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Seismic Resistant Design of Concrete Structures

In earlier classes, the idea of curvature rotation and displacement

ductility have been developed for RC sections experiencing axial, shear
and flexural stresses. These have been used in developing component
level ductility estimates of demand and designs to provide required

The present section aims to develop these ideas issues that enhances
the designer’s appreciation for the importance of introducing ductility
into the system and predicting its impact on seismic forces and
effectively develop a ductile structure.

• How to predict the response of a ductile structure to ground motion.

• How to predict linkages between ductility available in a component
with that available in the system.
• How to effectively promote system ductility.
 • In designing structures for earthquake induced
ground motions, an elastic model must be used with
caution as the induced levels of deformation may
exceed the idealized elastic limit. The ratio of
anticipated displacement to the corresponding
displacement at yield is referred to as ductility. The
ductility demand is used in developing design
procedures. These could be based on Force,
displacement or energy.
• Force based methods relate the force Fmax
beyond which displacements increase rapidly to
Force Displacement relationship in Ductile Structures a hypothetical strength objective .
• Displacement methods attempt to predict the
• Elastic behavior serves as the basis for
displacement the structure will experience in an
developments of most structural design earthquake and design components for elastic
procedures. Where elastic behavior is not idealizations.
anticipated, idealizations are constructed (e.g. • Dissipated energy on account of inelastic
bilinear) that can integrate inelastic response response is related to enhanced structural
with analytical procedures developed based on damping that reduces structural response.
elasticity theory.
 If the connection stiffness alone is considered as k, the
maximum force imposed on the mass due to ground
motion of xmax would be F= k xmax . The acceleration
experienced by the mass on account of this force
would be F=m

If the structure is elastic perfectly plastic with a limiting

force of Fmax , the restoring acceleration due to
structural yielding too would be limited to Fmax / m .
A Single degree of freedom system
The steady state motion of a vibrating system is of the
If the Single degree of freedom (SDOF) form
system shown above experiences a ground
motion, for a very small instance of time the m +kx =0
structure will not move. The connectivity of
the structure with the ground will have an The solution of this equation of motion for an initial
influence on the structural response. If the impulsive displacement do is
connection is rigid the structure will
experience same acceleration, velocity and X(t) = do cos(n t)
displacement as the ground. If the
connection is flexible there will be a relative Where n is the natural frequency of the structure
ground displacement x (t). Most building expressed as
responses lie between these extreme.
  the displacement is expressed as a time
varying response at steady state as X(t) = do cos(n
t). The velocity is a time derivative of this
displacement and the acceleration is a time
derivative of the velocity.

(t)=ωn x(t)max


ω2n x(t)max

For a yielding structure, the restoring force will

degrade progressively. Thus ductility will result in
reducing the accelerations experienced by the
Steady-state vibration building.
 In the adjacent structure, beams c and columns b
provide lateral support for a vertical load carrying
system. Column a and beam d rely on the frame
for stability and lateral support.

That portion of the force Fmax to restore the mass

given the ground motion is reduced by the force
 Framework subjected to P required to stabilize the frame given the vertical
  assuming that the levels of strength provided is
By loads. The stabilizing force is given by:
adequate to prevent collapse at maximum drift levels,
the design should ensure that the drift projections =
based on a non degrading model is not exceeded due This force impacts the restoring force the same
to some strength degradation. way that a limited restoring force is introduced
due to ductile design.
System strength degradation can be caused by loss of
strength experienced by a component experiencing an
increased deformation demand. The loss of strength
can also be caused by some P effects.

The impact of P effects on buildings response is

analogues to that caused by the introduction of
ductility into a into the system.
  response spectrum quantifies the maximum response of an
entire spectrum of an SDOF system to ground motion. The
spectrum of a system is classified by the level of damping. The
response spectra can be provided in terms of relative
displacement, relative velocity and absolute acceleration. At the
conceptual stage of the design, the response spectra is used to
evaluate the system response to ground motion as it reduces the
complex dynamic problem to one that could be treated like a static

The elastic response spectra can be developed in many ways.

One example is to develop it from the peak ground acceleration ().
Three behavior regions evolve. The spectral acceleration is
constant for stiff buildings (period T<0.5sec), the spectrum velocity
constant for most buildings (period T such that 0.5<T<4 Sec) and
the spectrum displacement constant for buildings with period more
than 4 sec. The damping expressed as an equivalent viscous
damping will effect the magnitude of the spectral response.
System damping is expressed as a percentage of critical damping
of the system.
An elastic response spectrum can be created as:

Elastic Response Spectra

  development of effective damping is based on full hysteretic
response of a perfectly plastic member through a displacement of .
The energy dissipated in a ductile excursion is shown in the adjacent
figure. Damping equivalent to hysteretic damping is given as:

While the structural damping produced by hysteretic behavior ED is

compared with the hysteretic dissipated to the maximum strain
energy ES .
Energy dissipated by Hysteretic Response
The energy dissipated in a hysteretic cycle is
ED = ( and maximum strain energy is Es==
 The effect of damping on the spectral
response quantities is enhanced by the This gives the Damping is equivalent to hysteretic damping as
ductility in the system. This is because
the ductility is translatable into an =. For a system ductility of 4, the equivalent structural damping is
equivalent structural damping. The 48%. A reduced damping level is suggested in the literature for
equivalent total viscous damping. concrete giving 16% damping based on the following:

  inelastic response spectra is constructed
directly from the elastic response spectra by
scaling it for the ductility provided As seen in the
adjacent plot The spectral velocity and
displacement have been converted to force-
based values by scaling them with the ductility.
The acceleration constant region (with period
constant up to 0.5 sec) the scale factor is
obtained by equating strain energies giving the

Construction of the Design Inelastic Response Spectra

  design base shear response spectra
is used in strength based-design. The
base shear spectrum provides the base
shear coefficient that is a function of the
period and the ductility. The soil effects too
can be considered in the process. The
period T is the inverse of the natural
frequency. For force-based design, the
codes suggest that the period for a
concrete braced frame is

For a concrete building, for displacement-

based design the period could be initially
approximated as

where h is the height of the building in

Design Base Shear Response Spectra
• Prescriptions. Often restrict the accomplishment of
functional and aesthetic design objectives.
• Designers often do not understand the subtilities of the
prescriptive requirements and try to consider all
conceivable conditions and conflicting propositions that
make compliance impossible.
• The codified process of the strength design process is
shown in the figure below. Forces less than Fo and

Idealized behavior of SDOF Structure with

Bilinear Force-deformation Behavior

Strength Based Design (slide 1 / 2)


• Identifying the strength objective- a) A target

strength objective Fmax is identified and is central to
the design process. The appropriate system
ductility is also presumed known and will be
available if certain prescriptive steps are followed
by the designer in developing the bracing system
and its components to reach the target drift Force Displacement Response of a Ductile Structure
 The strength associated with system yield Fyi is a more stable identifiable definition of system Strength
and makes it better suited in the development of a design criteria..

A corresponding definition of system ductility

The subjectivity associated with establishing relationship ( ) will lessen the confidence a designer has
in the force-based design procedures.
  the adjacent frame is to be designed where the
beam has a large ductility, but the columns have
limited ductility. Thus if the capacity of the beam
Mb,pr corresponding to Fmax is known, then the
columns need to be designed with Mc,pr=Mb,pr ; and
the corresponding demand Pc,pr = 2Mb,pr / L .

The extension of these arguments is not as simple

for complex structures. Codes define a system
overstrength factor The same column in the frame
would then be designed as Pco=2 Where Mbo is the
flexure design strength related to the design shear

Single Story Frame Strength Based Design (slide 2/2)

  equal displacement approach is based on the
proposition that the displacement response of a
ductile structure can be developed from estimates of
the response of an otherwise equivalent elastic

The direct displacement method assumes that the

ductility experienced by a structure can be converted
to structural damping and the response will be
reduced by the amount of energy dissipated by the
post-yield deformation of system components. The
period of an inelastically responding structure will be
considerably different from the comparable elastic
structure. The fundamental period of an inelastic
Single Story Frame structure presuming it is well represented by its
 Displacement secant stiffness will increase to
Based Design
Ductile structures can be evaluated based on T=T
estimates of deformation
Regardless of the methodology the final design
Two methods referred to as equal displacement should be tested to ensure that the drift objectives are
and direct displacement design methods have been attained and that the post yield deformations of the
developed. components do not exceed their capacities.
  3 Determine the Stiffness
K= = 8.89x8.89x 300 /386.4   Step 5 With a target ductility of 4,
= 61.3kips/in This is the the yield displacement is 4.5/4 =
minimum Stiffness required in 1.125in
the frame. The required Ultimate strength F=k
Step 4 =1.125 x 61.3 = 69kips.
The force-displacement
relationship for the frame is Step 6 Consider P
Single Story Frame
Assuming the effective moment Step 7
 Example- Equal Displacement of inertia of the beam and The moment demand with an over
based design column to be the same strength factor of 1.25is
I b effective= 29850in4 (69+7.5)x15/(2x1.125)=459kip-ft.
Design the frame for lateral load to support a
vertical load of 300kips (kilo pounds) If the effective moment of
inertia of the beam is 35% of For the adopted cross- section
Step 1 Establish drift limit A drift of 2.5% of the gross value (22inx36in) 0.5% steel would be the
its height for low rise buildings is acceptable. I b gross= 85300in4 required reinforcement.
This comes to 0.025x15x12 = 4.5in.
Cross sections of 22 x 36 in for
Step 2 Estimate natural frequency based on beam and column.
spectral velocity of 40in/sec (typical)
= 40/4.5=8.89rad/sec
The design spectral velocity Step
  7 Determine the
.= strength required
Total damping = 5% + 16% = 21% Fmax =1.13x83.3=94.kip
For this damping the corrected spectral
velocity is 17.4 (3.38-0.67ln 21) = 23.3 in Adding the
/sec P
Step 3 The objective natural frequency is
Single Story Frame =sec Required moment =
Direct Displacement
Example- Step 4 Objective Natural frequency of
based design elastic system 5.18=10.36rad / sec.
= 669kip ft.

Design the frame for lateral load to Step 5 Required stiffness in elastic structure This design outcome is quite
support a vertical load of 300kips (kilo 10.36x10.36x300/386.4=83.3kips /in different from the earlier
pounds) one.
Step 6 (like step 4 in equal displacement)
Step 1 Establish drift limit A drift of Component stiffness required.
2.5% of its height for low rise buildings Ieff =40500in and the Igross= 115700in
4 4

is acceptable. This comes to Provide 30 x 36 section for beam and

0.025x15x12 = 4.5in. column.
Step 2 Revise spectral velocity to
match structural system damping
(target ductility=4)
System Ductility

The system ductility factors used in design must strive to

control strain states and attain behavioral limit states in its

In the preceding example it was presumed that the beam and

the column would participate equally in the attainment of the
ductility objective. Thus system and component ductility
factors were the same.

Creating this equivalence may not be possible as it would

mean that the development of the system would require the
beam and the columns to sharee the post yield demand. This
  between system ductility and would mean that sharing would become an objective of the
ratio of component stiffness and component design process.
For the frame studied, the total joint rotation of the beam and
column would correspond to the ratio of the drift to height of
the frame. This would have to be maintained in the post yield
  the adjacent code-based figure Rd is the global
ductility capacity of the lateral force resisting system
The design strength or basis VS is not the maximum
mechanism strength VM or Fmax that was used to
quantify the system ductility or global Rd. For each,
the design force VS or FE , the inherent overstrength of
the system and its components must be considered.
Codes refer the ratio of the maximum developable
strength VM to the design strength VS as Ro.
This overstrength factor is typically 2.5 in codes. For a
concrete ductile frame. The code design force Vs is
related to the elastic response spectrum by RoRd.

These factors account for capacity reduction, probable

  Base Shear vs. Displacement
overstrength of rebars, work-hardening coefficient and
the member to system overstrength factor. For the
The code-based development shown above is force based.
frame, the code reduction factor of 2.5x3.4=8.5, time
The relationship between the elastic response parameter
period of 0.23 and a base shear of 0.13 results in a
VE and the design force VS is like the displacements shown
developable strength of 100 kips, quite close to 91kips
in an earlier plot on slide 3 arrived in the displacement process.
Recommended Displacement based design Procedure
Step 1. Identify the Objective ultimate Drift.
Step 2 Find the objective Frequency of the system
Step 3 Determine the minimum required stiffness of the system
Siep 4 Determine the Objective Strength
Step 5 Select the System Ductility Factor
Step 6 Solve for Fmax
Step 7 Solve for Fo
Step 8 Determine required Beam Moment Capacity
Step 9 Determine Member stiffness objectives required to satisfy system Stiffness Objectives
Step 10 Size the Beam and Column for Strength and Stiffness.

A Displacement based design that adopts the spectral velocity criteria will be conservative for design
is in the constant displacement region and much stronger in the constant acceleration region.
The adjacent figure shows the Displacement based
design objectives and the Force base design
objectives in terms of the hysteretic response.

Codes permit moment redistribution in the force-

based design if proper detailing has been
considered in the design process. In displacement-
based design approaches this is achieved through a
Displacement Based Design Objective proper component level apportionment of ductility
that contributes to the system objectives.

Force Based Design Objective

Confinement introduced in circular section through ring or spiral
reinforcement and in rectangular section with ties.
Both strength and deformation capacities are enhanced with confining
Confinement in column sections through
transverse and longitudinal reinforcements that
result in both load and deformational capacity

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