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Polarization of Light:

from Basics to Instruments

(in less than 100 slides)

N. Manset

• Part I: Different polarization states of light

• Part II: Stokes parameters, Mueller matrices
• Part III: Optical components for polarimetry
• Part IV: Polarimeters
• Part V: ESPaDOnS

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Part I: Different polarization
states of light

• Light as an electromagnetic wave

• Mathematical and graphical descriptions of
• Linear, circular, elliptical light
• Polarized, unpolarized light

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Part I: Polarization states

Light as an electromagnetic

Light is a transverse wave,

an electromagnetic wave

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Part I: Polarization states

Mathematical description of
the EM wave

Light wave that propagates in the z direction:

 
E x (z, t )  E 0x cos( kz -  t) x
 
E y ( z, t )  E 0y cos( kz -  t   ) y

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Part I: Polarization states

Graphical representation of the

EM wave (I)
 
One can go from: E x (z, t )  E 0x cos( kz -  t) x
 
E y ( z, t )  E 0y cos( kz -  t   ) y
to the equation of an ellipse (using trigonometric
identities, squaring, adding):
 Ex   Ey 
E Ey
     2 x
cos  sin 2 
 
 E 0x   E 0y  E 0x E 0y

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Part I: Polarization states

Graphical representation of the

EM wave (II)

An ellipse can be represented

by 4 quantities:
1. size of minor axis
2. size of major axis
3. orientation (angle)
4. sense (CW, CCW)

Light can be represented by 4 quantities...

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Part I: Polarization states, linear polarization

Vertically polarized light

 
E x (z, t )  E 0x cos( kz -  t) x
 
E y ( z, t )  E 0y cos( kz -  t   ) y
If there is no amplitude in x (E0x = 0), there is
only one component, in y (vertical).

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Part I: Polarization states, linear polarization

Polarization at 45º (I)

 
E x (z, t )  E 0x cos( kz -  t) x
 
E y ( z, t )  E 0y cos( kz -  t   ) y

If there is no phase difference (=0) and

E0x = E0y, then Ex = Ey

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Part I: Polarization states, linear polarization

Polarization at 45º (II)

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Part I: Polarization states, circular polarization

Circular polarization (I)

 
E x (z, t )  E 0x cos( kz -  t) x
 
E y ( z, t )  E 0y cos( kz -  t   ) y

If the phase difference is = 90º and E0x = E0y

then: Ex / E0x = cos  , Ey / E0y = sin 
and we get the equation of a circle:
 Ex   Ey 

      cos2  sin 2  1
E 
 E 0x   0y 

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Part I: Polarization states, circular polarization

Circular polarization (II)

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Part I: Polarization states, circular polarization

Circular polarization (III)

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Part I: Polarization states, circular polarization... see it now?

Circular polarization (IV)

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Part I: Polarization states, elliptical polarization

Elliptical polarization

• Linear + circular polarization = elliptical polarization

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Part I: Polarization states, unpolarized light

Unpolarized light
(natural light)

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Part I: Polarization states

A cool Applet

Electromagnetic Wave


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Part II: Stokes parameters and
Mueller matrices
• Stokes parameters, Stokes vector
• Stokes parameters for linear and circular
• Stokes parameters and polarization P
• Mueller matrices, Mueller calculus
• Jones formalism

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Part II: Stokes parameters

Stokes parameters
A tiny itsy-bitsy little bit of history...

• 1669: Bartholinus discovers double refraction in calcite

• 17th – 19th centuries: Huygens, Malus, Brewster, Biot,
Fresnel and Arago, Nicol...
• 19th century: unsuccessful attempts to describe unpolarized
light in terms of amplitudes
• 1852: Sir George Gabriel Stokes took a very different
approach and discovered that polarization can be described in
terms of observables using an experimental definition

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Part II: Stokes parameters

Stokes parameters (I)

The polarization ellipse is only valid at a given instant of time
(function of time):
 E x (t)   E y (t) 
E (t) E y (t)
     2 x
cos εsin 2 ε
 
 E0x (t)   E0y (t)  E0x (t) E0y (t)

To get the Stokes parameters, do a time average (integral over

time) and a little bit of algebra...

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Part II: Stokes parameters

Stokes parameters (II)

described in terms of the electric field
E 2
0x E 2 2
0y   E 2
0x E   2E
2 2
0y 0x E0ycos ε   2E0x E0ysin ε 
2 2

The 4 Stokes parameters S0  I  E0x

 E0y

S1  Q  E0x
 E0y

S2  U  2 E0x E0ycos ε
S3  V  2 E0x E0ysin ε

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Part II: Stokes parameters

Stokes parameters (III)

described in geometrical terms

I  a2 
   2 
 Q   a cos 2  cos 2 

 U   a 2 cos 2  sin 2 
   
 a sin 2 
2 
  
V 

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Part II: Stokes parameters, Stokes vectors

Stokes vector
The Stokes parameters can be arranged in a Stokes vector:
 I  E 2
 E 0y 
 intensity 
   0x
  
 Q   E 0x  E 0y   I0  I90 
2 2

 U    2 E E cos ε    I45  I135 

   0x 0y  
 
 V   2 E 0x E 0ysin ε   IRCP   ILCP 
 

• Linear polarization Q  0, U  0, V  0
• Circular polarization Q  0, U  0, V  0
• Fully polarized light I 2  Q2  U 2  V 2
• Partially polarized light I 2  Q2  U 2  V 2
• Unpolarized light QUV0
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Part II: Stokes parameters

Pictorial representation of the

Stokes parameters

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Part II: Stokes parameters, examples

Stokes vectors for linearly

polarized light
LHP light LVP light +45º light -45º light

1 1 1 1

       
I0     1  0
I0   0
I0   I0  
0 0 1 1
       
 0 0  0 0
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Part II: Stokes parameters, examples

Stokes vectors for circularly

polarized light
RCP light LCP light

1 1
   
 0 0
I0   I0  
0 0
   
1  1
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Part II: Stokes parameters

(Q,U) to (P,)
In the case of linear polarization (V=0):

Q2  U 2 
1 U
P arctan  
I 2 Q

Q  P cos 2 U  P sin 2

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Part II: Stokes parameters, Mueller matrices

Mueller matrices
If light is represented by Stokes vectors, optical components are
then described with Mueller matrices:
[output light] = [Muller matrix] [input light]

 I'   m11 m12 m13 m14  I 

    
 Q'   m21 m22 m23 m24  Q 
 U'    m m32 m33 m34  U 
   31  
 V'   m41 m42 m43 m44  V 
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Part II: Stokes parameters, Mueller matrices

Mueller calculus (I)

Element 1 Element 2 Element 3

M1 M2 M3

I’ = M3 M2 M1 I

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Part II: Stokes parameters, Mueller matrices

Mueller calculus (II)

Mueller matrix M’ of an optical component with
Mueller matrix M rotated by an angle :

M’ = R(- ) M R() with:

1 0 0 0
 
 0 cos 2 sin 2 0
R( )  
0  sin 2 cos 2 0
 
0 0 0 1

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Part II: Stokes parameters, Jones formalism, not that important here...

Jones formalism
Stokes vectors and Mueller matrices cannot describe
interference effects. If the phase information is important (radio-
astronomy, masers...), one has to use the Jones formalism, with
complex vectors and Jones matrices:
• Jones vectors to describe the • Jones matrices to represent
polarization of light: optical components:

  E x (t)   j11 j12 
J (t)     J   
 E (t) 
 y   j21 j22 

BUT: Jones formalism can only deal with 100% polarization...

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Part III: Optical components
for polarimetry

• Complex index of refraction

• Polarizers
• Retarders

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Part III: Optical components

Complex index of refraction

The index of refraction is actually a complex quantity:

m  n  ik
• real part • imaginary part
• optical path length, • absorption, attenuation,
refraction: speed of light extinction: depends on
depends on media media
• birefringence: speed of • dichroism/diattenuation:
light also depends on P also depends on P
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Part III: Optical components, polarizers

Polarizers absorb one component of the
polarization but not the other.
The input is natural light, the output is polarized light (linear,
circular, elliptical). They work by dichroism, birefringence,
reflection, or scattering.

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Part III: Optical components, polarizers

Wire-grid polarizers (I)

• Mainly used in the IR and longer
• Grid of parallel conducting wires with a
spacing comparable to the wavelength of
• Electric field vector parallel to the wires is
attenuated because of currents induced in
the wires

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Part III: Optical components, polarizers

Wide-grid polarizers (II)


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Part III: Optical components, polarizers

Dichroic crystals

Dichroic crystals absorb one

polarization state over the other
Example: tourmaline.

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Part III: Optical components, polarizers – Polaroids, like in sunglasses!

Made by heating and stretching a sheet of PVA laminated to
a supporting sheet of cellulose acetate treated with iodine
solution (H-type polaroid). Invented in 1928.

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Part III: Optical components, polarizers

Crystal polarizers (I)

• Optically anisotropic crystals
• Mechanical model:
• the crystal is anisotropic, which means that
the electrons are bound with different
‘springs’ depending on the orientation
• different ‘spring constants’ gives different
propagation speeds, therefore different indices
of refraction, therefore 2 output beams

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Part III: Optical components, polarizers

Crystal polarizers (II)


isotropic anisotropic
(sodium (calcite)

The 2 output beams are polarized (orthogonally).

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Part III: Optical components, polarizers

Crystal polarizers (IV)

• Crystal polarizers used as:
• Beam displacers,
• Beam splitters,
• Polarizers,
• Analyzers, ...
• Examples: Nicol prism, Glan-
Thomson polarizer, Glan or Glan-
Foucault prism, Wollaston prism,
Thin-film polarizer, ...

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Part III: Optical components, polarizers

Mueller matrices of polarizers

• (Ideal) linear polarizer at angle :

 1 cos 2χ sin 2χ 0
 
1  cos 2χ cos2 2χ sin 2χ cos 2χ 0
2  sin 2χ sin 2χ cos 2χ sin 2 2χ 0
 
 0 0 0 0

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Part III: Optical components, polarizers

Mueller matrices of polarizers


Linear (±Q) Linear (±U) Circular (±V)

polarizer at 0º: polarizer at 0º : polarizer at 0º :
 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0  1
     
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.5  0.5 
0.5 
0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
     
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

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Part III: Optical components, polarizers

Mueller calculus with a

Input light: unpolarized --- output light: polarized

 I'  1 0 1 0  I  I
      
 Q'  0 0 0 0  0  0
 U'   0.5   1 0 1 
0 0    0.5  
      
 V'  0 0 0 0  0  0

Total output intensity: 0.5 I

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Part III: Optical components, retarders

• In retarders, one polarization gets ‘retarded’, or delayed,
with respect to the other one. There is a final phase
difference between the 2 components of the polarization.
Therefore, the polarization is changed.
• Most retarders are based on birefringent materials (quartz,
mica, polymers) that have different indices of refraction
depending on the polarization of the incoming light.

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Part III: Optical components, retarders

Half-Wave plate (I)

• Retardation of ½ wave
or 180º for one of the

• Used to flip the linear

polarization or change
the handedness of
circular polarization.

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Part III: Optical components, retarders

Half-Wave plate (II)

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Part III: Optical components, retarders

Quarter-Wave plate (I)

• Retardation of ¼ wave or 90º for one of the

• Used to convert linear polarization to elliptical.

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Part III: Optical components, retarders

Quarter-Wave plate (II)

• Special case: incoming light polarized at 45º with respect to
the retarder’s axis

• Conversion from linear to circular polarization (vice versa)

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Part III: Optical components, retarders

Mueller matrix of retarders (I)

• Retarder of retardance  and position angle :
1 0 0 0 
 
 0 G  H cos4ψ H sin4 ψ  sinτ sin2 ψ 
0 H sin4 ψ G  H cos4ψ sinτ cos2ψ 
 
 0 sinτ sin2 ψ  sinτ cos2ψ cosτ 
with : G  1  cosτ  and H  1  cosτ 
1 1
2 2

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Part III: Optical components, retarders

Mueller matrix of retarders (II)

• Half-wave oriented at 0º • Half-wave oriented at

or 90º ±45º

1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
   
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
1 0
0 0 1 0  
0 0
 
0 0 0  1 0 0 0  1

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Part III: Optical components, retarders

Mueller matrix of retarders

• Quarter-wave oriented at • Quarter-wave oriented at
0º ±45º

1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
   
0 1 0 0 0 0 0  1
1 0
0 0 0 1 
0 0
 
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0

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Part III: Optical components, retarders

Mueller calculus with a

• Input light linear polarized (Q=1)
• Quarter-wave at +45º
• Output light circularly polarized (V=1)

 I'  1 0 0 0  1  1
      
 Q'  0 0 0  1 1   0
 U'   k  0 0 1 0 0    k 
      
 V'  0 1 0 0  0  1
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Part III: Optical components, polarizers

(Back to polarizers, briefly)

Circular polarizers
• Input light: unpolarized ---
Output light: circularly polarized
• Made of a linear polarizer
glued to a quarter-wave plate
oriented at 45º with respect to
one another.

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Part III: Optical components, retarders

Achromatic retarders (I)

• Retardation depends on wavelength
• Achromatic retarders: made of 2 different materials with
opposite variations of index of refraction as a function of wavelength

• Pancharatnam achromatic retarders: made of 3

identical plates rotated w/r one another

• Superachromatic retarders: 3 pairs of quartz and MgF2


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Part III: Optical components, retarders

Achromatic retarders (II)

not very

= 177-183º
much better!

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Part III: Optical components, retarders

Retardation on total internal

• Total internal
retardation (phase
• In this case, retardation is very achromatic
since it only depends on the refractive index
• Application: Fresnel rhombs
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Part III: Optical components, retarders

Fresnel rhombs

• Quarter-wave and half-wave rhombs are

achieved with 2 or 4 reflections

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Part III: Optical components, retarders

Other retarders
• Soleil-Babinet: variable retardation to better than 0.01 waves
• Nematic liquid crystals... Liquid crystal
variable retarders... Ferroelectric liquid
crystals... Piezo-elastic modulators...
Pockels and Kerr cells...

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Part IV: Polarimeters

• Polaroid-type polarimeters
• Dual-beam polarimeters

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Part IV: Polarimeters, polaroid-type

Polaroid-type polarimeter
for linear polarimetry (I)
• Use a linear polarizer (polaroid) to measure
linear polarization ... [another cool applet]

• Polarization percentage and position angle:

I max  I min
I max  I min

  ( I  I max ) 
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Part IV: Polarimeters, polaroid-type

Polaroid-type polarimeter
for linear polarimetry (II)

• Move the polaroid to 2 positions, 0º and 45º

(to measure Q, then U)

• Advantage: very simple to make

• Disadvantage: half of the light is cut out
• Other disadvantages: non-simultaneous
measurements, cross-talk...
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Part IV: Polarimeters, polaroid-type

Polaroid-type polarimeter
for circular polarimetry
• Polaroids are not sensitive to circular
polarization, so convert circular polarization
to linear first, by using a quarter-wave plate
• Polarimeter now uses a quarter-wave plate
and a polaroid
• Same disadvantages as before

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Part IV: Polarimeters, dual-beam type

Dual-beam polarimeters
• Instead of cutting out one polarization and keeping
the other one (polaroid), split the 2 polarization
states and keep them both
• Use a Wollaston prism as an analyzer
• Disadvantages: need 2 detectors (PMTs, APDs) or
an array; end up with 2 ‘pixels’ with different gain
• Solution: rotate the Wollaston or keep it fixed and
use a half-wave plate to switch the 2 beams

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Part IV: Polarimeters, dual-beam type

Dual-beam polarimeters
Switching beams
• Unpolarized light: two beams have
identical intensities whatever the prism’s
position if the 2 pixels have the same gain

• To compensate different gains, switch the
2 beams and average the 2 measurements
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Part IV: Polarimeters, dual-beam type

Dual-beam polarimeters
Switching beams by rotating the prism

rotate by

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Part IV: Polarimeters, dual-beam type

Dual-beam polarimeters
Switching beams using a ½ wave plate

by 45º

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Part IV: Polarimeters, example of circular polarimeter

A real circular polarimeter

Semel, Donati, Rees (1993)

Quarter-wave plate, rotated at -45º and +45º

Analyser: double calcite crystal

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Part IV: Polarimeters, example of circular polarimeter

A real circular polarimeter

free from gain (g) and atmospheric
transmission () variation effects
• First measurement with quarter-wave plate at -45º, signal
l r
in the (r)ight and (l)eft beams: 1 , S1

• Second measurement with quarter-wave plate at +45º,

l r
signal in the (r)ight and (l)eft beams: 2 , S 2

• Measurements of the signals:

S1l  g l1 ( I1  V1 ) S1r  g r1 ( I1  V1 )
S2l  g l2 ( I 2  V2 ) S2r  g r2 ( I 2  V2 )

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Part IV: Polarimeters, example of circular polarimeter

A real circular polarimeter

free from gain and atmospheric
transmission variation effects
• Build a ratio of measured signals which is free of gain and
variable atmospheric transmission effects:

1  S1l S2r  1 I 2V1  I1V2

F   l r  1 
4  S2 S1  2 I1 I 2  I 2V1  I1V2  V1V2
1  V1 V2 
F     for V  1
2  I1 I 2 
average of the 2 measurements
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Part IV: Polarimeters, summary

Polarimeters - Summary
• 2 types:
– polaroid-type: easy to make but ½ light is lost, and affected
by variable atmospheric transmission
– dual-beam type: no light lost but affected by gain
differences and variable transmission problems
• Linear polarimetry:
– analyzer, rotatable  2 positions minimum
– analyzer + half-wave plate
• Circular polarimetry:  1 position minimum
– analyzer + quarter-wave plate

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Part V: ESPaDOnS
Optical components of the
polarimeter part :
• Wollaston prism: analyses the
polarization and separates the 2
(linear!) orthogonal polarization
• Retarders, 3 Fresnel rhombs:
– Two half-wave plates to switch the
beams around
– Quarter-wave plate to do circular
N. Manset / CFHT Polarization of Light: Basics to Instruments 73
Part V: ESPaDOnS, circular polarimetry mode

ESPaDOnS: circular
• Fixed quarter-wave rhomb
• Rotating bottom half-wave, at 22.5º
• Top half-wave rotates continuously at about
1Hz to average out linear polarization when
measuring circular polarization

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Part V: ESPaDOnS, circular polarimetry mode

ESPaDOnS: circular
polarimetry of circular polarization

• analyzer • half-wave • quarter-

 • 22.5º positions
• fixed
• flips
 polarization
• gain,
• circular
to linear
N. Manset / CFHT Polarization of Light: Basics to Instruments 75
Part V: ESPaDOnS, circular polarimetry mode

ESPaDOnS: circular polarimetry of

(unwanted) linear polarization

• analyzer
• circular part • half-wave • quarter- • Add a
goes through wave rotating
not analyzed
• 22.5º
and adds same positions • fixed
to “spread
intensities to out” the
both beams
• gain, • linear to
transmission elliptical unwanted
• linear part is signal
N. Manset / CFHT Polarization of Light: Basics to Instruments 76
Part V: ESPaDOnS, linear polarimetry

ESPaDOnS: linear polarimetry

• Half-Wave rhombs positioned at 22.5º

• Quarter-Wave fixed

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Part V: ESPaDOnS, linear polarimetry

ESPaDOnS: linear polarimetry

• Half-Wave rhombs positioned as 22.5º
– First position gives Q

– Second position gives U 
– Switch beams for gain and atmosphere effects
• Quarter-Wave fixed

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Part V: ESPaDOnS, summary

ESPaDOnS - Summary
• ESPaDOnS can do linear and circular
polarimetry (quarter-wave plate)
• Beams are switched around to do the
measurements, compensate for gain and
atmospheric effects
• Fesnel rhombs are very achromatic

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N. Manset / CFHT Polarization of Light: Basics to Instruments 80
Credits for pictures and movies
• Christoph Keller’s home page – his 5 lectures
• “Basic Polarisation techniques and devices”, Meadowlark Optics Inc.
• Optics, E. Hecht and Astronomical Polarimetry, J. Tinbergen
• Planets, Stars and Nebulae Studied With Photopolarimetry, T.
• Circular polarization movie

• Unpolarized light movie

• Reflection of wave

• ESPaDOnS web page and documents

N. Manset / CFHT Polarization of Light: Basics to Instruments 81

References/Further reading
On the Web
• Very short and quick introduction, no equation
• Easy fun page with Applets, on polarizing filters
• Polarization short course
• “Instrumentation for Astrophysical
Spectropolarimetry”, a series of 5 lectures given at the
IAC Winter School on Astrophysical Spectropolarimetry,
November 2000 –

N. Manset / CFHT Polarization of Light: Basics to Instruments 82

References/Further reading
Polarization basics

• Polarized Light, D. Goldstein – excellent book,

easy read, gives a lot of insight, highly
• Undergraduate textbooks, either will do:
– Optics, E. Hecht
– Waves, F. S. Crawford, Berkeley Physics Course vol. 3

N. Manset / CFHT Polarization of Light: Basics to Instruments 83

References/Further reading
Astronomy, easy/intermediate
• Astronomical Polarimetry, J. Tinbergen –
• La polarisation de la lumière et l'observation
astronomique, J.-L. Leroy – astronomy-oriented
• Planets, Stars and Nebulae Studied With
Photopolarimetry, T. Gehrels – old but classic
• 3 papers by K. Serkowski – instrumentation-oriented

N. Manset / CFHT Polarization of Light: Basics to Instruments 84

References/Further reading
Astronomy, advanced

• Introduction to Spectropolarimetry, J.C.

del Toro Iniesta – radiative transfer – ouch!
• Astrophysical Spectropolarimetry,
Trujillo-Bueno et al. (eds) – applications to

N. Manset / CFHT Polarization of Light: Basics to Instruments 85

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