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English Level VI
Elaborado por: Dra. Astrid Vargas
Period: April 2020- September 2020

Elaborado por: Dra. Astrid Vargas

¿Cuál es tu reflexión?
Da un valor (crítico) a nuestra educación!

Elaborado por: Dra. Astrid Vargas

What is a paragraph?
A paragraph is a group of related sentences that develops one main idea, which is the topic of the paragraph. In
this chapter you will
study paragraph structure in detail.
Paragraph is a group of sentences about a single topic. It is often between five and ten sentences long. The
first sentence of a paragraph is usually intended(moved in) a few spaces
Parts of a Paragraph
A paragraph has three parts: a topic sentence, several supporting sentences, and
a concluding sentence.

1. The topic sentence tells what topic the paragraph is going to discuss.
2. The supporting sentences give details about the topic.
3. The concluding sentence summarizes the main points or restates the topic

A detailed outline is helpful for organizing ideas.
The best way to organize a paragraph is to make an outline before you begin to write.
An outline is like an architect's plan for a house. Imagine building a house without
a plan. The kitchen might be far away from the dining room, or the house might have
no windows. Having a plan not only helps you, the writer, to organize your thoughts
but it also ensures that you don't leave out anything important.
Apostrophes are used in three ways:
• To form contractions
• To form possessives
• To make letters of the alphabet plural
A summary, then, is a short retelling in your own words. In this section, you will learn
how to do it in writing.
1.- • The topic sentence
It is the most important sentence in a paragraph. It is usually the first sentence.
“Increasingly, the western world has been outsourcing its labour-related jobs to cheaper
alternatives available in less-developed countries. Although this creates opportunities for
people in poorer nations, it is a policy that is criticized by many in the west. Write an essay
response supporting the case for the outsourcing of labour related jobs.”
 2.- Supporting sentences
It is explains the controlling idea in detail.

3.- The concluding sentence

It is repeats the main idea in different words or summarizes the main supporting points. It usually begins with a
conclusion signal.
ACTIVITY Nº 1 Journal Writing Topic Suggestions

1.. How your life has changed since you came to the ESPOCH
2 . A special skill you have
3 . A hobby 4. Learning to play a sport
5 . Your favorite sport to play or watch 6. An accident
7 . Being on time
8. The people you live with 9. American customs you
10. An important story in the news
1 1 . The worlcing student 1 2 . A big mistake you once made
1 3 . Using e-mail
1 4 . Cell phones 1 5 . Teenagers
1 6. The right age to get married 1 7 . A good friend
1 8 . Shopping 1 9 . Your last day in your country
20. Your first day in the United States 2 1 . Discrimination
22. Your favorite food 23 . The best car to own
24. Smoking in public places
25. A movie star or singer you like
26. A belief you have or used to have
27. A story from your childhood
28. A favorite possession
29. Music that is special to you
30. A special gift you have given or received
3 1 . A special day or event in your life
32. Your worst habit
3 3 . A frightening experience
The writing Process
These words are important understanding. Match each Word with the correct definition.

• a.- step 1.- to check a piece of writing for errors

• b.- topic 2.- a group of related sentences

• c.- gather 3.- one thing of a series of things you do

• d.- organise 4.- subject; what the piece of writing is about

• e.- paragraph 5.- to change of correct a piece of writing

• f.- essay 6.- a short piece of writing, at least three paragraphs long

• g.- proofread 7.- to arrange in a clear, logical way

• h.- edit 8.- to find and collect together


Choose three topics this list. Narrow each of the three down to a paragraph
topic. Then compare with a partner.
1.- festivals
2.- friends
3.- my country
5.- cars

Making a list write a single word, phrases, or sentences that are connected to
your topic. Look at this list a student made when brainstorming ideas to write
about the topic. “What should I study at university?”

Work with a partner or small group. Choose one of these topics. List
as many ideas as you can in five minutes.
1.- teenagers fashions
2.- things to do at the beach
3.- driving a motorbike
4.- On how many streets do you travel on your way to ESPOCH
5.- On your way home after class at ESPOCH, look for something that
you have never noticed before. Describe it in your journa.

Work alone. Choose a topic. List 1-5 in five minutes

FREEWRITING helps you practice fluency (writing quickly and easily). Don´t
check your dictionary when you free-write. Don´t stop if you make a mistake.
Just keep writing!
1.- festivals
2.- friends
3.- my country
5.- cars

Practise free-writing for five minutes. Your topic: Virtual education


Practise mapping for five minutes. Your topic: Favorite subject

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