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10:30 – 1:30
• Is based on foundation;
• Strong foundation are needed for support, for
• needs to be firm and sound in order to last.
Several foundations
1. Psychological
 behavior, response to situations

2. Sociological
 study of people and their social behavior
Several foundations
3. Anthropological
 civilizations, cultural development, beliefs,
4. Philosophical
 way of thinking, study of truth or principles
5. Historical
 past events
Why is it needed to Education?
 development of education is based on
 curriculum content is influenced by the
foundations and the people connected with
each discipline.
Chapter 1: Human Nature and the
Individual Differences
Pre-natal period = to birth
Infancy = 0 to 1 month
Babyhood = 1month to 2 years
Childhood = 2 to 6; 6 to 12 years
Puberty = 11 to 13 years
Adolescence = 13 to 17; 18 to 21
Adulthood = 21 to 40
Middle Age = 40 to 60
Old Age = 60 and above
Chapter 1: Human Nature and the Individual

Development is individualistic; it varies from

one person to another.

 Prime of life occurs at 30 – 42 years old

- strives for success, tries to reach goal
- frustration makes him unhappy and
Chapter 1: Human Nature and the Individual

 Middle Age (40-60)

– self actualization has reached.
- peak of professional career
- pre-menopausal / andropausal period
Chapter 1: Human Nature and the Individual

 Old Age (60 and above)

- physical and personality changes
- strength and health decreases
- period of adjustment and retirement
Implications to education?
• Parents / teachers should not expect same
degree of development in children. Not too
pushy, not to compare.

• Parents / teachers should be concerned if the

child is behind his stage of development –
advise to consult a Doctor.
Implications to education?
• Parents / teachers should help children with
development task at each stage of life.
Chapter 2: The Learning Process and
Theories of learning
• Any change in a person or his behavior as a
result of experience is – Learning.

• Any change that takes place to a person.

Results of Learning
• Knowledge and Information (Cognitive)

• Habits and Skills (Psychomotor)

• Attitudes and Appreciation (Attitude / values)

Thorndike’s Connectionism Theory
• Stimulus and response
• reward or satisfaction vs. punishment –
• Law of effect – if a thing is to be learned
frequent repetitions of stimulus.
• Practice makes perfect.
Pavlov’s Classical or respondent
Conditioning Theory

• association between a conditioned stimulus

and a response is strengthened by repeated
presentation with the unconditional stimulus.
Instrumental or Operant Conditioning

• Stimulus – response pattern is strengthened

by immediately following the response with
the re-inforcing stimulus.
Factors Affecting Learning
• Motivation
• Re-inforcement
• Extinction - to let something die out or be
forgotten by disuse.
• Association - connections
Factors Affecting Learning
• Interest
• Reward or punishment – should be immediate
• Recency – frequent review
• Laws of learning – law of readiness, exercise
and effects.

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