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Sergiu Roman was born in Iasi, Romania,

In his most recent series of paintings (called

in 1977. He started making oil paintings
“Mise en scene”), the world, the human life,
at the age of 13, but later he became
and the whole history of mankind are the attracted by philosophical ideas. In
stage where the protagonists are our 2003 he received the Bachelor Degree in
personal experiences and dramas, the Philosophy and Logic. In 2011 he moved
human fragility and suffering, the entropy to Shanghai, China, where he resumed his
and the loss of meaning – the impossibility artistic activity.
of overcoming our negative impulses and SergiuRoman 于 1977 年出生于罗马尼亚的雅西。
selfish limits. 他从 13 岁开始创作油画,但是后来,他被哲学思想
Sergiu 最新的系列作品“场面调度”中, 所吸引,在 2003 年,他得到了哲学和逻辑学的学
士学位。 2011 年,他移居到了中国上海,在这

The artist makes the viewer witness the

creation of the world, the pre-order of all
things, using many different techniques,
overlapping different areas of meaning, as
symbolically intending to bring together all
the layers of reality: the micro and macro
cosmos, the psychological world and the
physical world, the history of humankind
and the individual destiny, our crimes and
our suffering. Sergiu Roman’s art has an
immediate impact on the viewer through
the force of compositions, through the
strong chromatic in which the quality
contrasts play a major role in emphasizing
the structural elements of his paintings.
Sergiu 通过使用许多不同的技巧,在画
实中不同层面的各种景象。微观和宏观 SERGIU R O M A N
Mise en scène
Alice in Wasteland, oil on canvas, 120x120cm. Ides of March, oil on canvas, 120 x 120 cm.

Auspicium, oil on canvas, 120 x 120 cm. Jerk System, oil on canvas, 120 x 120 cm.

The Unholy Wood 2, oil on canvas, 90x120 cm

Evil Landscape (detail)

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