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Physical transport phenomena 2

Lecture 12

Jun Yue
January 2020
Lecture topics in Beek’s book
Lecture 12 Beek’s book (2nd version)
 Heat transfer and mass transfer (Slide 2)  Chapter IV (page 260)
 Non-stationary diffusion (Slides 3-11)  Chapter IV (IV. 2)
 Similarity between heat and mass transport  Chapter IV (IV. 3.1)
(Slide 12)
An example (Slide 13)
 Concentration jump at an interface (Slide 14)  Chapter IV (IV. 1.2)
Mass transfer through an interface (Slide 15)
Overall mass transfer (Slide 16)
If one resistance dominates the process
(Slide 17)
Example (Slides 18-20)
 Mass transfer with chemical reactions (Slides  Chapter IV (pages 287-288, IV. 5.1, IV.
21-28) 5.2)
 Relation between concentration and pressure  No description
(Slide 29)
 Simultaneous mass and heat transport  Chapter IV (IV 6.1)
(Slides 30-35)
Heat transfer and mass transfer
Same equations: same solutions

flux H mol , A

a ( )
molecular transport coefficient  C p DA

driving force c p T cA

transfer coefficient h k
hD kD
Nu  Sh 
dimensionless transfer group  DA
 
Pr  Sc 
boundary layer group a DA
Non-stationary diffusion in large medium
short time effects
Flat medium
c A  2 cA cA1
 DA 2
t x cA
B.C.: t = 0 x  0  cA = cA0 t
t0 x = 0  cA = cA1
x   cA = cA0
Semi-infinite medium
Solution: x
 DAt x
c A1  c A 2
2 DAt
 x  Flat boundary at x = 0, infinite length

 2
 e d  erf   in the positive x direction.
c A1  c A0  2 D t 
0  A  At t = 0, concentration in the medium is
cA0. At t ≥ 0, interface at x = 0 is
Error function
brought to a constant concentration cA1.

dcA c A1  c A0 DA
mol , A   DA  DA   c A1  c A0 
dx x 0  DA t t 4
Penetration depth
dcA c A1  c A0 DA
   DA  DA   c A1  c A0 
mol , A
dx x 0  DA t
So penetration depth: cA1

 m   DAt cA

And mass transfer coefficient

k  cA0
 DAt t  DAt x

Penetration depth

δm represents the distance x at which (cA-cA0) has dropped to ~20% of (cA1-cA0). 5

In terms of dimensionless numbers
DA DA Two dimensionless numbers
k  kD
 DA t t Sherwood number Sh 
1 DA

kD D t 2
DA t
 0.57  A2  Fourier number Fom 
DA D  -D/2 x=0 D/2 D2
or: The condition of semi-infinite medium
 DAt
Sh  0.57 Fom 2
if Fom  0.1 Fom = 2
 0.1 (in practice < 0.05)
Average mass transfer coefficient:  m 
t t
1 e 1 DA e dt DA
 k   kdt   2  2k  t e 
te 0 te  0 t  te
DA : diffusion coeffient of A, m 2 /s D : thickness of the medium, m
 m : peneatration depth in mass transfer, m 6
Short vs long times
or: when is a medium large? D At
Fom 
E.g. flat medium: D2

-D/2 x=0 D/2

Fom = 0 Fom << 0.1 Fom ~ 0.1 Fom >> 0.1 Fom 
c A1  c A  x  c A1  c A   2 DAt  x
 erf   ~ exp   2 
cos  
c A1  c A0   c A1  c A0 4 R  2R 
 2 DA t   
dc A
  DA A mol , A   DA
mol , A
dx dx x R
= k  c A1   c A  
  c A1  c A0  Sh  4.93 (flat medium)
1 R
Sh  0.57 Fom 0.5  c A   c A dx 7
R 0
Non-stationary diffusion vs. conduction
c A  cA2
 DA
t x 2 c
Compare with non-staionary conduction t
T  2T
a 2
t x cA0
-D/2 0x D/2
Penetration depth
Heat:  H   at Mass:  m   D At
Tm  T1 c Am  c A1
Middle  f  FoH  Middle  f  Fom 
temperature T0  T1 concentration c A 0  c A1
at Dt
FoH  2 Fom  A2
a DA
h k
 C pT ,  C pT0 ,  C pT1 ,  C pTm c A , cA0 , c A1 , c Am 8

Two important graphs

1 1
c A1  c A c A1  c Am
c A1  c A0 c A1  c A0

0.1 0.1

0.01 0.01

sphere cylinder, L∞ sphere cylinder, L∞

0.001 0.001
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Dt DAt
Fom  A2 Fom 
D D2 9
Non-stationary diffusion example
(Beek’s book, Page 255, Problem 2) A wall is coated on one side with a 0.2
mm thick layer of paint consisting of a very volatile component and a
heavier, non-volatile component. The paint is allowed to dry, i.e., the volatile
component is caused to evaporate. The diffusion coefficient of the volatile
component in the paint is 2.2×10-11 m2/s.
a. Calculate with a simple physical model how long it takes before the
drying front has reached the interface paint wall.
b. How long does it take before 99% of the volatile component has
Solution a): t=0
The penetration depth can be approximated as
the distance that the drying front has moved. t
 m   DAt cA1
 0.2  0.001  579 s  9.7 min
 m2
t 

 DA 3.14  2.2 1011 δ 10

Non-stationary diffusion example
Solution b): 99% of the volatile component (A) has evaporated:
 c  0.01c 1
A A0
c A1  c A
c A1   c A  0  0.01 c A1  c A0
  0.01
c A1  c A0 0 1
From the figure, it is found that
DA t
Fo m   0.44 D = 2δ plate
 2 

Fo m   2 
sphere cylinder, L∞
0.44   2  0.2  0.001

 11
2.2 10 0.001
 3200 s 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
 53.3 min Fom  A2 11
Similarity between heat and mass
General (between a wall and a convective flow):
Nu  c  Re m  Pr n 
n 
0.33  m  0.8 and n 1 3
Sh  c  Re  Sc 

Chilton-Colburn analogy:
Define: J H  Nu  Re 1 Pr 1 3 heat transfer number
J D  Sh  Re 1 Sc 1 3 mass transfer number

Similar geometry, same material: J H  J D  c  Re m 1

friction factor
Similar geometry, same material, turbulent f
JH  JD 
flow through pipes and along flat plates: 2 12
An example:
Mass transfer calculation via analogy to heat transfer
Chilton-Colburn relation:
KMnO4 J H  J D  c Re m 1
 
Nu  Re 1 Pr 1 3  Sh  Re 1 Sc 1 3
 Sc  3
Sh  Nu   
 Pr 
13 13
  hwall-fluid D   
To remove KMnO4 crystals on k wall-fluid D  hwall-fluid D  a    
  DKMnO 
the wall using dilute KMnO4
DKMnO4  4    c p DKMnO4 
1 2
solutions.  1   DKMnO4 
3 3
Under similar conditions: kwall-fluid  hwall-fluid   
 c 
hwall-fluid = 11000 W/ (m2.K)  p    
what is kwall-fluid ? 1 2

  10 
9  1 3 3
given: DKMnO  10 m /s
 11000   3   
 1000  4.18  10   0.6 

Physical constants as for water.

 9.6  105 m/s 13
Concentration jump at an interface
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 1 Phase 2
T cA

   
At phase interface Tg,1 = Tg,2 At phase interface cg,1  cg,2

cO2 Liquid phase

Henry coefficient equilibrium
Equilibrium: concentration
E.g. cO2,water= 8 ppm pi = He×cl
cO2,air= 21 % pi=ciRT
water air
Gas phase
Partial pressure equilibrium
Mass transfer through an interface
cA Phase ' Phase ''
c ' A, w
law of Henry-Nernst: c '' A, f
c' A, w  mc" A, w
c ' A, f c '' A, w

 "mol , A  k '  c ' A,w  c ' A, f   "mol , A  k "  c "A, f  c "A, w 

Eliminate c'A,w and c''A,w :
1 1   c ' A, f 
Gas-liquid systems: "mol , A      c" A, f  
pi = Hecl  k " mk '   m 
pi=ciRT; 1

"mol , A      mc" A, f c' A, f 

m 1
m : distribution coeffient  k" k ' 
k ' : partial mass transfer coefficient in phase '
k '' : partial mass transfer coefficient in phase " 15
Overall mass transfer
1 1   c ' A, f   c ' A, f 
"mol , A      c" A, f    K "  c" A, f  
 k " mk '   m   m 

"mol , A      mc" A, f c' A, f   K '  mc" A, f c' A, f 

m 1
 k" k '  c ' A, f
cA, f 


"mol , A  K "  c" A, f 

c ' A, f

  K " c" A, f cA , f  
  c ' A, f   mc "A, f

"mol , A  K '  mc" A, f c' A, f   K ' cA, f  c' A, f

K: the overall mass transfer coefficient related to one of the two phases (K' or K'').
cA,f*: the concentration of one phase if it was equilibrium with the other phase
(c'A,f* or c''A,f*),
If one resistance dominates
the process:
Phase ' Phase ''
k   mk   cA
1 c '' A, f
"mol , A      mc" A, f c' A, f 
m 1
 k" k '  c ' A, f
 k  mc" A, f c' A, f 

k   mk  Phase ' Phase ''

1  
c ' A, f  cA
 1
 "mol , A     c "A, f  
 k " mk '   m 
 c ' A, f  c ' A, f c '' A, f
 k  c "A, f  
 m 

Mass transfer through interface
(Beek’s book, Page 249, Problem 5) Small bubbles (original diameter D0) of a pure
gas are brought into a liquid in which they ascend very slowly. During ascending,
the bubbles disappear by absorption (Sh = 2), It appears that the time of solution t
and the original bubble diameter satisfy the relation
D0 2  constant  t
where the constant has the value of 25×10-9 m2/s. Give a theoretical explanation for
this relationship and calculate from the constant the diffusion coefficient of the gas
in the liquid, if the solubility of the gas is given by m = 0.5 (concentration in the gas
phase divided by concentration in the liquid phase). Assume that the pressure, and
consequently the concentration in the bubbles remain constant.
Solution: Phase ' Phase '' The concentration in the bubbles remain
constant. pg
cA c ' A , g c '' A, w c ' A, g  mol/m3
Pure gas: no mass transfer resistance in the gas
c '' A,l
phase, no concentration gradient.
c ' A, g
c '' A, w  18
Mass transfer through interface
Solution (continued): We can assume no A in the bulk of the liquid.
Phase ' Phase '' c '' A,l  0
cA c ' A , g c '' A, w Mass transfer in the liquid phase:
k "D 2D
Sh  2   2  k ''  A
c '' A,l DA D
Mass balance for the gas bubble:
Molecular weight
g   mol , A  M g
Mass flux at the interface:  c ' A, g  c ' A, g
 "mol , A  k    c "A,l   k 
 m  m
dVg c ' A, g dVg 2 DA c ' A , g
g   k 
 A M g  g    D2  M g
dt m dt D m
 
Vg  D3  dVg  D 2 dD
6 2
dD 4D c ' M 1 0 t 4 D Ac ' A , g M g 8 D Ac ' A , g M g
  A A, g g 
m g D
 D0
DdD   
0 m g
dt  D0 2 
m g
Mass transfer through interface
Solution (continued): c ' A, g M g   g
8 DA c ' A , g M g
D0 
cA c ' A, g c '' A, w m g
8 DA
c '' A,l D0 2  t
D0 2  constant  t
The constant has the value of 25×10-9 m2/s
8 DA
 25  109
25 109  0.5
DA   1.56 109 m 2 /s

Mass transfer with chemical reactions
(very large volume)
No concentration gradient in the y- and z-
cAi directions.
No flow velocity, stationary state.
cA Assumption: all reactants that diffuse through x =
x1 will react between

x1 and infinity (very fast
reaction). dc A
 for 1 order reaction
D A  k c dx
r A
0 dx x RA   k r c A
d cA
DA 2
 kr cA B.C. : x  0, c A  c Ai and x  , c A  0
 kr  dc
c A  c Ai exp   x  and mol , A x 0   DA A  k r DA c Ai
 DA  dx x 0

kr: reaction rate constant (for 1st order reaction, unit in s-1)
R : production rate of A, mol/(m3.s)
The Hatta number

mol , A  kr DA c Ai with chemical reaction

mol , A  k  c Ai  c A  if without chemical reaction
c A  0 Assumptions: all reactants that diffuse
through x = x1 will react between x1 and
Ideal situation (1st order reaction, semi-infinite medium, negligible convection)
under “normal” situations:

k r DA mass transfer with chemical reaction

Ha  
k mass tranfer without chemical reaction

Ha: acceleration of mass transfer by the chemical reaction

Generalized Hatta number:
A+B→ products

kr DAc Ain 1cBm
Ha  n 1

n = reaction order in A
m = reaction order in B
So: for first order in A and zero order in B (e.g., large surplus of B)
 2  n 1 m
 
 r A Ai cB
k D c
 n 1  k r DA  k r DA 
Ha     2 
k k  k  23
Mass transfer with and without
chemical reactions
Boundary Boundary
cAi layer cAi layer
bulk bulk

cA cA
without reaction with reaction

Conclusion: chemical reactions increase mass transfer rates

Homogeneous reaction
very slow reaction: conversion in the bulk cA cAi
slow reaction: conversion in the bulk cA 0
fast reaction: conversion in bulk and boundary layer
very fast reaction: conversion in boundary layer only
We make use of the film model: the bulk of the liquid is well mixed and mass transfer
resistance is localized in a thin boundary layer. 24
No reaction in the boundary layer
Relatively slow reactions or thin boundary layers:
DA k r
For 1 order homogeneous reaction
st Ha   1
Mass transfer (film theory):
V : reactor volume
 mol , A  Ak  cAi  cA   A: mass transfer area
 kr: reaction rate constant
Chemical reaction (in the bulk): eliminate c A k: mass transfer coefficient
 mol , A  krVcA  cAi: concentration at interface

General equations:
V  Ak   Vkr 
mol , A  kr c Ai    kcAi  
A Vk r  Ak  Vkr  Ak 
Ideal situation (irreversible 1st order reaction, well-mixed liquid bulk, mass transfer
resistance localized in the boundary layer)
Two special cases (no reaction in
the boundary layer)
Very slow reactions:
DA k r cAi
Vkr  Ak Ha   1 cA ≈ cA,i
V  Ak 
mol , A  kr cAi   c
A Vkr  Ak  x
V only kinetics determines the rate,
mol , A  kr cAi
A mass transfer is not important

Slow reactions: cAi

Vkr  Ak DA k r
Ha   1
 Vkr  c cA ≈ 0
mol , A  kc Ai   x
Vkr  Ak  only mass transfer determines the rate,
mol , A  kc A,i kinetics is not important
Ideal situation (irreversible 1st order reaction, well-mixed liquid bulk, mass transfer
resistance localized in the boundary layer)
Reaction (partly) in the boundary
Very fast reaction: completely in the boundary layer
DA k r
Ha   1
d 2cA cAi
DA 2
 kr c A with: x  0  cA  cAi
x    cA  0 c cA = 0
mol , A  kr DA cAi x

Fast reaction: partly in the boundary layer cAi

DA k r
Ha  1
c cA ≈ 0
mol , A  kr DA  k cAi  kcAi 1  Ha
2 2
Ideal situation (irreversible 1 order reaction, well-mixed liquid bulk, mass transfer
resistance localized in the boundary layer)
Summary (1st order reaction) Ha 
DA k r
cAi cA ≈ cA,i Ak V
Ha  1 (in practice < 0.3);  1   mol , A  k r c Ai
Vkr A
c No reaction in boundary layer
cAi Ak  Vkr 
Ha  1 (in pactice <0.3);  1  mol , A  kcAi  
cA Vkr Vk
 r  Ak 
c No reaction in boundary layer
cAi Ak
Ha  1 (in practice <0.3);  1   mol , A  kc Ai
c cA ≈ 0 No reaction in boundary layer

cA,i Ak
Ha  1 (in practice 0.3  Ha  3);  1
cA ≈ 0
c  mol , A  kr DA  k 2 c Ai Reaction partly in boundary layer

cA,i Ak
Ha  1 (in practice >3);  1  mol , A  k r DA c Ai
cA = 0 Reaction completely in boundary layer
c 28
x See Tutorial 9 for examples.
Relation between
concentration and pressure
 Vapour: pi  yi p
pV  nRT 
 Dalton’s law
 RT
piVmol  RT   pi  ci RT 
 M p
Liquid: i  x p
i i
1 M
Vmol    Raoult’s law
ci  

pi: partial pressure component i

p : total pressure
pi0: vapor pressure of pure i
yi : mole fraction of i in vapour
xi : mole fraction of i in liquid
Vmol: molar volume
Simultaneous mass and heat
transport (1)  H
p A,w ; Tw
 ,A
E.g. evaporation from a liquid drop surface:
Gas (dry) temperature Gas temperature at drop surface p A,g ; Tg
(wet-bulb temperature)

H  h  Tg  Tw   Gas flow

mol , A  k  c A,i  cA, g  
p A,w  p A, g
 RT h
  

 p A, w  p A, g 
 Tg  Tw H e , A k

H  mol , A H e , A 
 Similarity?
H e, A : molar heat of evaportation of A at Tw
p A, g : vapour pressure of A in the bulk gas
p A, w : vapour pressure of A at the interface 30
Closing the circle
 
Pr  Sc 
a DA

heat transfer mass transfer

Le 
 hydrodynamic boundary layer 
Prandtl : Pr   
 thermal boundary layer 
 hydrodynamic boundary layer 
Schmidt : Sc   
 mass transfer boundary layer 
 thermal boundary layer  Sc
Lewis : Le    
 mass transfer boundary layer  Pr 31
Simultaneous mass and heat
transport (2)
a Sc
Le  
  
H  hT  T  h 
T  T 
mol , A  k c  c  k 
m  m 
h  m   h T   Pr   
        Le 3
k DA  T DA  h  m DA  Sc  DA
1 1
h   DA  a  DA 
3 3
     c p     c p Le 3
k DA  a  DA  a 
Wet bulb temperature
Wet-bulb temperature (Tw ) :

p A,w  p A, g RT  c p 2
 Le 3
Tg  Tw H e, A

Compare with adiabatic saturation temperature (Ts):

temperature a gas (e.g,, air with a temperature Tg and water vapour
pressure pA,g) attains if it is saturated with vapour .
p A , s  p A, g RT  c p Based on energy balance,
 heat and mass transfer
Equilibrium vapour Tg  Ts H e , A playing no role!
pressure at Ts

But for air/water vapour system, Le2/3  0.95, so no big deal!

Ts ≈ Tw 33
Humidity chart (1)

Air 70 oC and
Tw=55 oC (≈Ts)

Absolute humidity:
Relative humidity:
Dew point:
53.7 0C

Humidity chart (2)

Cooling to 30 oC

0.105 – 0.027 =
0.078 kg H2O
per kg dry air

Learning objectives
Learning objectives
Acquire knowledge and insights into the basic principles of complex
transport phenomena and the practical application of the theory.

By the end of the course, the students will be able to:

(1) Apply the general conservation laws for mass, momentum and energy to
describe the evolution of a physical/chemical system in time and 3-
dimensional space.

(2) Identify and explain relations between molecular transport processes and
bulk fluid properties such as viscosity, heat conductivity and diffusion
coefficients in simple and complex systems.

(3) Solve physical transport equations to make quantitative assessments of the

flow, heat and mass transfer performance in simple and complex systems.

(4) Develop their critical thinking and engineering skills in problem analysis and
o o n o cas ys
Learning objectives

Learning objectives
(1) Apply the general conservation laws for mass, momentum and energy to describe the
evolution of a physical/chemical system in time and 3-dimensional space.

Measuring gas temperatures

Thermocouple gas flow
Heat balance on the thermocouple spherical tip
(assume no conduction along the thermocouple, tube wall as black body)
 conv   rad ,out   rad ,in  0 View factor
 
hAc Tg  Tc  e Tc4 Ac  a Tt 4 At Ftube couple  0 Ftube-couple=Ac / At
hAc  Tg  Tc   e Tc4 Ac  e Tt 4 At 0 net emission
net  ez  ai
h  Tg  Tc   e  Tt  T
 0 Tc, Tg, Tt: temperature of thermocouple tip, gas
and tube wall, respectively
Correction factor:
Ac: heat transfer area of the thermocouple tip
 e 
Tg  Tc    Tc4  Tt 4  
At: heat transfer area of the tube
e, a : emission and absorption coefficients of the
 h  thermocouple tip

Slide 18
Lecture 10
Learning objectives
(2) Identify and explain relations between molecular transport processes and bulk fluid
properties such as viscosity, heat conductivity and diffusion coefficients in simple and
complex systems.
Mass transfer through interface
(Beek’s book, Page 249, Problem 5) Small bubbles (original diameter D0) of a pure
gas are brought into a liquid in which they ascend very slowly. During ascending,
the bubbles disappear by absorption (Sh = 2), It appears that the time of solution t
and the original bubble diameter satisfy the relation
D0 2  constant  t
where the constant has the value of 25×10-9 m2/s. Give a theoretical explanation for
this relationship and calculate from the constant the diffusion coefficient of the gas
in the liquid, if the solubility of the gas is given by m = 0.5 (concentration in the gas
phase divided by concentration in the liquid phase). Assume that the pressure, and Mass transfer through interface
consequently the concentration in the bubbles remain constant.
Solution: Phase ' Phase '' The concentration in the bubbles remain Solution (continued): We can assume no A in the bulk of the liquid.
constant. p Phase '
cA c ' A, g c '' A,w c ' A, g  g mol/m3 Phase '' c '' A,l  0
Pure gas: no mass transfer resistance in the gas cA c ' A, g c '' A, w Mass transfer in the liquid phase:
c '' A,l k "D 2D
phase, no concentration gradient. Sh  2   2  k ''  A
c ' A, g c '' A,l DA D
c '' A, w  18 Mass balance for the gas bubble:
Molecular weight
g   mol , A  M g
Mass flux at the interface:  c'  c'
 "mol , A  k   A, g  c "A,l   k  A, g
 m  m
dVg c ' A, g dVg 2 DA c ' A , g
g  k   A M g  g    D  M g

dt m dt D m
 
Vg  D 3  dVg  D 2dD
6 2
dD 4 D c ' M 1 0 t 4 D Ac ' A , g M g 8D Ac ' A, g M g
 DdD   
A A, g g
   dt  D0 2  t
Slides 18-19 dt m g D D0 0 m g m g 19

This lecture 12
Learning objectives
(3) Solve physical transport equations to make quantitative assessments of the flow, heat and
mass transfer performance in simple and complex systems.
Drift flow example
North sea oil from the Brent field Water in the bottom of a narrow metal tube is held at a constant temperature of
298 K. The dry ambient air outside the tube is at 1 atm (101.3 kPa) and 298 K.
> 40 ƒC Twell = 80 °C Water evaporates and diffuses through the air in the tube, and the diffusion path (x2
Tsea = 10 °C - x1) is 50 cm long. Vapor pressure of water at 298 K is 3.17 kPa,
L = 7 km Calculate the rate of evaporation at steady state in mol/(m2.s). The diffusivity of
water vapor (A) in air (B) at 1 atm and 298 K is 0.25 cm2/s. Assume that air is
D = 20 cm insoluble in water.
v = 1 m/s
Solution: This is a stationary diffusion of water vapor (A) through a stagnant
80 ƒC oil = 850 kg/m3 air (B) which does not diffuse into water.
cp,oil = 2000 J/(kg.K) Air (B) DA c  c  c A2 
oil = 0.2 W/(m.K) x2 mol A, x  ln  
x2  x1  c  c A1 
oil = 0.01 Pa.s
Consider the water vapor/air mixture as an ideal gas mixture, there is
PUR = 0.04 W/(m.K) A p p A1 pA2 P: total pressure
c c A1  c A2  PA1: partial pressure of A at position 1
requirement: Maximium cooling down of oil to Tmin= 40 °C RT RT RT PA2: partial pressure of A at position 2
calculate: Temperature of the oil if the pipe line is not isulated; p  p p 
DA  A2
mol A, x  RT ln  RT RT   DA p  p  pA2 
Isulation thickness required for polyurethane (PUR).  p 
ln  
 A1  RT  x 2  x1   p  p A1 
Water (A) x2  x1  p
27 18
 RT RT 

Drift flow example

Introduce in the differential equation Solution (continued):
T0  Twell  80 o C DA p  p  pA2 
Air (B) mol A, x  ln  
Tw  Tsea  10 o C x2 RT  x2  x1   p  p A1 

  The ambient air is dry, so

T  Tsea  2h   2  299  p A2  0
 exp  x   exp   7 103  A
T0  Tsea  vR  c p   1 20  0.01  Vapor pressure of water at 298 K is 3.17 kPa, so
 850  2000
 2  x1 p A1  3.17 kPa
 2 10
The air outside the tube is at 1 atm (101.3 kPa) and 298 K, so
T  Tsea  2  10 11   T0  Tsea   10  2  10 11   80  10   10 o C Water (A)
p  101.3 kPa
Far too cold  so isulate!
It is further known that DA  0.25 cm 2 /s, x2  x1  50 cm, T  298 K
Then the rate of evaporation at steady state is
 0.25 10 4 101.3 10 3  101.3  0 
mol A, x  ln  5
  6.5  10 mol/(m .s)

8.314  298  50  0.01  101.3  3.17 

At what h do we have an oulet temperature of 40 oC ? 29

Slides 27, 29 Slides 18-19 41

Lecture 9 Lecture 11
Learning objectives

&3 t i v
es2 b jec
je cti O

e 2&
je cti
es1 Ob
ct iv
j e
e 1-
je cti

Learning objectives
(4) Develop their critical thinking and engineering skills in problem analysis and
solving. Practice at every problem solving

Design, estimation, calculation, problem solving 43

1. Introduction / relevance
2. Summary of physical transport phenomena 1
3. Flow phenomena
a. Laminar flow and turbulent flow
b. Computational fluid dynamics
c. Practical rheology
d. Flow around obstacles
e. Flow through beds of particles
4. Heat transport
f. Stationary/non-stationary heat conduction
g. Convective heat transfer
h. Heat transfer with phase change
i. Heat transport by radiation
5. Mass transport
j. Stationary/non-stationary diffusion
k. Mass transfer with forced convection
l. Mass transfer at interfaces
m. Mass transfer with chemical reaction
n. Combined heat and mass transport

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