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Yin and Yang

Yin Yang and its use in treatments

At first let us see how this phenomenon of Yin and yang came in to
being. Our Indian sages also had a theory of Dwait and adwiat. Shrishti
and purush. The Chinese thought on this further and devised a theory
which states all things in the universe can be classified in terms of
negative or positive So they gave a first classification of all the
phenomenon and the things and directions temperatures emotions etc.
Now the question is how these yin and yang behave in nature. So the
first example would be day and night and how these merge in to one
other. So the terms Full yang Full yin and yin within yang and yang
within yin were coined. Similarly our bodies daily 24 hours cycle also
goes through these cycles. So Afternoon 12 o'clock we are all full yang
then there is yin within yang then at 12 midnight it is full yin and then at
morning yang within yin and then it goes on. This is why in a disease at
particular hours we feel good and at others we feel bad. Based on this
also we can know which meridian is excess and which is deficient. Now
what is an excess? and what is deficient? How can we measure it? For
this Universe has brought out points on the wrist and the ankle called as
the Yuan or source points. The experts can know by pulse diagnosis
Hot and Cold
• You all know the classification of yin and yang as hot and
cold high and low and dark and light etc. So now we
must come near to our body to solve the problem of
diagnosis. Most important is excess and deficient So
constant and changing too. Now if a person has low-
grade constant fever then it is called the yin fever and in
case of changing and high fever it is yang fever. So we
will have to choose the meridians and points
accordingly. Got it? So for low grade fever, use Heart
meridian and for high fever use Small intestine meridian.
Hot and Cold
• There is always some yin in Yang and some yang
within yin. Both cannot be separated. So what are
yin meridians and yang ones. We saw that
continuous means yin and changing is yang. The
organs which work continuously are Heart,
Kidney,Pericardium,Liver.Lung and spleen are yin
and LI,ST,SI,BL,TW,GB are yang as they do not have
much work in between. Yin organ store the essence.
What is an essence? The final purified product of
the food suitable for working of the yang organs.
Yin and Yang
• What do the yang organs do? Process the food and
make essence and give it to yin organs. Slowly this
efficiency of this conversion process goes down and
we become old and one day all energies will be non
working except coldness. So yin and yang information
can be used to assess the disease power and nature
and selecting the points. Let us take an example of a
group of people sitting in a room in the month of April
may. The fan is full and one of them does not need
that fan while others want it. What is this? The odd
man has a cold pathogen in him. When one treats him
with coldness sedation he can then sit under the fan.
True heat and false heat
• In human body and also in nature there is heat and cold and
humidity etc. but heat and cold are dominant . In health
both yin and yang and or heat and cold are equal in strength
so man feels good. When due to some reason the yang
becomes less ( HOW ?) then the person will have cold
symptoms. If by some means the yin becomes less then the
person will feel heat. In both these cases the heat and cold
are called false heat and false cold. There can be still more
conditions like due to some external pathogen or some food
the balanced yin and yang may become excess yang or heat.
This is called the true heat and reverse of that is true cold.
True heat and false heat
• Then both also can be deficient and both can become
excess. Here one may have mixed symptoms like fever
and shivering. Feeling like sleeping but not able to sleep.
Feeling hungry but does not eat. While sleeping takes
blanket only on feet. Half cold half hot.
• So now when it comes to the treatment then you have to
select a correct meridian based on yin yang phenomenon.
constant fever heart meridian. Changing fever small
intestine meridian. sudden shivering with cold Bladder
meridian and constant cold feeling the kidney meridian.
• 1)Chronic or acute
• 2) Hot or cold
• 3) Excess or deficient
• 4) Surface or deep etc.
• So now let us take a practical solution
• Itching all over the body for many months
• Season cold
• Skin dry
• Age 75
• Female
• So It is chronic hence Yin
• It is neither hot nor cold
• It is deficient type That means no red lines after itching
• Lung control skin and body hair so the treatment will be LU 8 sedate and LU10 tone + heart 8.
Empty cold and Empty heat
• when person becomes tired / fatigued after
strenuous work / travel. He feels cold due to
sudden decrease of Yang, shows Cold
symptoms...Empty Cold.
• After Andropause / Menopause the body feels
heat, its Empty Heat. Due to hormonal
• All diseases can be classified as Yin or Yang
• Low grade Constant fever… Heart heat
• Strong fever 101 to 104 with variation with
time. Sudden changes. Yang fever SI meridian
• Constant feeling of cold Kidney meridian
• Sudden cold like malaria Yang cold BL
• This is only a preliminary guess of the meridians
for first treatment. There can be numerous
possibilities but the start is good.
• Practical example
• Loss of semen in the wet dream
• Bladder wind point sedate
• Kidney wind point sedate
• Of course the other elements must also be used to
balance the whole 5 elements
Collapse of Yin
• This subject is so vast and not possible to
discuss in details in this seminar. I gave you a
brief idea about it. So lots of thanks for

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