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April 24th, 2020

Zoom sessions will be on Monday,

*Math –We will continue our unit on measurement this Wednesday, and optional check in on Fridays
week. We are learning about metric and customary units from 10-10:30 Link is posted on Edmodo.
of measurement and converting measurement. This week
we will be doing assignments in Freckle and end the week I will be available through email, Class Dojo,
with a Digital Escape Room. If you have your Math book,
or Edmodo to answer questions.
you can also use it to help you if needed. The standards
for this unit are 4.MD.1 & 4.MD.2.
You can check the STEM, PE, Art, and Music
* Reading – Students will be reading an Article a Day blog for some great activities they have
and writing about it. It should only take about 10-15 (maybe on the day we would have that
minutes. They will also have their ReadWorks passage.
We will begin our new read aloud, A Long Walk to Water. I
will be reading 2 chapters on our Zoom meetings. Please
Target students make sure you are checking
try to attend so you can take notes. If you can’t attend the
Zoom, I will post the recording in Edmodo. I cannot post it your Target teacher’s blog. Monday
on my blog since I am reading someone else’s book. Reading/ELA/Writing & Vocab assignments are
* Writing/ELA – We will finish working on Relative optional for you. I would like for you to try to
Pronouns this week. Students will be choosing one of their still do the Math and Science activities.
prompts to submit as a grade. They may edit and revise
before submitting. If your child is on Symphony Math- they
should also be getting on that regularly.
* Science– We will continue our unit on Water and
Weather. Our focus this week will be on clouds and You may also do the FlipGrid Challenge each
precipitation. We will have a quiz on Thursday.
day or any of the extra sites in Clever.

I cannot believe we only have 3 ½ more weeks left of • Spirit Days for next week:
school. I do feel like we have been doing this digital • Monday – Backward’s Day & Scribble
learning for A LONG TIME! I miss seeing everyone in Rock Day – write a message of hope on a
person and cannot stand not being there to teach you rock and leave it somewhere for someone
guys. • Tuesday – T-shirt Tuesday – wear or make
a t-shirt with words of encouragement and
I had so much fun on the Zoom today! We did a hope on them.
Scavenger Hunt! It was my comic relief to watch • Wednesday – 90’s Day and Window
everyone scramble to find things. Students that Words: write or make signs and place these
participated in the Zoom Friday do not have to do the in your window to give people hope when
Article of the Day Assignments next week. they walk by.
• Thursday – Country Western Day/Chalk
There are just a few students still missing work. Please Art Thursday: write messages of hope on
try to work on this so you can start fresh on Monday. your driveway or sidewalk for people to see
when driving or walking.
Please see the Spirit Days for next week. It will be • Friday – Blue Day & Free form Friday:
called Hope Week. dress and blue and do whatever you want to
help encourage others.
Also, don’t forget about the Student Council letter

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