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Disain Penelitian Kualitatif dan

Penilaian Dampak OR
Ari Probandari
Artawan Eka Putra

Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)

I. Disain Penelitian Kualitatif

Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)

Apakah Penelitian Kualitatif?

Corlin MV, Pathmanatan I, Brownlee A. Designing and conducting health

systems research projects: volume 1. KIT Amsterdam publisher. 2003.
Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)
• Non probabilistic sampling
• Sampel memenuhi ciri-ciri/karakteristik yang
memberikan ‘rich information’

Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)

 Extreme or deviant cases
 Selection of extreme cases, such as good or very poor
compliers to treatment, is a powerful and rapid strategy to
identify contributing factors to poor compliance.

 Snow-ball sampling
 Start with one or two information-rich key informants and
ask them if they know persons who know a lot about your
topic of interest.

Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)

• Maximum variation sampling
– If a researcher wants to obtain as complete as possible
insight in a certain issue in all its variations

• Critical case sampling

– Critical cases are those who can make the difference with
respect to an intervention you want to introduce or to

Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)

• Homogenous sampling
– Sometimes a researcher would like to have specific information
about one particular group only, for example, a group that, for
unclear reasons, is more at risk than others

• Typical case sampling

– It is sometimes illustrative to describe in-depth some cases which
are typical for the group one is interested in.

Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)

Bagaimana Pengumpulan Data dalam
Penelitian Kualitatif?


Focus Group
Document review

Eksplorasi Others (photo
structured ‘what’, voice, story telling
interviews etc)
‘how’, ‘why’

Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)

Analisis Data Kualitatif

Data Mentah Transkrip Analisis

(raw data) Lengkap (Coding)

Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)

Thematic Content Analysis
Teks dalam Unit Makna Ringkasan Unit
Transkrip (Meaning Unit) Makna

Tema (Theme) Kode (Code)

dalam tulisan
hasil penelitian

Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)

Meaning Unit:
...[pasien] Yang pakai obat TB [dari program] harus [didiagnosis] pakai BTA
ini memang sudah prosedur....

Condesed meaning unit Code

Prosedur DOTS untuk

Meaning unit pasien dengan obat TB
Pasien yang pakai obat TB
program didiagnosis dengan
BTA sesuai prosedur
Selektivitas pasien dengan
prosedur DOTS

Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)

Kombinasi Penelitian Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif

Prioritas QL Prioritas QN

Awal QL-qn QN-ql

qn-QL ql-QN

Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)

Ppt: Adi Utarini
Kombinasi Penelitian Kualitatif dan
QL-qn qn-QL
Dipakai untuk melakukan Membantu proses sampling,
generalisasi hasil pada sampel sebagai baseline untuk
yang berbeda, uji hipotesis dari menetapkan isu-isu mana yang
hasil penelitian kualitatif. perlu diperdalam

QN-ql ql-QN
Membantu interpretasi hasil- Untuk membuat hipotesis,
hasil yang diperoleh menyusun kuesioner (item dan
(terutama bila sulit dipahami) wordingnya), dan
dan menjelaskan outliers merencanakan intervensi.

Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)

Ppt: Adi Utarini
II. Aplikasi Penelitian Kualitatif dalam
Penilaian Dampak OR:

Impact of Operational Research to Tuberculosis Program Policy

and Practice in Indonesia
(IMPACT OR Project)

Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)

• Mengidentifikasi OR yang memiliki pengaruh
pada kebijakan dan program TB di tingkat lokal
(provinsi/kabupaten/kota/fasilitas kesehatan).
• Menggali faktor pendorong dan penghambat
dalam proses menerjemahkan hasil OR pada
kebijakan dan program TB di tingkat lokal.

Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)

• Penelitian kualitatif
• Wawancara mendalam melalui telpon, list of local TB
control policies
• 33 kelompok OR (2004-2014)
– 2 peneliti (1 akademisi, 1 staf program) atau lebih per kelompok
OR, yang terdaftar pada Subdit TB
– 1 atau 2 aktor kebijakan (Kabid P2M Provinsi/ Wasor TB/ NTP
focal point)
• Total terdapat 59 wawancara peneliti akademisi (R1),
29 peneliti program (R2), dan 14 form isian kebijakan

Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)

Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)
Level of Impact
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

None follow Follow up Evidence Evidence Evidence

up informed based policy based policy
Not all policy
recommend No scaling Scaling up
ation were up
turn out to

Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)

Level of Impact

Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)

The barriers (level 1 &2)
• insufficient communication between the
researchers and policy actors
• lack of persuasiveness of OR group member to
promote the recommendations from the OR
results to the relevant policy makers
• the solidity of the OR group
• less power of OR researcher from the Dinas
• complexity of recommendation
Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)
The promoters (level 3, 4, 5)
• fair communication within the group and
between the group and the policy actors
• good relationship with policy actors.
• persuasiveness of the researchers to promote
the recommendations
• the interest of the policy actors

Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)

• Monitoring pasca diseminasi hasil
• Jejaring OR
• Pemilihan topik OR yang lebih ketat:
memperhatikan ‘kebaruan’ dan ‘kebutuhan’
kebijakan/program, dan ‘memungkinkan’
dilaksanakan rekomendasinya
• Interaksi peneliti-aktor kebijakan lebih awal
• Diseminasi yang lebih luas

Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)

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