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Think of it!

Let’s play the game!

Direction: Pupils will pick a word in a box then they

are going to act it out in the class, other classmate
will guess what they are acting.

Do you do the following practices? Write YES or NO on the

1 _I take a bath and keep my body clean daily.
2_I eat French fries, hamburger and take soft drinks everyday.
3_I always quarrel with my classmates
4_I often sleep late at night.
5_I drink a lot of water and fruit juices
6_I love to eat fruits and vegetables.
7_I watch television and play computer games all day long.
8_I take medicines upon the doctors advice.
Let’s answer!

Which of the practices make your body

healthy? What benefits can you get by
doing the good health practices? What
will happen when you continue doing
the bad practices?
Group Activity!
Direction: Pupils will make a concept map about a healthy person.
How do you maintain a healthy body?
1. Have an adequate nutrition. Eat
balanced diet. Nutrients plays
important roles in the body such as
growth, repair and maintenance of body
tissues, regulation of body processes
and providing energy to the body. The
nutrients are grouped in six categories
namely : Proteins, fats, vitamins,
minerals and water.
2. Be Physically Fit.
 Have enough rest and exercise.
 Regular exercise for atleast 20 minutes a
day is good for your health. Walking,
running, biking and climbing the stairs are
examples of exercise. Playing outdoor
games is also a form of exercise.

You must take a rest after an exercise or
other heavy activities. The best form of
rest is sleeping..As growing children, your
body needs more hours of sleep for atleast
9.5 hours. Rest give you time to regain
energy and strength.
3. Avoid Alcoholic Drinks

 Children like you are not

allowed to drink alcoholic
drinks. Adults can take in
moderation. Excessive use
of alcohol has harmful
effects on the vital parts
of the body such as liver
and brain.
4. Stay away from illegal drugs.

 You may take drugs only upon

the doctors prescription.
Illegal drugs can lead to
addiction that will seriously
harm your health. Caffeine in
coffee and soft drinks is a
kind of drug that can also
harm your body. Children
avoid these drinks.
5. Refrain from smoking or stay away
from smoker.
 Tobacco smokes contain carbon
monoxide, nicotine, tars, and
other substances , all of which
have harmful effects to the body
system especially in the
respiratory and circulatory
system. When you see someone
smoking, stay away from him or
her, cigarette smoke that you
inhale can harm you.
6. Control your weight

 If you are overweight, some

health problems like heart
diseases , hypertension and
diabetes may develop. Be
watchful of the saturated
fats in the food you eat.
Your poor nutritional habit
may lead to overweight or
7. Observe proper hygiene and maintain
environmental sanitation
 Proper hygiene drives away microbes and
keeps you away from ailments.
 A healthy person makes his/her body clean
and maintain a clean environment.
Frequent proper hand washing is
recommended to everyone to prevent
communicable diseases.
 Cleaning the surroundings and destroying
breeding places of mosquitoes are best
practices to avoid the dengue.
9. Consult the doctor when not feeling
 Simple ailments can lead to
serious diseases if not treated
immediately and properly. If
you are not feeling well or
you experience some signs of
certain diseases, see the
doctor or medical check up.
Let’s do this!
Draw a happy face to each of the good health habits you practice all the
time. And a sad face for the habit you seldom or never do.
______ I wash my hands before every meal.
______ I eat healthy diet with fruits and vegetables.
______ I brush my teeth thoroughly every day.
______ I take a bath everyday.
______ I always change my underwear after a good bath.
______ I’m still awake until 12 am
______ I do warm up exercises.
______ I keep my hair, skin and nails clean.
Let’s practice!
Supply the appropriate word/s to make the statement
1 Have ______ nutrition.
2 Be physically ___ through exercise and enough ____.
3 ______ alcoholic drinks.
4 Stay away from _____ drugs
5 Cigarette is ___ for the body.
Develop your skills!
Group 1- Draw healthy habits to make your body
Group 2- Make a slogan about being healthy.
Group 3- Act a situation showing healthy habits.
Put a check if the ff. statement show a
positive attitude to stay healthy and cross if
it is not.
1. Get enough sleep, rest and exercise.
2. Take harmful substances such as drugs and alcoholic beverages.
3. Eat two times a day.
4. Drink 8 or more glasses of water everyday.
5. Stay in crowded places.
6. Do not go to bed hungry or too full.
7. Make your surroundings clean and comfortable.
8. Get reqular physical and dental check up.
9. Do not use a clean handkerchief to cover your mouth.
10. Be mentally and emotionally healthy.

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