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Figure 39.

A dog’s breathing helps meet its cells’ need for oxygen. In dogs and
other vertebrates, the respiratory system interacts with other organ
systems that contribute to homeostasis.
Figure 39.3
How a mercury barometer measures atmospheric pressure. That
pressure makes mercury (Hg), a viscous liquid, rise or fall in a narrow
tube. At sea level, it rises 760 millimeters (29.91 inches) from the tube’s
base. Atmospheric pressure varies with altitude. On the top of Mount
Everest, atmospheric pressure is only about one-third the pressure at
sea level.
Figure 39.7
Insect tracheal system. Chitin rings reinforce branching, air-filled tubes
in such respiratory systems.
Figure 39.8
Above, a spider’s book lung. The lung contains many thin sheets of
tissue, somewhat like the pages of a book. As blood moves through
spaces between the “pages,” it exchanges gases with air in adjacent
spaces. Left, horseshoe crab blood. Like spider blood, it contains the
respiratory pigment hemocyanin, which turns blue-green when carrying
Figure 39.9
(b) Water is sucked into the mouth and over the gills when a fish closes
its gill covers, opens its mouth, and expands its oral cavity. (c) The
water moves out when the fish closes its mouth, opens its gill covers,
and squeezes the water past its gills.
Figure 39.9
(a) Location of the gill cover of a bony fish. (c) The water moves out
when the fish closes its mouth, opens its gill covers, and squeezes the
water past its gills.
Figure 39.9
(a) Location of the gill cover of a bony fish. (b) Water is sucked into the
mouth and over the gills when a fish closes its gill covers, opens its
mouth, and expands its oral cavity.
Figure 39.10
Structure and function of the gills of a bony fish.
Figure 39.10
Structure and function of the gills of a bony fish.
Figure 39.11
How a frog breathes.
Figure 39.12
Respiratory system of a bird. Large, stretchy air sacs attach to two
small, inelastic lungs. Contraction and expansion of chest muscles
cause air to flow into and then out of this system.
Air flows in through many air tubes inside the lung, and into posterior
air sacs. The lining of the tiniest air tubes, sometimes called air
capillaries, is the site of gas exchange—the respiratory surface.
It takes more than one breath for air to flow through the system, but air
flows continuously through the lungs and over the respiratory surface.
This unique ventilating system supports the high metabolic rates that
birds require for flight and other energy-demanding activities.
Right, this scanning electron micrograph of lung tissue shows the tubes
Figure 39.12
Respiratory system of a bird. Large, stretchy air sacs attach to two
small, inelastic lungs. Contraction and expansion of chest muscles
cause air to flow into and then out of this system.
Air flows in through many air tubes inside the lung, and into posterior
air sacs. The lining of the tiniest air tubes, sometimes called air
capillaries, is the site of gas exchange—the respiratory surface.
It takes more than one breath for air to flow through the system, but air
flows continuously through the lungs and over the respiratory surface.
This unique ventilating system supports the high metabolic rates that
birds require for flight and other energy-demanding activities.
Right, this scanning electron micrograph of lung tissue shows the tubes
Figure 39.14
Human vocal cords, inside the larynx. Contraction of skeletal muscle in
these cords changes the width of the glottis, the gap between them.
The glottis closes tightly when you swallow. It is open during quiet
breathing. It narrows when you speak, so that air flow causes the cords
to vibrate.
Figure 39.13
(a) Components of the human respiratory system and their functions.
The diaphragm and other muscles, as well as certain bones of the axial
skeleton, have secondary roles in respiration. (b, c) Location of alveoli
relative to the bronchioles and the lung (pulmonary) capillaries.
Figure 39.13
(a) Components of the human respiratory system and their functions.
The diaphragm and other muscles, as well as certain bones of the axial
skeleton, have secondary roles in respiration. (b, c) Location of alveoli
relative to the bronchioles and the lung (pulmonary) capillaries.
Figure 39.13
(a) Components of the human respiratory system and their functions.
The diaphragm and other muscles, as well as certain bones of the axial
skeleton, have secondary roles in respiration. (b, c) Location of alveoli
relative to the bronchioles and the lung (pulmonary) capillaries.
Figure 39.15
Changes in the size of the thoracic cavity during a single respiratory
cycle. The x-ray images reveal how inhalation and expiration change
the lung volume.
Figure 39.15
Changes in the size of the thoracic cavity during a single respiratory
cycle. The x-ray images reveal how inhalation and expiration change
the lung volume.
Figure 39.18
Respiratory response to increased activity levels. An increase in activity
raises the CO2 output. It also makes the blood and cerebrospinal fluid
more acidic. Chemoreceptors in blood vessels and the medulla sense
the changes and signal the brain’s respiratory center, also in the brain
stem. In response, the respiratory center signals the diaphragm and
intercostal muscles. The signals call for alterations in the rate and
depth of breathing. Excess CO 2 is expelled, which causes the level of
this gas and acidity to decline. Chemoreceptors sense the decline and
signal the respiratory center, so breathing is adjusted accordingly.
Figure 39.19
Zooming in on the respiratory membrane in human lungs.
Figure 39.20
(a) (b) Myoglobin, an oxygen-storing protein in muscle cells. Its single
chain associates with a heme group. Compared to hemoglobin,
myoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen, so it helps speed the
transfer of oxygen from blood to muscle cells.
Figure 39.20
(a) Structure of hemoglobin, the oxygen-transporting protein of red
blood cells. It consists of four globin chains, each associated with an
iron-containing heme group, color-coded red. (b)
Figure 39.21
Partial pressures (in mm Hg) for oxygen (pink boxes) and carbon
dioxide (blue boxes) in the atmosphere, blood, and tissues.
Figure It Out: What is the partial pressure of oxygen in arteries that
carry blood to systemic capillary beds?
Answer: 100 mm Hg
Figure 39.22
(a) Cigarette smoke about to enter bronchi that lead to the lungs.
Smoke irritates ciliated and mucus-secreting cells that line the airways
(b) and can exacerbate bronchitis.
Figure 39.22
(a) Cigarette smoke about to enter bronchi that lead to the lungs.
Smoke irritates ciliated and mucus-secreting cells that line the airways
(b) and can exacerbate bronchitis.

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