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How to Read Effectively and

Astri Ferdiana
Key Topics
• Objectives of reading
• Types of scientific papers
• Organization of a paper
• How to effectively read
Why should students read?
• To keep up with the progress in science
• To find out a solution to health problems
• To learn about causation, risk factors and mechanism of a health problem
• To be aware of current trends in healthcare services to community
• To choose topics and carrying out research and experiments
• To find support for our opinion
• To impress others

Source: Subramanyam, 2013

Sources of reading materials for scientific
• Textbook
• Guidelines
• Journal articles (must be peer-reviewed journals)
• Official websites of organizations (eg. Center for Disease Control,
National Institute for Health, American Academy of Science,
Kemenkes, etc)
• Legal/policy documents
BIG NO (for scientific sources)
• News media (,, etc)
• Popular health literature (medscape, klikdokter, halodokter, etc)
• Blog
• Social media posts (Facebook, Twitter, whatsapp etc)
• Wikipedia
• Anonymous/unofficial websites

Because these are written by someone who may or may not be experts in
the field. Consequently, these sources may contain incorrect information.
What is peer-reviewed journal article?
• Peer review has been a formal part of scientific communication since
>300 years ago
• Reviewed thoroughly by other researchers or experts in the same
field before being published
• Rejected when it is not of good quality
• 10-20% from submittted papers to a top medical journal are finally
accepted and published.
Differences between popular and scientific
Characteristics Popular Scholarly
Purpose To inform and entertain To communicate research
general reader and scholarly ideas
Audience General public Scholars, students
Coverage Broad Narrow
Publisher Commercial Professional associations,
academic institution,
commercial publishers
Writers Employees, journalists, Scholars, researchers,
scholars experts
Differences between popular and scientific
Characteristics Popular Scholarly
Content Little tehnical language and Technical language and
jargon discipline-specific jargon
No peer review Peer reviewed
No citation of references Citation of references
Absence of bibliographies Bibliographies included
Frequency Frequent Less frequent
Which one of these sources is a peer-
reviewed journal?
• Science News
• Psychology Today
• The Lancet
• The New York Times
• Pubmed
Why efficient and effective reading is
• Number of medical journals increase exponentially since the last decades
• Approximately 2.5 million new scientific papers are published each year.
• A general physician has to read at least 17 articles per day, 365 days a year
• Reading efficiently: do not waste our valuable time
• Reading effectively: understand what we read
Jumlah jurnal medis meningkat secara eksponensial sejak dekade terakhir
Sekitar 2,5 juta makalah ilmiah baru diterbitkan setiap tahun.
Seorang dokter umum harus membaca setidaknya 17 artikel per hari, 365
hari setahun
Membaca dengan efisien: jangan buang waktu berharga kita
Membaca secara efektif: mengerti apa yang kita baca
Types of journal articles (tipe jurnal artikel)
Primary literature Secondary literature
Original research articles Narrative reviews
(penelitian asli)
Surveys ( Systematic reviews

Case report/case series Meta-analysis

Conference proceedings and Book reviews

Editorial Guidelines

Correspondence/letters to the Commentary

Primary literature
• Reports of original research
• Example: Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT), exeriement, survey,
case-control or cohort study
• Typically consists of: (biasanya terdiri dari)
• Abstract (structured or not structured)
• Introduction
• Methods
• Results
Secondary literature
• Narrative reviews
• Systematic review
• Meta-analysis
Organizaton of a paper (komponen jurnal)
• Title: Topic and information about the authors.
• Abstract: Brief overview of the article.
• Introduction: Background information and statement of the research hypothesis.
• Methods: Details of how the study was conducted, procedures followed, instruments used and variables
• Results: All the data of the study along with figures, tables and/or graphs.
• Discussion: The interpretation of the results and implications of the study.
• References/Bibliography: Citations of sources from where the information was obtained.
• Judul: Topik dan informasi tentang penulis.
Abstrak: Gambaran singkat artikel.
Pendahuluan: Informasi latar belakang dan pernyataan hipotesis penelitian.
Metode: Rincian bagaimana penelitian dilakukan, prosedur diikuti, instrumen yang digunakan dan variabel
Hasil: Semua data penelitian beserta gambar, tabel dan / atau grafik.
Diskusi: Penafsiran hasil dan implikasi penelitian.
Referensi / Bibliografi: Kutipan sumber dari tempat informasi diperoleh.
Title (judul)
• Attracts a reader in the first place.
• A good title will help the potential reader to decide whether to go
ahead with the paper or dismiss it.
• Should be descriptive and self-explanatory
Menarik pembaca di tempat pertama.
Judul yang bagus akan membantu pembaca potensial untuk
memutuskan apakah akan meneruskan makalah atau mengabaikannya.
Harus deskriptif dan cukup jelas
• Helps us to determine whether we should read the entire article or not
• Usually structured
• Number of words is restricted (250-300 words)
• Informs what the study is about, why and how the study was conducted,
results and inferences
Membantu kita untuk menentukan apakah kita harus membaca keseluruhan
artikel atau tidak
Biasanya terstruktur
Jumlah kata dibatasi (250-300 kata)
Menginformasikan apa penelitian ini, mengapa dan bagaimana penelitian
dilakukan, hasil dan kesimpulan
Introduction (pengantar)
• To provide the rationale for conducting the study
• Starts with existing knowledge and previous research of the topic.
• Concludes with identification of gaps in the literature
• The aims and objectives or study hypothesis are usually mentioned at the
end of the introduction
Memberikan alasan untuk melakukan penelitian
Dimulai dengan pengetahuan yang ada dan penelitian sebelumnya tentang
topik ini.
Diakhiri dengan identifikasi kesenjangan dalam literatur
Tujuan dan sasaran atau hipotesis studi biasanya disebutkan pada akhir
Materials and Methods (metode yang
• Explains how the study was carried out.
• Information about the number of subjects included and their
categorization, sampling methods, the inclusion criteria (who can be in)
and exclusion criteria (who cannot be in)
• Explain the variables chosen including the procedures and equipment used
for data collection
Menjelaskan bagaimana penelitian dilakukan.
Informasi tentang jumlah subjek yang disertakan dan kategorisasi, metode
pengambilan sampel, kriteria inklusi (siapa yang dapat masuk) dan kriteria
pengecualian (siapa yang tidak dapat masuk)
Jelaskan variabel yang dipilih termasuk prosedur dan peralatan yang
digunakan untuk pengumpulan data
Results (hasil)
• Give details about the data collected, either in the form of figures,
tables and/or graphs
memberikan rincian tentang data yang terkumpul, baik berupa gambar,
tabel dan / atau grafik
Discussion (pembahsan)
• Research questions are answered
• The meaning of analysis and interpretation of the data are presented.
• The study results are compared with other studies, explaining in what aspects
they were different or similar.
• No new data should be presented
• Discusses the various strengths and limitations/shortcomings of the study,
providing suggestions about areas that need additional research.
Pertanyaan penelitian dijawab
Makna analisis dan interpretasi data disajikan.
Hasil studi dibandingkan dengan penelitian lain, menjelaskan dalam aspek apa
mereka berbeda atau serupa.
Tidak ada data baru yang harus dipresentasikan
Membahas berbagai kekuatan dan keterbatasan / kekurangan penelitian,
memberikan saran tentang area yang memerlukan penelitian tambahan.
Conclusion (kesimpulan)
• Confirms whether the study has answered the hypothesis
Mengkonfirmasi apakah penelitian tersebut telah menjawab hipotesis
The process of reading (proses membaca)
• Brain does not process every letter and then assemble them to create
a word
• Our eyes can lock onto different letters at the same time, usually two
characters apart.
• Brain fuses these images together to form a word, filling in the blanks
Otak tidak memproses setiap huruf dan kemudian menyusunnya untuk
membuat sebuah kata
Mata kita bisa mengunci huruf yang berbeda pada saat bersamaan,
biasanya dua karakter terpisah.
Otak menyatukan gambar-gambar ini bersama-sama untuk membentuk
sebuah kata, mengisi kekosongan
I cnduo’t bvleiee taht I culod aulaclty
uesdtannrd waht I was rdnaieg. Unisg the
icndeblire pweor of the hmuan mnid,
aocdcrnig to rseecrah at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,
it dseno’t mttaer in waht oderr the lterets in a
wrod are, the olny irpoamtnt tihng is taht the
frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rhgit pclae.
Ineffective reading (membaca yang tidk
• Sub-vocalization: saying each word to yourself in your head while you read
• Practice not speaking
• Reading a block of words
• Train yourself to read with eyes, not with larynx
Subvokalisasi: katakan setiap kata pada kepala Anda saat membaca
Berlatihlah tidak berbicara
Membaca blok kata-kata
Latih diri Anda untuk membaca dengan mata, tidak dengan laring
• Reading word by word: slow and can make it difficult to get the complete meaning of a sentence
in one reading
• Grouping words together and reading them as blocks
• Practice expanding the number of words that you read at a time.
• Positioning the text a little further from your eyes
Membaca kata demi kata: lamban dan bisa menyulitkan untuk mendapatkan makna kalimat yang lengkap dalam
satu bacaan
Mengelompokkan kata-kata bersama dan membacanya sebagai blok
Berlatihlah untuk memperluas jumlah kata yang Anda baca setiap kali.
Memposisikan teks sedikit lebih jauh dari mata Anda
Ineffective reading
• Inefficient eye motion
• Slower readers focus their eyes on each word and move across the line.
• The eye can span about 1.5 inches at a time, which encompasses 4-5 words.
• Relaxing your face and expanding your gaze, see blocks of words instead of each word as distinct unit.
• Eyes will skip faster and faster across the page, let your peripheral vision see the last set of words.
Gerakan mata yang tidak efisien
Pembaca yang lebih lambat memusatkan perhatian pada setiap kata dan bergerak melintasi garis.
Mata bisa berkisar sekitar 1,5 inci sekaligus, yang meliputi 4-5 kata.
Santai wajah Anda dan kembangkan pandangan Anda, lihat blok kata, bukan setiap kata sebagai unit yang berbeda.
Mata akan melompat lebih cepat dan lebih cepat di seluruh halaman, membiarkan penglihatan tepi Anda melihat kumpulan
kata terakhir.
• Regression (backtracking)
• Unnecessary re-reading of material.
• We lose the flow and structure of the text, and your overall understanding of the subject can decrease.
• Don’t allow yourself to re-read material unless you absolutely have to.
• Run a pointer (a finger, a pen, or the cursor) along the line as you read.
Regresi (mundur)
Tidak perlu membaca ulang materi.
Kita kehilangan aliran dan struktur teks, dan keseluruhan pemahaman Anda tentang subjek dapat menurun.
Jangan biarkan diri Anda membaca ulang materi kecuali Anda benar-benar harus melakukannya.
Jalankan penunjuk (jari, pena, atau kursor) sepanjang garis saat Anda membaca.
Skimming (sekilas)
• Read the whole text or a large part of the text to understand the
general meaning.
• Read quickly to understand generally what it is about
• Looking only for the general or main ideas
Bacalah keseluruhan teks atau sebagian besar teks untuk memahami
makna umum.
Baca dengan cepat untuk memahami secara umum apa itu tentang
Mencari hanya untuk gagasan umum atau utama
How to skim an article
• Skimming using the first lines of each paragraph in a section
• Try to get the main idea of each paragraph
• Usually the main idea of the paragraph is in the first sentence
• If not, try to find it in the last paragraph or in the middle (more difficult)
• Skimming using the first and the last paragraph of each section
• Usually the first and the last paragraph contains the summary of the text
• Read fast
• Don’t get too caught up in detail
Skimming menggunakan baris pertama setiap paragraf di bagian
Cobalah untuk mendapatkan ide utama dari setiap paragraf
Biasanya ide utama paragraf adalah di kalimat pertama
Jika tidak, cobalah menemukannya di paragraf terakhir atau di tengah (lebih sulit)
Skimming menggunakan paragraf pertama dan terakhir dari setiap bagian
Biasanya paragraf pertama dan terakhir berisi ringkasan teks
Baca cepat
Jangan terlalu terperinci
Exercise (read each text in 60 seconds)
• When you look for a particular word or phrase in a text.
• Look only for a specific fact or piece of information without reading everything.
• Determine keywords that you want to look for
• Keep the keywords in mind
• Quickly scan the article to find the keywords
• Try to scan as much as possible in the least amount of time
• Do not read words or paragraphs, if you do, stop and scan again
• When you find the keywords, read more carefully
• Accurately record the information
Bila Anda mencari kata atau frase tertentu dalam teks.
Carilah hanya fakta atau informasi tertentu tanpa membaca semuanya.
Tentukan kata kunci yang ingin anda cari
Ingat kata kunci dalam pikiran
Cepat scan artikel untuk mencari kata kunci
Cobalah untuk memindai sebanyak mungkin dalam waktu paling sedikit
Jangan membaca kata-kata atau paragraf, jika Anda melakukannya, berhenti dan pindai lagi
Bila Anda menemukan kata kunci, baca lebih teliti
Akurat mencatat informasinya
Close reading/studying
• Understand a whole sentence or paragraph
• Understand every word and the meaning of the whole sentence.
• Takes time and concentration and requires you to think carefully
about meaning.
Pahami keseluruhan kalimat atau paragraf
Pahami setiap kata dan makna keseluruhan kalimat.
Mengambil waktu dan konsentrasi dan mengharuskan Anda untuk
memikirkan dengan cermat makna.
Differences in skimming and scanning
Skimming Scanning
Fast reading (membaca cepat) Locating a single fact or information
(menemukan satu fakta atau
Get main idea, leave out parts(dptkan Fast way to find information (Cara
ide utama) cepat mencari informasi)
Comprehension is lower (50%) Must be accurate (Harus akurat)
(pemahaman masih cukup rendah
kra2 50%)
Done with material we know nothing Done with material we are familiar
about (Selesai dengan materi yang with (Selesai dengan materi yang kita
tidak kita ketahui sama sekali) kenal)
Exercise: Skimming
• Read the title (1 minute)
• Read the abstract (5 minutes)
• Tell the class about the abstract
Exercise: Skimming
• Introduction
• Read the first paragraph of the Introduction. What is the main idea of the paragraph?
• Read the first line of each paragraph in the Introduction. What is the main idea of each paragraph?
• Read the last paragraph of the Introduction. What is the main idea of the paragraph?
• What is the main idea of Introduction section?
Baca paragraf pertama Pendahuluan. Apa ide utama paragraf itu?
Bacalah baris pertama setiap paragraf dalam Pendahuluan. Apa ide utama masing-masing paragraf?
Bacalah paragraf terakhir Pendahuluan. Apa ide utama paragraf itu?
Apa gagasan utama dari bagian Pendahuluan?
• Material and Methods
• Read the first paragraph of the M&M. What is the main idea of the paragraph?
• Read the first line of each paragraph in the M&M. What is the main idea of each paragraph?
• Read the last paragraph of the M&M. What is the main idea of the paragraph?
• What is the main idea of M&M section?
Bahan dan metode
Baca paragraf pertama M & M. Apa ide utama paragraf itu?
Bacalah baris pertama setiap paragraf di M & M. Apa ide utama masing-masing paragraf?
Baca paragraf terakhir M & M. Apa ide utama paragraf itu?
Apa ide utama bagian M & M?
• Continue to the next section (Results, Discussion, Conclusion)
• Make some notes
• What is your general understanding of the article? (pengertian umum artikel anda)
Exercise: Scanning
• Try to scan these information in the paper in 30 seconds:
• Location of the study
• Who are the study participants?
• What is the name of the statistical analysis used in the study?
• What kind of skin disorder found in the study?
Cobalah untuk memindai informasi ini jurnal dalam 30 detik:
Lokasi penelitian
Siapa peserta penelitiannya?
Apa nama analisis statistik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini?
Gangguan kulit macam apa yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini?
Key points
• Academic articles cannot be read effectively in the same way as a short
story, a novel or a newspaper report
• For amateurs, the contents of an academic article cannot be grasped by a
single reading.
• Practice, practice, practice
• Allocate time to read at least 1 article/day
Artikel akademis tidak dapat dibaca secara efektif dengan cara yang sama
seperti cerita pendek, laporan novel atau surat kabar
Bagi amatir, isi artikel akademis tidak bisa digenggam dengan satu bacaan.
Praktek, latihan, latihan
Alokasikan waktu untuk membaca minimal 1 artikel / hari
• Baca Title pada artikel Anda (1 menit)
• Baca Abstract pada artikel Anda (3 menit)
• Buat catatan mengenai isi abstrak artikel secara keseluruhan (1 menit)
• Ceritakan isi abstrak tersebut kepada teman satu tim (2 menit,
• Identifikasi section heading pada artikel Anda (1 menit)
• Baca keseluruhan paragraf pertama dari Introduction (1 menit)
• Baca kalimat pertama dari setiap paragraf di Introduction sampai ke paragraf
terakhir (3 menit)
• Baca keseluruhan paragraf terakhir Introduction (1 menit)
• Baca keseluruhan paragraf pertama Material and Methods (1 menit)
• Baca kalimat pertama dari setiap paragraf di Material and Methods sampai ke
paragraf terakhir (3 menit)
• Baca keseluruhan paragraf terakhir Material and Methods (1 menit)
• Demikian seterusnya sampai Conclusion
• Buat catatan untuk hasil bacaan Anda
• Ceritakan isi artikel tersebut kepada teman satu tim (2 menit, bergantian)
• Dari artikel Anda, carilah informasi-informasi berikut ini dengan
menggunakan metode scanning:
• Point utama yang diteliti (2 menit)
• Kapan dan berapa lama penelitian ini dilakukan? (2 menit)
• Apakah digunakan kuesioner dalam penelitian ini? (2 menit)
• Apakah ada penelitian lain dengan hasil serupa? (2 menit)
• Tanyakan kepada teman satu tim Anda untuk menentukan informasi
yang ingin ia ketahui dari artikel Anda
• Carilah informasi tersebut dalam artikel Anda

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