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Association of job satisfaction and innovative work

behavior of HI teachers

Sajida Batool

Degree: MPhil
Department: Special Education
Job satisfaction

• The concept of job satisfaction has been

developed in many ways by many different
researchers and practitioners. One of the most
widely used is that of Locke (1976), who
defines job satisfaction as "a pleasurable or
positive emotional state resulting from the
appraisal of one's job or job experiences"
(Locke, 1976).
• A more recent definition of the concept of job
satisfaction is from (Hulin & Judge, 2003), who
have noted that job satisfaction includes
multidimensional psychological responses to
an individual's job, and that these personal
responses have cognitive (evaluative),
affective (or emotional), and behavioral
components (Hulin & Judge, 2003).
Influencing factors
Environmental factors
Communication overload and under load
Superior-subordinate communication
Strategic employee recognition
Individual factors
Psychological well-being
Innovative work behavior
Innovative behaviors do formally rarely
belong to the work of most employees.
Therefore, employees are rarely directly or
explicitly rewarded for innovative behaviors
(George & Brief, 1992; Katz, 1964). For this reason
individual innovation can be identified as a purely
discretionary behavior which is in scientific
literature regarded as extra role behavior (Katz &
Kahn, 1978).
individual innovation may bring benefits to
the organization as well. By engaging in
innovative behaviors employees develop, carry,
react to and modify ideas that would otherwise
not be developed. This makes employees
essential for the innovation of products,
processes and methods within their organization
(Ramamoorthy et al., 2005).
• Wright, Cropanzano, & Bonett, (2007). Using
Fredrickson's (2001) broaden-and-build model as
the theoretical base, the authors found that positive
wellbeing (PWB) moderates the relation between
job satisfaction and job performance.

• Witte. De.H., Näswall. K. (2003).conducted a

research whether temporary work and (the
subjective perception of) job insecurity are
associated with a reduction in job satisfaction and
organizational commitment, as proposed in the
literature. An interaction between temporary work
and job insecurity is also tested.
• Khalid, Irshad, & Mahmood, (2012). investigate the
relationship between various facets of job satisfaction
among university academicians in Punjab Province,
Pakistan, and how these differences affect overall job
satisfaction of academicians in selected universities of
Province Punjab.

• Ehsan, et al. (2010). determine the impact of teachers’

satisfaction with job dimensions on perceived
organizational commitment in public sector universities
of Pakistan A survey-based descriptive research design
was used.
• Sharifirad, ( 2013). conducted a research on
Transformational leadership, innovative work behavior,
and employee well-being Results of the analyses revealed
that leader’s active empathetic listening and psychological
safety fully mediated the influence of TL on innovative
work behavior, and partially mediated the influence of TL
on employee well-being.

• Dörner (2012) conducted a study on Innovative Work

Behavior: The Roles of Employee Expectations and Effects
on Job Performance. Results revealed that innovative work
behavior positively influences task performance
Khan & Riaz (2012). examine the role of
transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire
leadership styles in predicting innovative work
behavior among bank managers of Rawalpindi and
Islamabad. Results showed that transformational
and transactional leadership style positively
predicted innovative work behavior whereas
laissez-faire leadership style negatively predicted
it. Findings of the study are in line with the
theoretical assumptions of transformational and
laissez-faire leadership style but inconsistent for
transactional leadership style.
Statement of the problem:
Present study aims to find the Association of job
satisfaction and innovative work behavior of HI teachers.

Rationale of the study:

The present study aims to scrutinize the Association of
job satisfaction and innovative work behavior of HI teachers.
How work innovation behavior associate to teacher’s level of
job satisfaction. And also check out the subtypes of innovative
work behavior with level of satisfaction of teacher’s job. All
variable to use in this research are closely related to the
individual life. So in this research check the innovative work
behavior of the participants and it helps to identify that how it
associate to level of job satisfaction.
• To explore the relationship between innovative
work behavior with job satisfaction
• To explore the association of job satisfaction and
innovative work behaviour with it’s subtypes (idea
promotion, idea generation, work commitment,
idea implementation).
• To explore the relationship between innovative
work behavior with job satisfaction in relation to
demographic variables ( scale, gender, experience)
• Job satisfaction would be correlated with innovative
work behavior
• Job satisfaction would be correlated with the sub
types of innovative work behavior
• Male will score high in innovative work behavior
than females.
• Male will score high in Job satisfaction than females.
• Association of Job satisfaction with innovative work
behavior is high in experienced teachers as
compared to the newly appointed teachers.

The aim of the present study was to expand this

research field to the domain of education. This study will
support the previous researches that there is association
between job satisfaction and innovative work behavior. As
with the growing number of papers that have emphasized
the importance of organizational support for job
satisfaction, the present study argued that such support is
necessary to encourage job satisfaction and an essential
component of the employee-driven innovation that is
necessary for any significant improvement in organizational
Research Design:
The study will performed using correlational
research design.
Teachers of Hearing Impaired students of
special education institute will be the target
population of present study.
In present study Simple random sampling will
be used to collect data.
Following scales will be used for data collection:
• Innovative Work Behaviour Scale (Butt, 2006)
• Job satisfaction Scale (Wysocki & Kromm, 1986).

Data Collection and Analysis Procedures :

Data will be collect through questionnaire and
SPSS will be used for data analysis.
Ethical considerations:
Informed consent will be taken from participants
before data collection according to APA ethical code of
conduct. And it will be assured to participants that
information collect from them will be kept confidential and
will be used only for research purpose.

Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

• Findings will be given at the end of the study according to
results get through statistical techniques.
• Conclusions and recommendations will be based on
findings of the study.
Dörner Nadin (2012). Innovative Work Behavior: The Roles of Employee Expectations
and Effects on Job Performance. University of St.Gallen, School of
Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and International Affairs.$FILE/Dis4007.pdf

Ehsan, M. M., Nawab,s., Naeem,B., et(2010). Job Satisfaction and Organizational

Commitment of University Teachers in Public Sector of Pakistan. International
Journal of Business and Management, 5 (6):20-46.

George, J. M. & Sc Brief, A. P. (1992). Feeling good-doing good: A conceptual analysis of

the mood at work- organizational spontaneity relationship. Psychological
Bulletin, 112, 310-329.

Hulin, C. L., & Judge, T. A. (2003). Job attitUdes. In W. C. Borman, D. R. ligen, & R. J.
Klimoski (Eds.), Handbook of psychology: Industrial and organizational
psychology (pp. 255-276). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Khalid, s., Irshad, M. Z., Mahmood, B., (2011). Job Satisfaction among Academic Staff: A
Comparative Analysis between Public and Private Sector Universities of Punjab,
Pakistan. International Journal of Business and Management. 22 (6):132-145.
Khan, J.L., Riaz, M.N.,(2012). Leadership Styles as Predictors of Innovative Work
Behavior. Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology,9 (2): 17-22.

Locke,E.A. (1976). The nature and causes of job satisfaction. In M.D. Dunnette (Ed.),
Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology (pp.1297-1349). Chicago:
Rand McNally.

Ramamoorthy, N., Flood, P.C., Slattery, T. & Sardessai, R. (2005). Determinants of

innovative work behaviour: Development and test of an integrated model.
Creativity and Innovation Management, 14(2), 142-150.

Sharifirad, M.S.,( 2013). Transformational leadership, innovative work behavior,

and employee well-being. Global Business, 1 (3): 198–225.

Witte.De.H., Näswall, K. (2003). Objective' vs `Subjective' Job Insecurity:

Consequences of Temporary Work for Job Satisfaction and Organizational
Commitment in Four European Countries. International Journal of Nursing
Studies, 45(6): 201-217.

Wright, T. A., Cropanzano, R., & Bonett, D. G. (2007). The moderating role of employee
positive well being on the relation between job satisfaction and job
performance. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 12(2), 93-104.

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