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Steps to Create DB and Table in

PhpMyAdmin of XAMPP control Panel
Start XAMPP control Panel
Start Web server(Apache or Tomcat)
Start MySQL( database server)
Open browser and go to localhost, this will open XAMPP
control panel user interface
Click on ‘phpMyAdmin’ tab on left hand corner
Click ‘New’ from left hand corner-this will bring interface to
create new DB
Enter the name of DB and click ‘Create’
Click on DB name you created from left hand corner
Enter the name of table and number of columns
Click ‘Go’
Enter columns names, data types, attributes(if any),
Null/Not Null, Primary Key/not, Auto-increment or Not
Then Click ‘Save’
To insert data to table, click ‘insert’ tab
Enter value of each column
Click ‘Go’
You repeat this multiple times
let’s create a simple MySQL database table, and then
use PHP to connect to the server, retrieve a set of
results, and form at them for display on a web page
Create Table:
itemID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
itemName varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
itemPrice float NOT NULL default '0',
Insert data to table:
INSERT INTO items VALUES (1, 'Paperweight', '3.99');
INSERT INTO items VALUES (2, 'Key ring', '2.99');
INSERT INTO items VALUES (3, 'Commemorative
plate', '14.99');
INSERT INTO items VALUES (4, 'Pencils (set of 4)',
INSERT INTO items VALUES (5, 'Coasters (set of 3)',
Displaying data from DB example
Now, to do the same thing using PHP, create the
following PHP script:
// open connection to MySQL server
$connection = mysql_connect('localhost', 'guest',
'pass') or die ('Unable to connect!');
Example Contd…
// select database for use
mysql_select_db('db2') or die ('Unable to select
// create and execute query
$query = 'SELECT * FROM items';
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ('Error in query:
$query. ' . mysql_error());
Example Contd…
// check if records were returned
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
// print HTML table
echo '<table width=100% cellpadding=10
cellspacing=0 border=1>';
Example Contd….
// iterate over record set
// print each field
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td>' . $row[0] . '</td>';
echo '<td>' . $row[1] . '</td>';
echo '<td>' . $row[2] . '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
Example Contd…
// print error message
echo 'No rows found!';
// once processing is complete
// free result set
// close connection to MySQL server
Example explained
To begin communication with the MySQL database server, you
first need to open a connection to the server. All
communication between PHP and the database server takes
place through this connection, which is initialized by the
mysql_connect() function.
The mysql_connect() function requires three parameters: the
host name of the MySQL server, and the MySQL username and
password required to gain access to it.
If the function is able to successfully initialize a connection, it
returns a link identifier, which is stored in the variable
$connection. This identifier is used throughout the script when
communicating with the database.
Example Explained
Once a connection has been initialized, the next step is to select a
database for use (this is equivalent to the SQL USE command) with
the mysql_select_db() command, and then send the server a query
through the mysql_query() function. Both functions use the last
opened connection as their default for all operations.
The result set returned by the query is assigned to the variable
$result. This result set may contain, depending on your query, zero
or more rows or columns of data. The number of rows in the result
set is obtained from the mysql_num_rows() function.
Assuming one or more rows exist, the mysql_fetch_row() function
is used to iterate over the result set and retrieve rows as arrays.
Individual field values can then be accessed as array elements.
Example Explained
Each result set returned by a query occupies some
amount of memory. Once you’re done processing it,
therefore, it’s a good idea to use the
mysql_free_result() function to free up the used
memory for other purposes.
And, once you’re done querying the database, close
the connection with a call to mysql_close().
Persistent Connection
The mysql_pconnect() function opens a “persistent”
connection to theserver.
Such a persistent connection does not automatically
end when the script creating it ends; rather, it remains
available for use by other scripts requesting an
equivalent connection to the MySQL server.
Because such “persistent” connections reduce the
need for scripts to open a different connection for
every request, they are considered more efficient and
can produce performance gains in certain situations.
Queries That Alter Data
Consider the following example, which demonstrates by asking for user input
through a form, and then INSERT-ing that data into the database:
<basefont face="Arial">
if (!$_POST['submit'])
// form not submitted
<form action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>" method="post">
Item name: <input type="text" name="name">
Item price: <input type="text" name="price">
<input type="submit" name="submit">
Queries That alter Data
// get form input
// escape input values for greater safety
$name = (trim($_POST['name']) == '') ? die ('ERROR: Enter a name') :

$price = (trim($_POST['price'] == '') || !is_numeric($_POST['price']))

? die ('ERROR: Enter a price') : $_POST['price'];

// open connection

$connection = mysql_connect('localhost', 'guest', 'pass') or die ('Unable to connect!');
Queries that alter data
// select database
mysql_select_db('db2') or die ('Unable to select database!');
// create query
$query = "INSERT INTO items (itemName, itemPrice) VALUES ('$name', '$price')";
// execute query
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error());
// print ID of inserted record
echo 'New record inserted with ID ' . mysql_insert_id() . '<br \>';
// print number of rows affected
echo mysql_affected_rows() . ' record(s) affected';
// close connection
Queries that alter Data
Here, the user is first presented with a form asking for
an item and its associated price. Once the form is
submitted, the form input is used inside to create an
INSERT query, which is then sent to the database with
the mysql_query() method.
Because mysql_query() returns a Boolean indicating
whether the query was successful, it is possible to
check whether the INSERT took place and return an
appropriate message.
Queries that alter data
The mysql_escape_string() function escapes special characters
(like quotes) in the user input, so it can be safely entered into the
If the magic_quotes_gpc setting in your PHP configuration file is
enabled, you might need to first call stripslashes() on the user
input before calling mysql_escape_string(), to avoid characters
getting escaped twice.
The mysql_insert_id() function returns the ID generated by the
previous INSERT query (useful only if the table into which the
INSERT occurs contains an AUTO_INCREMENT field).
The mysql_affected_rows() function returns the total number of
rows affected by the last operation.

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