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How to collect Data and

By: Geramie (geraii) N. Chua
7 Tips on How to Collect Data
• Before writing a result section of research, you need to make
sure you’ve used the right information. Collection data for
research is all about following the right steps.
1. Interviews are widely used to find qualitative data. They are
either conducted in person or over the phone. These interviews
can be formal and structured or they can be informal. This will
depend on the topic and the nature of your research. If you use
interviews in your research, you need to make sure your questions
are clear. Encourage people to speak their minds to guarantee the
success of your method.
2. Questionnaires are used to gather qualitative or quantitative
information. Use a scale to assign a numeric value to help
understand your findings. Questionnaires can combine the two
types of information you use while working on your project. The
results are usually easy to understand and analyze.
3. Questionnaires are used to gather qualitative or quantitative
information. Use a scale to assign a numeric value to help
understand your findings. Questionnaires can combine the two
types of information you use while working on your project. The
results are usually easy to understand and analyze.
4. Using focus groups can help you analyze different behavioral
patterns. Focus groups can be used in science experiments or when
you are studying psychology. A focus group is a group of people
that have something in common so you can collect data and
categorize it. Make sure you keep accurate documents of how your
focus group responds.
5. Case studies involve studying a single issue or phenomenon. You can use
surveys, questionnaires, and interviews to assemble relevant qualitative
and quantitative findings. You can also contribute by analyzing previous
case studies to prove the relevance of your hypothesis.
6. Ethnography is the recording and analysis of cultural differences and is
widely used in sociology assignments. It is all about studying different
individuals in their natural settings. To make sure you do it right, focus on
being unbiased. You should have an open mind regarding the differences
between peoples.

7. Examining documents and previous records is a good way to find relevant

information for your assignment. This is an inexpensive way of obtaining
information, but you shouldn’t rely too much on the results. You will have
to make sure the information you use is relevant and up-to-date.

• Writing a good paper starts with collecting the right data. You should devote
the time needed to gather and verify relevant information that will construct
the basis of your project. By mixing different techniques, your assignment
will be well-researched and more reliable.

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