary sciences

 Epigraphy is the study of inscriptions and the art of deciphering them.

 Diploma tics is the science of charters and diplomats.
 Paleography is the study of writing, which has a history all its own.
 Philology, the greatest use in determining date and authenticity.
 Archaeology, anthropology, and prehistory, the greatest influence
 Chemistry

Purposes External Criticisms

 Forgeries and hoaxes.
 Authorship, time, and filiations of documents.
 Incorrect Borrowings
 Inventions and distortions
Internal Criticism

 The process of determining the true meaning and value of statements contained in a

Principles of Internal Criticism- certain principles have to be applied in internal

Specific Problems of Internal Criticism
 What did the author mean by this particular statement?
 Was the meaning made in good faith?
 Was the statement accurate?
 Necessary to determine the truth and accuracy of information
Test of truthfulness and honesty- potentially competent witness may actually know the
truth, but for some reason may reveal it only on part on a distorted form.
Causative Interpretation of History

Theories and School of causal interpretation of history:

 General Philosophies

 Specific Schools of Historical Interpretation

• The personal, biographical, or “great-man” theory

• The spiritual or idealistic interpretation of history
• The scientific and technological theory
• The economic school of historical interpretation
• The geographical theory
• Sociological interpretation of history
• The relatively recent synthetic, electric, pluralistic or “collective psychological
Synthesizing Historical Events

 Identification and definition of the problem

 Formulation of Hypotheses

 Inductive – Deductive Reasoning

 Historical Perspective

 Central theme or Principle of Synthesis

Guidelines to Effective Writing of Deficiencies in
Historical Research Historical Research

× Research area is selected with sufficient

 Mastery of Materials
evidence is not available to conduct.
 Working Outline × Excessive use of secondary sources if

 Progression information.
× Attempts to work on a broad and poorly
 Emphasis on major elements
defined problem.
 Art of Narration × Historical data are poorly and

 Dramatization inadequately evaluated.

× Personal bias.
× The facts are not synthesized or integrated
into meaningful generalization.
Characteristics of Historical Research

1. Observation in historical research cannot be repeated in the same manner.

2. The researcher must satisfaction in spending vast amount of time in the library.

3. Historical project is usually conducted by on person.

4. Hypothesis is not always necessary in historical research

5. The writing style of written report tends to be more flexible

Importance of Historical Research

1. A study of the past makes people understand the present better.

2. Historical information serves as a preliminary to reform.

3. People become more open to change if they are well informed about the past.

4. People are motivated to respect the contributions of the people of the pas to the
present state things
When to Use Historical Research

1. Any geographical area or place.

2. Any institution

3. Any important historical event

Prepared by :

Meryl O. Tesoro

Submitted to:

Mr. Wilbert A. Villaflor

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