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3.1 Working with Forms

 We use one of two methods to submit form information.
 The methods pass the form data differently and have different
advantages and disadvantages
 GET method:
 The form data is passed by adding it to the URL that calls the form-
processing script.
 For example, the URL may look like this:

 The advantages of this method are simplicity and speed.

 The disadvantages are that
 less data can be passed and
 the information is displayed in the browser, which can be a security
problem in some situations.
3.1 Working with Forms…
 POST method:
 The form data is passed as a package in a separate communication with
the processing script.
 The advantages of this method are unlimited information passing and
security of the data.
 The disadvantages are the additional overhead and slower speed.

 The form data is available in the processing script in the PHP built-in arrays.
 Information from forms that use the POST method is available in the built-in
array called $_POST.
 If your form uses the GET method, the information is available in the array
 Both types of form information are also stored in an array called
 You get information from the array by using the form field name as the
array key.
3.1 Working with Forms…
 The syntax is:
$_POST[“form element name”]
$_GET[“form element name”]
 For example, suppose that you echo the following field in your form
that uses the POST method:
<input type=’text’ name=’firstName’>;
 The value entered in this textbox can be accessed by
 This contains the text the user typed into the field.
 If the form uses GET method, the above textbox can be accessed as
3.1 Database Programming
 PHP is particularly strong in its ability to interact with databases.
 PHP supports pretty much every database out there
 The most commonly used database with PHP is MySQL

 MySQL is a free and open source database that has a lot of users
especially for web applications.
 It can be downloaded from internet freely.

 Whichever database you’re using, the steps to interact with a database are
1. Connect to the database.
2. Send an SQL query that contains instructions for the database software.
3. If you retrieved data from the database, process the data.
4. Close the connection to the database.
3.1 Database Programming…
Connecting to the database
 The first step in a database interaction is connecting to the database.

 You use a PHP function to connect to the database.

 To make the connection, you need to supply the function with three things:
 Location:
 The database may not be on the same computer where PHP is installed.
 Therefore, you need to tell the PHP connect function the name of the computer
where the database is located.
 You can supply either a domain name (such as or an IP
address (such as
 If the database is on the same computer as PHP, you can use localhost for the
 Account name: You must provide a valid account name that can be used to
access the database.
 Password: You have to have a valid password to access the database.
3.1 Database Programming…
 The syntax for creating connection to MySQL database:
$connect = mysql_connect($host, $account, $password);

ID FirstName LastName Sex Telephone Status

sam232 John Walter M 4325456342 1
sam543 Samuel David M 5424256345 1
sam534 George Graham M 2634345643 0
sam979 Ana Bush F 3462737485 0

Table sample database used as an example

3.1 Database Programming…
 After connecting to the database, the next step is selecting
 An RDBMS can create and maintain many databases, so you need to
tell it which database you want to use.

 The syntax for selecting database is:

$db = mysql_select_db(string database, [int database_connection] );

 Example:
$con = mysql_connect("localhost",“root",“vertrigo");
//other statements
3.1 Database Programming…
Querying the Database
 To actually perform the query, we can use the mysql_query() function.

 Before doing this, however, it’s a good idea to set up the query you want to
$query = “select * from books“;

 We can now run the query:

$result = mysql_query($query);

 The mysql_query() function has the following prototype:

int mysql_query(string query, [int dbconnection] );

 You pass it the query you want to run, and optionally, the database
connection created.
3.1 Database Programming…
 If connection isn’t specified, the function will use the last opened link.
 If there isn’t one, the function will open the default one as if you had
called mysql_connect().

 You might want to use the mysql_db_query() function instead.

 It has the following prototype:
int mysql_db_query(string database, string query, [int dbconnection] );

 It’s very similar but allows you to specify which database you would
like to run the query on.
 It is like a combination of the mysql_select_db() and mysql_query()
 Both of these functions return a result identifier that allows you to
retrieve the query results or false on failure.
3.1 Database Programming…
 Example: executing query
$sql = “SELECT * FROM Product”;
$result = mysql_query($sql, $connect);
 Putting all together:
$account = “david”;
$password = “gotago”;
$connect = mysql_connect($host, $account, $password);
$db = mysql_select_db(“Catalog”, $connect);
$sql = “SELECT * FROM Product”;
$result = mysql_query($sql, $connect);
//other code
3.1 Database Programming…
Processing Data
 To process the data returned from database, you need to get it from
the temporary table where it is placed when the SQL query is
 We use PHP database functions to get the data from the temporary

 The data is stored in the temporary table in rows and columns.

 You can use PHP functions to retrieve one row from the table and
store it in an array
 The array has the field names as the array keys.
 For MySQL, the statement is as follows:
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
3.1 Database Programming…
 It requires one of the mysql_fetch functions to make the
data fully available to PHP.
 The fetching functions of PHP are as follows:
 mysql_fetch_array: returns rows as associative or numbered array
 mysql_fetch_assoc: returns rows as associative array
 mysql_fetch_row: returns row as an enumerated array
 mysql_fetch_object: returns row as an object
 mysql_result: returns one cell of data
 The difference between the three main fetching functions is
3.1 Database Programming…
 The most useful fetching function, mysql_fetch_array, offers
the choice of results as an associative or an enumerated
array or both
 The default is returning as both (index or key).
 This means you can refer to outputs by database field name
rather than number:
$query = “SELECT ID, LastName, FirstName FROM users WHERE Status = 1”;
$result = mysql_query($query);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo “$row[‘ID’], $row[‘LastName’], $row[‘FirstName’]<BR>\n”;
3.1 Database Programming…
 mysql_fetch_array can also be used with numerical
identifiers rather than field names.
 If you want to specify index or field name rather than
making both available, you can do it like this:
$offset_row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM);
$associative_row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);

 It’s also possible to use MYSQL_BOTH as the second

$both = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH);
 The mysql_fetch_assoc function returns an associative array that
corresponds to the fetched row.
 It returns FALSE if there are no more rows.
 mysql_fetch_assoc() is equivalent to calling mysql_fetch_array() with
MYSQL_ASSOC for the optional second parameter.
 It only returns an associative array.

$query = “SELECT ID, LastName, FirstName FROM users WHERE Status = 1”;
$result = mysql_query($query);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
echo “$row[‘ID’], $row[‘LastName’], $row[‘FirstName’]<BR>\n”;
3.1 Database Programming…
 The function mysql_fetch_object performs much the same
 But the row is returned as an object rather than an array.
 Obviously, this is helpful for those among those who utilize
the object-oriented notation:
$query = “SELECT ID, LastName, FirstName FROM users WHERE Status = 1”;
$result = mysql_query($query);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result))
echo “$row->ID, $row->LastName, $row->FirstName<BR>\n”;
3.1 Database Programming…
 The most general one is mysql_fetch_row, which can be
used something like this:
$query = “SELECT ID, LastName, FirstName FROM users WHERE Status = 1”;
$result = mysql_query($query);
while ($name_row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
print(“$name_row[0] $name_row[1] $name_row[2]<BR>\n”);
 This code will output the specified rows from the
database, each line containing one row or the
information associated with a unique ID.
3.1 Database Programming…
 In early versions of PHP, mysql_fetch_row was considered to be significantly faster
than mysql_fetch_object and mysql_fetch_array, but this is no longer an issue.
 The PHP group now recommends use of mysql_fetch_array over mysql_fetch_row
because it offers increased functionality and choice at little cost in terms of
programming difficulty, performance loss, or maintainability.

 Last and least of the fetching functions is mysql_result().

 Usethis function only in situations where you are positive you need only one piece of
data to be returned from MySQL.
$query = “SELECT count(*) FROM users”;
$db_result = mysql_query($query);
$datapoint = mysql_result($db_result, 0, 0);

 The mysql_result function takes three arguments: result identifier, row identifier, and
 Field can take the value of the field offset as above, or its name as in an associative
array, or its MySQL field-dot-table name (“personal_info.Surname”).
3.1 Database Programming…
 Example: a program that retrieves data from database and display in table
$con = mysql_connect("localhost",“root",“vertrigo"); //if no username and password needed
$query = “SELECT * FROM users”;
$result = mysql_query($query);
echo(“<TABLE>\n<TR><TH>Customers of ABC company</TH></TR>\n”);
while ($users_row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo “<TR>”;
echo “</tr>”;
3.1 Database Programming…
Inserting Data into Database
 Inserting new items into the database is remarkably

similar to getting items out of the database.

 You follow the same basic steps

 make a connection,
 send a query, and

 check the results.

 In this case, the query you send will be an INSERT

rather than a SELECT.
3.1 Database Programming…
3.1 Database Programming…
<TITLE>Processing HTML forms with PHP</TITLE>
<H1>Newsletter sign-up form</H1>
<P> Please, fill the form to be our registered customer</P>
<FORM METHOD=”post” ACTION=”customer.php”>
ID: <INPUT TYPE=”text” NAME=”ID”> <BR>
First name: <INPUT TYPE=”text” NAME=”FirstName”> <BR>
Last name: <INPUT TYPE=”text” NAME=”LastName”> <BR>
Sex: <INPUT TYPE=”text” NAME=”Sex”> <BR>
Telephone: <INPUT TYPE=”text” NAME=”Telephone”> <BR><BR>
<INPUT TYPE=”submit” NAME=”submit” VALUE=”Submit”>
The customer.php file that process the data collected by the above form is the following:
// Open connection to the database
$con = mysql_connect(“localhost”, “phpuser”, “sesame”) or
die(“Failure to connect to database”);

$ID = $_POST[“ID”]);
$fn = $_POST[“FirstName”];
$ln = $_POST[“LastName”];
$sx = $_POST[“Sex”];
$tl = $_POST[“Telephone”];
$st = “1”;

$query = “INSERT INTO users VALUES($ID, $fn, $ln, $sx, $tl, $st)”;
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1)
echo ‘<P>Your information has been saved.</P>’;
echo ‘<P>Something went wrong with your signup attempt.</P>’;
3.1 Database Programming…
 In addition to insertion, you can do many other operations on database using SQL
 SELECT item_list FROM table_list WHERE search_condition;
select lname, fname, balance from account where balance > 10000
 CREATE TABLE table-name (column-name data-type, .... )
Create table customer(lname varchar(20), fname varchar(20), branch varchar(30),
balance number);
 INSERT INTO table_name(column_names) VALUES (value_list)
INSERT INTO account (lname, fname, branch, balance) VALUES ('john', 'smith', 101, 10000)
 DELETE FROM table_name WHERE search_condition
DELETE FROM account where fname = 'john' and lname = 'smith'
 UPDATE table_name SET column_names expression WHERE condition
UPDATE account SET balance = balance * 1.06 where balance > 1000
3.1 Database Programming…
Closing the connection
 Any open database connections are closed when the
script ends.
 However, it is good programming practice to close the
connections in the script to avoid any possible problems.
 You close database connections with a PHP function
 For example, for MySQL, use the following function to
close a database connection:
Other PHP-Database Functions
 mysql_affected_rows () — Get number of affected rows in previous
MySQL operation.
 It helps you to know how many rows have been deleted, inserted,
modified, etc. by the last mysql_query() operation.
int mysql_affected_rows ( [resource link_identifier])

 mysql_affected_rows() returns the number of rows affected by the

last INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE query associated with link_identifier.

 mysql_create_db () — Create a MySQL database. The syntax is:

bool mysql_create_db (string databasename [, resource link_identifier]);
 mysql_create_db() attempts to create a new database on the server
associated with the specified link identifier.
Other PHP-Database Functions…
 mysql_drop_db — Drop (delete) a MySQL database
 mysql_drop_db() attempts to drop (remove) an entire database from the
server associated with the specified link identifier.
bool mysql_drop_db ( string database_name [, resource link_identifier])

 mysql_num_rows — Get number of rows in result.

 The syntax is:
int mysql_num_rows ( resource result);
 mysql_num_rows() returns the number of rows in a result set.
 This command is only valid for SELECT statements.
 To get rows affected by INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE query, use

 mysql_num_fields — Get number of fields in result. The syntax is:

int mysql_num_fields ( resource result);
Other PHP-Database Functions…
 mysql_field_name — Get the name of the specified field in a result.
string mysql_field_name ( resource result, int field_index)
 mysql_field_name() returns the name of the specified field index.
 field_index is the numerical offset of the field.
 Note that field_index starts at 0.

 mysql_list_tables — List tables in a MySQL database.

resource mysql_list_tables ( string database [, resource link_identifier])
 mysql_list_tables() takes a database name and returns a result pointer
much like the mysql_query() function.
 You can use the mysql_tablename() function to extract the actual table
names from the result pointer, or any other result table function such as
Other PHP-Database Functions…
$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'vertrigo');
$db_list = mysql_list_dbs($link);

while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($db_list)) {

echo $row->Database . "<br>";
$tn = mysql_list_tables("joomla", $link);

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($tn, MYSQL_NUM))

echo $row[0]."<br>";
Using ODBC
 PHP can also connect to databases by using ODBC.
 There are the functions you can use for such purpose.

odbc_connect ( string datasourcename, string user, string password [, int cursor_type])

 This function returns an ODBC connection id or 0 on error.

 The connection id returned by this functions is needed by other ODBC functions.

 You can have multiple connections open at once.

 The optional fourth parameter sets the type of cursor to be used for this connection.
 This parameter is not normally needed, but can be useful.
 The following constants are defined for cursortype:
Using ODBC…
odbc_exec (resource connection_id, string query_string)
 This returns an ODBC result identifier if the SQL command was
executed successfully.
 odbc_exec() will send an SQL statement to the database

server specified by connection_id.

 This parameter must be a valid identifier returned by

odbc_do (resource conn_id, string query)

 This will execute a query on the given connection just like
Using ODBC…
 odbc_fetch_array ( resource result [, int rownumber])
 This fetches a result row as an associative array

 odbc_fetch_object (resource result [, int rownumber])

 This fetches a result row as an object

 odbc_fetch_row ( resource result_id [, int row_number])

 odbc_fetch_row() fetches a row of the data that was returned by
odbc_do() / odbc_exec().
 After odbc_fetch_row() is called, the fields of that row can be
accessed with odbc_result().
 If row_number is not specified, odbc_fetch_row() will try to fetch
the next row in the result set.
Using ODBC…
 odbc_commit ( resource connection_id)
 All pending transactions on connection_id are
 It returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

 odbc_close ( resource connection_id)

 odbc_close() will close down the connection to the
database server associated with the given connection
Using ODBC…
$con = odbc_connect(“registrar", “root", “vertrigo") or
die("Connecting to databse failed.");
$sql = "select * from student where ID='" . $_POST['ID']. "'";
$rs = odbc_exec($con, $sql);

while(($row = odbc_fetch_array($rs, ODBC_ASSOC_ARRAY)) != NULL)

print("&nbsp;". $row['fullname']. "<BR>");
print("&nbsp;". $row['birth_date']. "<BR>");
print("&nbsp;". $row['email']. "<BR>");

Classes in PHP
 The basic elements of object-oriented programs are objects. It’s
easiest to understand objects as physical objects.
 For example, a car is an object.
 A car has properties, such as color, model, engine, and tires, also
called attributes.
 A car has things it can do, too, such as move forward, move
backward, park, roll over, and play dead (well, mine does anyway).

 A class is the script that serves as the template that is used to create
an object.
 The class defines the properties, the attributes, of the object.
 It also defines the things the object can do — its responsibilities.
Classes in PHP…
 Defining a Class
 A minimal class definition looks as follows:

class classname
 In order to be useful, our classes need attributes and operations.

 We can create attributes by declaring variables within a class definition

using the keyword var.

 We create operations by declaring functions within the class definition.

 The operations can take parameters and return values just like functions
Classes in PHP…
class classname
var $attribute1;
var $attribute2;
function operation1()
//code here
function operation2($param1, $param2)
//code here
Classes in PHP…
 Most classes will have a special type of operation called a
 A constructor is called when an object is created, and
 performs useful initialization tasks such as setting attributes to
sensible starting values or
 creating other objects needed by this object.

 A constructor is declared in the same way as other

operations, but has the same name as the class.
 We can manually call the constructor
 But its main purpose is to be called automatically when an
object is created.
Classes in PHP…
class classname
function classname($param)
echo “Constructor called with parameter $param <br>”;
Classes in PHP…
Instantiation of Class
 After we have declared a class, we need to create an
object to work with
 Object is a particular individual that is a member of the
 This is also known as creating an instance or instantiating a
 We create an object using the new keyword.
 We need to specify what class our object will be an instance
of, and provide any parameters required by our constructor.
Classes in PHP…
class person
var $name;
function person($param)
echo “Constructor called with parameter $param <br>”;
$a = new person(“First”); //instantiation
$b = new person(“Second”); //another instantiation
$c = new person(); //yet another instantiation

 To access a class method or property, we must use the “->” operator.

 The keyword “this” tells PHP that the property of method belongs to
the class being defined.
class automobile_class
var $color; //the color of the car
var $max_speed; //the maximum speed
var $price; //the price of the car, in dollars
function is_cheap()
return ($this->price < 5000); //returns TRUE if the price is smaller than 5000
function display()
echo "The price is $this->price<br>";
function automobile_class()
$car_object = new automobile_class();
$car_object->color = "red";
$car_object->price = 6000;
$cheap = $car_object->is_cheap(); //call is_cheap() method of the class
print "This car is cheap!";
print "This car is expensive!";
Classes in PHP…
Implementing Inheritance in PHP
 If our class is to be a subclass of another, you can use the extends keyword to specify this.
class A
var $attribute1;
function operation1()
//code here
class B extends A
var $attribute2;
function operation2()
//code here
Classes in PHP…
 All the following accesses to operations and attributes of an object
of type B would be valid:
$b = new B();
$b->attribute1 = 10;
$b->attribute2 = 10;

 Because class B extends class A, we can refer to operation1() and

$attribute1that were declared in class A.
 As a subclass of A, B inherits all the functionality and data.
 In addition, B has declared an attribute and an operation of its own.
3.2 Working with Files
3.2.1 Uploading Files
 You may want users to upload files to your Web site.

 For example, you may want users to be able to upload resumes to

your job-search Web site or pictures to your photo album Web site.

 You can display a form that allows a user to upload a file by using
an HTML form designed for that purpose.
 The general format of the form is as follows:

<form enctype=”multipart/form-data” action=”processfile.php”

<input type=”hidden” name=”MAX_FILE_SIZE” value=”30000”>
<input type=”file” name=”user_file”>
<input type=”submit” value=”Upload File”>
3.2 Working with Files…
 Notice the following points regarding the form:
 The enctype attribute is used in the form tag. You must set this attribute
to multipart/form-data when uploading a file.
 A hidden field is included that sends a value (in bytes) for
MAX_FILE_SIZE. If the user tries to upload a file that is larger than this
value, it won’t upload. MAX_FILE_SIZE in your form need to consider two
size settings in php.ini
 upload_max_filesize: The MAX_FILE_SIZE you send in your upload form
can’t be larger than the value of upload_max_filesize. If you are
uploading a larger file than the current value of upload_max_filesize
(2MB by default), you need to increase the value of
upload_max_filesize by editing the php.ini file.
 post_max_size: The total amount of information you send in a POST
form can’t be larger than the value of post_max_size(8MB by default).
You can increase this value if necessary by editing your php.ini file.
 The input field that uploads the file is of type file.
3.2 Working with Files…
 The value for MAX_FILE_SIZE must be sent before the file is
uploaded if you want the file size limit to apply to the uploading

 When the user submits the form, the file is uploaded to a temporary
 The script that processes the form needs to copy the file to another
location because the temporary file is deleted as soon as the script
is finished.
 You can use phpinfo() to see where the temporary files are stored.
 If you don’t like the location of the temporary directory, you can
change it by changing upload_tmp_dir in the php.ini file.
 If no directory is specified in php.ini, a default temporary directory
is used.
3.2 Working with Files…
Accessing Information About An Uploaded File
 Along with the file, information about the file is sent with the form.

 This information is stored in the PHP built-in array called $_FILES.

 An array of information is available for each file that was uploaded.

 You can obtain the information from the array by using the name of the
$_FILES[‘fieldname’][‘name’] – contains filename
$_FILES[‘fieldname’][‘type’] – contains type of file
$_FILES[‘fieldname’][‘tmp_name’] – contains temporary location of file
$_FILES[‘fieldname’][‘size’] – contains size of file

 For example, suppose you use the following field to upload a file:
<input type=”file” name=”user_file”>
3.2 Working with Files…
 If the user uploads a file named test.txt by using the form, the
resulting array that can be used by the processing script looks
something like this:
echo $_FILES[‘user_file’][‘name’]; // test.txt
echo $_FILES[‘user_file’][‘type’]; // text/plain
echo $_FILES[‘user_file’][‘tmp_name’]; //D:\WINNT\php92C.tmp
echo $_FILES[‘user_file][size’]; // 435

 In this array, name is the name of the file that was uploaded, type is
the type of file, tmp_name is the path/filename of the temporary
file, and size is the size of the file.
 Notice that name contains only the filename, while tmp_name
includes the path to the file as well as the filename.
3.2 Working with Files…
 If the file is too large to upload, the tmp_name in the
array is set to none, and the size is set to 0.
 By default, PHP stores the temporary uploaded file in
your system directory on Windows (Windows for
Win98/XP and Winnt for Win2000) or /tmp on
 You can change the location of temporary files by setting
 Look in your php.ini file for the following line:
upload_tmp_dir =
3.2 Working with Files…
Moving Uploaded Files To Their Destination
 Since the temporary file created during upload is
deleted when the script finishes, it has to be moved to
another location if you want to store it permanently.
 The general format of the statement that moves the file
is as follows:
move_uploaded_file(path/tempfilename, path/permfilename);

 You can use the following statement to move the file to

your desired location, in this case, c:\data\new_file.txt:
3.2 Working with Files…
 The destination directory (in this case, c:\data) must exist before the
file can be moved to it.
 This statement doesn’t create the destination directory.

 Security can be an issue when uploading files.

 Allowing strangers to load files onto your computer is risky; malicious
files are possible.
 So, you probably want to check the files for as many factors as
possible after they are uploaded, using conditional statements to
check file characteristics, such as checking for the expected file type
and for the size.
 In some cases, for even more security, it may be a good idea to
change the name of the file to something else so users don’t know
where their files are or what they’re called.
if($_FILES[‘pix’][‘tmp_name’] == “”)
echo “<b>File did not successfully upload. File size must be less than 500K.<br>”;
include(“form upload.html”);
echo “<b>File is not a picture. Please try another file.</b><br>”;
$destination = ‘c:\data’.”\\”.$_FILES[‘pix’][‘name’];
$temp_file = $_FILES[‘pix’][‘tmp_name’];
echo “<p>The file has successfully uploaded: $_FILES[‘pix’][‘name’] $_FILES[‘pix’][‘size’]”;
<head><title>File Upload</title></head>
<li>Enter the name of the picture you want to upload to our picture
archive or use the browse button to navigate to the picture file.</li>
<li>When the path to the picture file shows in the text field, click the
Upload Picture button.</li>
<form enctype=”multipart/form-data” action=”uploadFile.php”
<input type=”hidden” name=”MAX_FILE_SIZE” value=”500000”>
<input type=”file” name=”pix” size=”20”>
<p><input type=”submit” name=”Upload” value=”Upload Picture”>
File Input/Output
 Many applications require the long-term storage of information.
 Information can be stored on the server in flat files or in databases.
 Flat files are text files stored in the computer file system.
 You can access and edit these files by using any text editors such as
notepad or gedit.
 The information in the flat file is stored as strings, and the PHP script that
retrieves the data needs to know how the data is stored.
 For example, to retrieve a customer name from a file, the PHP script needs
to know that the customer name is stored in the first 20 characters of every

 Using a database for data storage requires you to install and learn to use
database software, such as MySQL or Oracle.
 The data is stored in the database and can only be accessed by the
database software.
 Databases can store very complex information that you can retrieve easily.
File Input/Output…
 You don’t need to know how the data is stored, just how to interact
with the database software.
 The database software handles the storage and delivers the data,
without the script needing to know exactly where or how the
customer name is stored.

 Flat files have some advantages over databases:

 Available and versatile: You can create and save data in any operating
system’s file system. You don’t need to install any extra software.
 Additionally, text data stored in flat files can be read by a variety of
software programs, such as word processors or spreadsheets.
 Easy to use: You don’t need to do any extra preparation, such as install
database software, design a database, create a database, and so on.
 Just create the file and store the data with statements in your PHP script.
 Smaller: Flat files store data by using less disk space than databases.
File Input/Output…
 Databases have advantages as well:
 Security: A database provides a security layer of its own, in addition to
the security provided by the operating system.
 A database protects the data from outside intrusion better than a flat

 Accessibility of data: You can store data in a database by using a very

complex data structure, specifying data types and relationships among
the data.
 The organization of the data makes it easy to search the data and
retrieve what you need.

 Ability to handle multiple users: When many users store or access data in
a single file, such as a file containing names and addresses, a database
ensures that users take their turn with the file to avoid overwriting each
other’s data.
File Input/Output…
Using Flat Files
 Flat files are also called text files.

 Using a flat file requires three steps:

 Open the file.
 Write data into the file or retrieve data from the file.
 Close the file.

 The first step, before you can write information into or read information
from a file, is to open the file.
 The following is the general format for the statement that opens a file:
$fh = fopen(“filename”,”mode”)

 The variable, $fh, referred to as a file handle, is used in the statements that
write data to or read data from the opened file.
 $fh contains the information that identifies the location of the open file.
File Input/Output…

Mode what it means what happens when file does not exist

r read only If the file does not exist, a warning message is

r+ reading and writing If the file does not exist, a warning message is
w write only If the file does not exist, PHP attempts to create it. If
the file exists, PHP overwrites it.
w+ reading and writing If the file does not exist, PHP attempts to create it. If
the file exists, PHP overwrites it.
a append data at the end If the file does not exist, PHP attempts to create it.
of file
a+ reading and appending If the file does not exist, PHP attempts to create it.
File Input/Output…
 You can open the file grade.txt to read the information in the file
with the following statement:
$fh = fopen(“grade.txt”,”r”);

 Based on this statement, PHP looks for grade.txt in the current

directory, which is the directory where your PHP script is located.
 If the file can’t be found, a warning message is displayed.

 A warning condition does not stop the script.

 The script continues to run, but the file isn’t open, so statements that
read or write to the file aren’t executed.
 You probably want the script to stop if the file can’t be opened.
 You can do this with a die statement, as follows:
$fh = fopen(“file1.txt”,”r”) or die(“Can’t open file”);
File Input/Output…
Opening files in write mode
 You can open a file in a specified directory to store information by
using the following type of statement:
$fh = fopen(“c:/testdir/happy.txt”,”w”);

 If the file does not exist, it is created in the indicated directory.

 However, if the directory doesn’t exist, the directory is not created,
and a warning is displayed.

 You can also open a file on another Web site by using a statement
such as the following:
$fh = fopen(“”,”r”);
 You can use a URL only with a read mode, not with a write mode.
File Input/Output…
 To close a file after you have finished reading or writing it, use:
 In this statement, $fh is the file handle variable you created when
you opened the file.

Reading from file

 You can read from a file by line by line using the fgets statement,
which has the following general format:
$line = fgets($fh);

 Sometimes you want to read strings of a certain size from a file.

 You can tell fgets to read a certain number of characters:
$line = fgets($fh, n);
 This statement tells PHP to read a string that is n-1 characters long
until it reaches the end of the line or the end of the file.
File Input/Output…
 You can check the end of file by using feof function:
 Example: a program that reads file line by line until end of
file and displays it
$fh = fopen("test.txt", "r") or die("Can't open file");
$line = fgets($fh);
print (“<br>$line");
File Input/Output…
 Another option is to read a single character at a time from a file.
 You can do this using the fgetc() function.
 We can replace the while loop in our original script with one that
uses fgetc():
while (!feof($fp)) {
$char = fgetc($fp);
echo ($char);
 This code reads a single character from the file at a time and stores
it in $char, until the end of the file is reached.

 We can also read the whole file in one go.

 This can be done using readfile().
File Input/Output…
 A call to the readfile() function opens the file, echoes the content to
standard output (the browser), and then closes the file.
 The prototype for readfile() is
int readfile(string filename, int [use_include_path]);
 The optional second parameter specifies whether PHP should look for the
file in the include_path.

 The final way we can read from a file is using the fread() function to read
an arbitrary number of bytes from the file.
 This function has the following prototype:
string fread(int fp, int length);
 It reads up to length bytes or to the end of file, whichever comes first.
File Input/Output…
Writing to a File
 Writing to a file in PHP is relatively simple.

 You can use either of the functions fwrite() or fputs()

 fputs() is an alias to fwrite().

 We call fwrite() in the following:

fwrite($fp, $outputstring);

 This tells PHP to write the string stored in $outputstring to the file
pointed to by $fp.
 The function fwrite() actually takes three parameters but the third
one is optional.
 The prototype for fwrite() is:
int fwrite(int fp, string str, int [length]);
File Input/Output…
 The third parameter, length, is the maximum number of bytes to write.
 If this parameter is supplied, fwrite() will write string to the file pointed to
by fp until it reaches the end of string or has written length bytes, whichever
comes first.

 Example: write data to file

$fh = fopen(“test.txt”,”a”);
$data = “This content is written to file \n”;
$data = $data . “This line is also written”;
fwrite($fh, $data);
File Input/Output…
Seeking in File
 The function fseek() can be used to set the file pointer to some point
within the file.
 It moves the file pointer, depending on the parameters.

fseek($fh, int offset, mode);

 The value specified in offset is the character location to move the

pointer to. You can set mode to:
 SEEK_SET (moves to char in position offset),
 SEEK_CUR (moves offset characters forward from current position), or
 SEEK_END (moves offset characters back from the last character).

 The rewind() function is equivalent to calling the fseek() function with

an offset of zero.
File Input/Output…
Getting information about files
 Often you want to know information about a file.

 PHP has functions that allow you to find out file information about the files
from within a script.

 You can find out whether a file exists with the file_exists statement, as
$result = file_exists(filename);
 After this statement, $result contains either TRUE or FALSE.
 The function is often used in a conditional statement, such as the following:
echo “File not found!\n”;
File Input/Output…
Function What It Does Output
is_file(“stuff.txt”) Tests whether the file is a regular file, rather TRUE or FALSE
than a directory or other special type of file
is_dir(“stuff.txt”) Tests whether the file is a directory TRUE or FALSE
is_executable(“do.txt”) Tests whether the file is executable TRUE or FALSE
is_writable(“stuff.txt”) Tests whether you can write to the file TRUE or FALSE
is_readable(“stuff.txt”) Tests whether you can read the file TRUE or FALSE
filesize(“stuff.txt”) Returns the file size in bytes Integer or FALSE
basename(“/t1/do.txt”) Returns the filename from the path do.txt
dirname(“/t1/do.txt”) Returns the directory name from the path /t1
copy(oldfile, newfile) Copy an existing file into a new file TRUE or FALSE
rename(oldname,newname) renames a file oldname to newname TRUE or FALSE
unlink(“badfile.txt”) deletes an unwanted file TRUE or FALSE
File Input/Output…
 Example:
copy(“book.txt”, ”library.txt”);
echo “File already exists!\n”;
Working with Date and Time
 PHP's time() function gives you all the information that
you need about the current date and time.
 It requires no arguments and returns an integer.
 For us humans, the returned number is a little hard on
the eyes, but it's extremely useful nonetheless.

echo time();
 This represents August 12th, 2003 at 10:07PM
Working with Date and Time…
 The integer returned by time() represents the number of seconds
elapsed since midnight GMT on January 1, 1970.
 This moment is known as the Unix epoch, and the number of seconds
that have elapsed since then is referred to as a timestamp.
 PHP offers excellent tools to convert a timestamp into a form that
humans are comfortable with.

 Even so, isn't a timestamp a needlessly convoluted way of storing a

date? In fact, the opposite is true.
 From just one number, you can extract enormous amounts of
 Even better, a timestamp can make date arithmetic much easier than
you might imagine.
Working with Date and Time…

 The getdate() function optionally accepts a timestamp and

returns an associative array containing information about
the date.
 If you omit the timestamp, getdate() works with the current
timestamp as returned by time().
 The table lists the elements contained in the associative
array returned by getdate().
Working with Date and Time…
Key Description Example
seconds Seconds past the minute (0–59) 28
minutes Minutes past the hour (0–59) 7
hours Hours of the day (0–23) 12
mday Day of the month (1–31) 20
wday Day of the week (0–6) 4
mon Month of the year (1–12) 1
year Year (4 digits) 2000
yday Day of year (0–365) 19
weekday Day of the week (name) Thursday
month Month of the year (name) January
0 Timestamp 948370048
Working with Date and Time…
 Example: Acquiring date information with getdate()
$date_array = getdate(); //no argument passed, today's date used
foreach ($date_array as $key => $val)
echo "$key = $val <br>";
echo "Today's date: ".$date_array['mon']."/".$date_array['mday'].
Working with Date and Time…
 The output is:
seconds = 53
minutes = 26
hours = 11
mday = 29
wday = 2
mon = 11
year = 2011
yday = 332
weekday = Tuesday
month = November
0 = 1322555213
Today's date: 11/29/2011

 The main method to format a timestamp is using date($format... [, $timestamp]).

 You pass a series of codes indicating your formatting preferences, plus an
optional timestamp.
date(‘Y-m-d’); //year-month-date
Format Description Example
a am or pm (lowercase) pm
A AM or PM (uppercase) PM
d Day of month (number with leading zeroes) 20
D Day of week (three letters) Thu
F Month name January
h Hour (12-hour format—leading zeroes) 12
H Hour (24-hour format—leading zeroes) 12
g Hour (12-hour format—no leading zeroes) 12
G Hour (24-hour format—no leading zeroes) 12
i Minutes 47
j Day of the month (no leading zeroes) 20
l Day of the week (name) Thursday
L Leap year (1 for yes, 0 for no) 1
m Month of year (number—leading zeroes) 09
M Month of year (three letters) Sep
n Month of year (number—no leading zeroes) 9
s Seconds of hour 24
S Ordinal suffix for the day of the month th
r Full date standardized to RFC 822 Mon, 15 Sep 2003
08:25:55 -0700
U Timestamp 1063639555
y Year (two digits) 00
Y Year (four digits) 2003
z Day of year (0–365) 257
Z Offset in seconds from GMT 0
Working with Date and Time…
 Example:
<title>Formatting a date with date()</title>
$time = time(); //stores the exact timestamp to use in this script
echo date("m/d/y G.i:s", $time);
echo "<br> Today is “.date("j \of F Y, \a\\t g.i a", $time);

11/29/11 11.26:53
Today is 29 of November 2011, at 11.26 am
Working with Date and Time…
 You can get information about the current time, but you
cannot yet work with arbitrary dates.
 mktime() returns a timestamp that you can then use with

date() or getdate().
 mktime() accepts up to six integer arguments in the following

order: Hour, Minute, Seconds, Month, Day of month, Year.

 The format is:

$dt = mktime(hour, minute, seconds, month, date, year);

 For example, you would store the date January 15, 2003,
by using the following statement:
$birthdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 15, 2003);
Working with Date and Time…
// make a timestamp for Aug 23 2003 at 4.15 am
$ts = mktime(4, 15, 0, 8, 23, 2003);
echo date("m/d/y G.i:s", $ts);
echo "<br>";
echo "The date is ";
echo date("j of F Y, \a\\t g.i a", $ts );

 Output:
08/23/03 4.15:00
The date is 23 of August 2003, at 4.15 am
Working with Date and Time…
 You might need to accept date information from user input.
 Before you work with a user-entered date or store it in a database,
you should check that the date is valid.
 This can be done using checkdate() that accepts three integers:
month, day, and year.
 checkdate() returns true if the month is between 1 and 12, the day is
acceptable for the given month and year, and the year is between 0
and 32767.
 Be careful, though a date might be valid, it may not be acceptable
to other date functions.
 For example, the following line returns true:
checkdate(4, 4, 1066);
Working with Date and Time…
 If you were to attempt to build a date with mktime() using
these values, you'd end up with a timestamp of -1.
 As a rule of thumb, don't use mktime() with years before
 Also be cautious of using date functions with any date
before 1970, as negative numbers are not valid dates.
 Because the epoch began January 1, 1970, anything
before that is an invalid (negative) timestamp.
Mathematical Functions
 PHP has built-in mathematical constants, and trigonometric,
logarithmic, and base conversion functions.
 PHP constants are:
Constant Description Constant Description
M_PI Pi M_SQRT2 sqrt(2)
M_PI_2 pi/2 M_SQRT1_2 1/sqrt(2)
M_PI_4 pi/4 M_LOG2E log2(e)
M_1_PI 1/pi M_LOG10E log10(e)
M_2_PI 2/pi M_LN2 loge(2)
M_2_SQRTPI 2/sqrt(pi) M_LN10 loge(10)
M_E the constant e
function Behavior
pow() Takes two numerical arguments and returns the first argument raised to the power of the
second. The value of pow($x, $y) is xy.
exp() Takes a single argument and raises e to that power. The value of exp($x) is ex.
log() The “natural log” function. Takes a single argument and returns its base e logarithm. If ey = x,
then the value of log($x) is y.
log10() Takes a single argument and returns its base-10 logarithm. If 10y = x, then the value of log10($x)
is y.
pi() Takes no arguments and returns an approximation of pi (3.1415926535898). Can be used
interchangeably with the constant M_PI.
Sin() Takes a numerical argument in radians and returns the sine of the argument as a double.
Cos() Takes a numerical argument in radians and returns the cosine of the argument as a
Tan() Takes a numerical argument in radians and returns the tangent of the argument as a
Asin() Takes a numerical argument and returns the arcsine of the argument in radians. Inputs must be
between –1.0 and 1.0, otherwise, it will return a result of NAN. Results are in the range –pi / 2
to pi / 2.
Acos() Takes a numerical argument and returns the arccosine of the argument in radians. Inputs must
be between –1.0 and 1.0, otherwise, it will return a result of NAN. Results are in the range 0 to
Atan() Takes a numerical argument and returns the arctangent of the argument in radians.
Results are in the range –pi / 2 to pi / 2.
Atan2() A variant of atan() that takes two arguments. Atan($y, $x) is identical to atan($y/$x) when $x is
Mathematical Functions…
Function Behavior
BinDec() Takes a single string argument representing a binary (base 2)
integer, and returns a string representation of that number in base
DecBin() Like BinDec(), but converts from base 10 to base 2.
OctDec() Like BinDec(), but converts from base 8 to base 10.
DecOct() Like BinDec(), but converts from base 10 to base 8.
HexDec() Like BinDec(), but converts from base 16 to base 10.
DecHex() Like BinDec(), but converts from base 10 to base 16.
Base_convert Takes a string argument (the integer to be converted) and two
() integer arguments (the original base, and the desired base). Returns
a string representing the converted number—digits higher than 9
(from 10 to 35) are represented by the letters a–z. Both the original
and desired bases must be in the range 2–36.
Mathematical Functions…
 Example:
function display_bases($val, $first_base) {
for ($new_base = 2; $new_base <= 9; $new_base++)
$converted = base_convert($val, $first_base, $new_base);
print(“$val in base $first_base is $converted in base $new_base<BR>”);
display_bases(“150”, 10);

 Output:
150 in base 10 is 10010110 in base 2
150 in base 10 is 12120 in base 3
150 in base 10 is 2112 in base 4
150 in base 10 is 1100 in base 5
150 in base 10 is 410 in base 6
150 in base 10 is 303 in base 7
150 in base 10 is 226 in base 8
150 in base 10 is 176 in base 9

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