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SEE 3533

Chap. V – Radio Digital Modulation

5.0 Digital Transmission
Pulse signals from the previous modulation or coding method normally
are not transmitted in their original form (baseband signal). They will
modulate a carrier that is suitable with the channels used.

• Digital signal can also be transmitted through free space if the

analog carrier signal is used.

• There are three techniques that can be used:

– ASK – Amplitude-Shift Keying
– FSK – Frequency-Shift Keying Historically, the term shift keying
refers to breaking a circuit using a
– PSK – Phase-Shift Keying key to shift current value from

0 to 1

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5.1 Radio Digital Modulation
• This modulation technique is similar to the analog modulation in which
the modulating signal will vary the amplitude, frequency or phase of the
carrier signal.
• The only difference is that the modulating signal is digital signal :
Digital data is used to
modulate the carrier.
The task of the carrier is to
shift the baseband signal
spectrum (digital data) to a
higher spectrum (around
the carrier signal).

Quantization ASK, FSK,
Analog ADC Line coding

Block diagram for digital transmission system

5.2 Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)
Amplitud, V
-Digital signal is
used to switch the
carrier amplitude
(low and high).
Unipolar X Amplitud, V
-Also called on-off
1 0 1 1 0
keying (OOK) and
 m 3 m5 m
= continuous wave
ASK Amplitud, V

The string of pulses
 c  5 m c c  5 m
from digital signal
will change the
amplitude of the
carrier signal.
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5.2.1 ASK signal generation



ASK signal generation

Mathematical Analysis :

1 2 1 1 
vm (t )    cos  mt  cos 3 mt  cos 5 mt  ...) 
2  3 5 
vc (t )  Ec cos  c t where  c   m

Therefore :
1 2  1 1 
v ASK (t )  Ec cos  c t    cos  mt  cos 3  mt  cos 5 m t  .... 
2   3 5 
Depending on the receiver’s requirement on square shaping:
If only the 1st 5 harmonics are considered ;
BWASK = 5 x fb => Bit rate,; fb = 2 fm

If shaping is not strict : BWASK = fb

Time domain

0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0

Spectrum of ASK signal

ASK generation/trasmission :
Using multiplier Using ON and OFF switch

vm(t) vASK(t) vASK(t)



ASK receiver :

Using envelope detector Using coherent detector

vASK(t) vASK(t)
vm(t) vm(t)

Noise or error in digital communication system is measured using Bit Error
Rate (BER).
BER is measured based on the differences between the sent and received bits
in period To .
Normally the BER will depends on other factors such the modulation
techniques and SNR (Eb/No) as shown in figure 5.19 (text book).

Eb  energy per bit 

N o  noise power spectrum density : single sided 

1 Eb
Pe  erfc
2 4No

Eb is the average energy per bit

N o is the noise power spectrum density per band
5.3 Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)
Amplitud, V

w(rad/s) The generation of an

Unipolar X X Amplitud, V
 c1 c 2 FSK waveform at the
Transmitter can be
1 0 1 0 1 0 achieved by generating
= =  m 3 m5 m two ASK waveform and
adding them together
with a summing

Amplitud, V

 c1  5 m  c1 c 2  c 2  5 m

Pemodulatan Digit
5.3.1 FSK Generation



Mathematical Analysis :
vFSK (t )  v1 (t ).vc1  v2 (t ).vc 2
Where :
v1  t   vm1  t  dan v2  t   vm 2  t   1  vm1  t 
Taking Fourier series :

1 2 1 1 
vm1 (t )    cos mt  cos 3mt  cos 5mt  ....
2  3 5 
And ;
vm 2  t   1  vm1  t 
Therefore :
1 2  1 1 
vm 2 (t )    cos  mt  cos 3 mt  cos 5 mt  .... 
2   3 5 
And we have ;
vc (t )  Ec cos c t ; c  m
Therefore :
vFSK (t )  vc1 (t ). vm1 (t )  vc 2 (t ).vm 2 (t )
1 2  1 1 
vFSK (t )  Ec cos  c1 t    cos  mt  cos 3 mt  cos 5 mt  ...
2   3 5 
1 2  1 1 
 Ec cos  c 2 t    cos  mt  cos 3 mt  cos 5 mt  ...
2   3 5 
BW for FSK signal if up to 3rd harmonics are considered is
given by:
BWFSK  3 f m  2f  3 f m
 6 f m  2f
 3  f b  2f

For basic requirement :

BWFSK  f b  2f

Where : fb = 2 fm

∆f = (fc2-fc1)

Spectrum for FSK signal

Generation of FSK signal :

Using multiplier

Using switch Using VCO

fc1 vFSK fm vFSK
The swichting actions will
fc2 produce 2 different
frequencies accordingly
FSK receiver : Asynchronous
Error probability for
Asynchronous receiver:
 E  2
  b  E T
1  2 No ; Eb  c
Pe  e 
Where :

, noise spectrum density

Eb , average energy per bit for
 c   FSK.
vFSK Logic
vm(t) Ec peak carrier ampltude
T, bit period.
 c  
The 2 filter will be tuned to 2 different frequencies:
c +  & c - .

The output from the filter will determine whether logic 1 or 0 is

generated by the logic comparator.
Example 5.1 :
An unsynchronous FSK system is modulated by a digital signal and
operates at 10 MHz. The frequency deviation is 850 Hz and bit rate is 110
bit/s. The peak to peak carrier signal is 2 V and noise power spectrum
density (2 bands) is 1 x 10-4 volts2/Hz. Calculate the BER for the system.

Solution :

E p p 2.0 No
Ec    1.0 volts  1 10  4 volts 2 / Hz
2 2 2
1 1 N o  2  10 4 volts 2 / Hz
T    9.09  10 3 s
f b 110
 4.5510 3 

 
Ec T 1 9.09  10 3
2 1
Pe  BER  e

 2 210   1 e 11.38
4 

Eb   2 2
2 2
 4.55  10 3 Joule  5.74  106
Synchronous FSK receiver (coherent detector)
Probability of error (BER)
cos(c+)t for synchronous detector :

1  0.5 Eb 
Pe  erfc 

vFSK(t) + 2 No
- LPF vm(t)  
Eb , energy per bit
LPF will allow either Ec/2 or – / 2 noise power spectrum
Ec/2 which will represent the density :double sided
cos(c-)t output digital signal.
erfc, error function

If the FSK signal v FSK  t   E c cos  c    t

received is:
v FSK  t   Ec cos  c    t
The output from Ec Ec
the amplifier is : vD  t     cos 2t  cos 2 c t  cos 2  c    t 
2 2
 Ec Ec
vD  t     cos 2t  cos 2 c t  cos 2  c    t 
2 2
5.2 :
FSK signal in Example 5.1 is fed to synchronous receiver. Calculate the new
BER and compare with that of BER which uses unsynchronous receiver.

Solution :

Eb  4.55 10 3 dan N o  2 10 4 (From Example 5.1)

1  0.5 4.55 103   1

Pe  BER  erfc   erfc 3.54
2  2  10  4  2
 
From erfc table (3.54) ~ 3.55 x 10-7
For unsyhcronous receiver :
3.55 10 7
Pe   1.77 10 7
2 Pe  5.7  106
5.4 Phase Shift Keying (PSK)
The phase of the carrier is
Amplitud, V set to 0o or 180o
depending on the digital

PSK signal can be
X represented by :
v PSK  t   E c cos c t    t  
Amplitud, V

1 0 1 1 0 (t) = 0 => 1
 m 3 m5 m
(t) = 180o => 0 , so ;
Amplitud, V vPSK  t   Ec cos  c t  1
vPSK  t    Ec cos  c t  0
 c  5 m c  c  5 m

Pemodulatan Digit
vPSK (t )  vc (t ). vm (t )

Taking Fourier series of bipolar signal :

4 1 1 
vm (t )   cos mt  cos 3mt  cos 5mt  .... 
 3 5 

And we have ;

vc (t )  Ec cos c t ; c  m

Therefore :

 4  1 1 
vPSK (t )  Ec cos c t   cos mt  cos 3mt  cos 5mt  ... 
   3 5 
2  1 1 
 Ec cos c  m  t  cos c  3m  t  cos c  5m  t 
  3 5 
BWPSK = fb = 2fm

BWPSK = BWBPSK = fb = 2fm ; The same as BWASK

PSK signal PSK spectrum

5.4.1 PSK generation

Using multiplier


5.4.2 PSK receiver
PSK demodulator must use coherent detector.
The probability of error in the receiver
of PSK :
Advantages of PSK are :
Immune to noise 1  Eb 
Pe  erfc 

The same BW with ASK 2  No 
Multilevel 2
Ec T
Eb 
Using multiplier:

vPSK(t) vm(t)

Ec cos c t
or  Ec cos c t

Example 5.3 :

Calculate the probability of error (BER) for Example 5.1 using PSK and
compare the BER with the synchronous and unsynchronous FSK.

Solution :

Eb  4.55 10 3 dan N o  2  10 4 From Example 5.1

1  4.55  10 3  1
Pe  erfc   erfc 4.77 
2  2  10 4  2
 
From the table :
erfc (4.77) ~ 1.55 x 10-11 Comparison :

1.55  10 11 Pe  2.58  10 7 Synchronous

Pe   7.75  1012
2 Pe  5.7  106 Unsynchronous
5.4.3 Summary of Digital Modulation
1 1
m(t )    kos m t 
1 0 1 1 0 = 2 
1 1 
kos3 m t  kos5 m t  ...
3 5 

ASK 00
1  Ac kos ( c t )

FSK 0  Ac kos( c1t )

= 1  Ac kos( c 2t )

PSK 0  Ac kos( ct )
1  Ac kos( c t   )

Pemodulatan Digit

Advantages/ ◘More noise ◘Less noise ◘Less noise

Disadvantages ◘BW efficiency ◘Larger BW than ASK and
FSK but similar
BW (ffundamental) ◘ 2fm ◘ 2x fm + 2∆f ◘ 2fm
-3rd harmonic ◘ 2 x 3fm or 6fm ◘ (2 x 3fm )+ ◘ 2 x 3fm or 6fm
-5th harmonic ◘ 2 x 5fm or 10fm 2∆f ◘ 2 x 5fm or 10fm
◘ (2 x 5fm )+ 2∆f
Probability of Synch
1 Eb  Eb 
Error, Pe erfc  
2 4No 1  2N

e o
1  Eb 
2 erfc

2  No 
1  0.5 Eb 
erfc 

2  No 
Multilevel Shift Keying
 More than one bits can be represented by a symbol
 What is symbol?
 Final signal representation before transmitted through physical medium e.g.
amplitude, frequency, phase
 Symbol rate = Baud Rate = Bit Rate / n = Bit Rate / (log 2M)

 In general, M = 2 n symbols are required for n bits

For example..
 2 2 (or 4) distinguished symbols are needed to represent four combinations :
00, 01, 10, 11 that uses 2 bits
 3 bits : 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111 needs 2 3 (or 8) symbols
 4 bits : 0000,,,…1111 needs 2 4 (or 16) symbols

 The technique is applicable to ASK, FSK and PSK

 But Multilevel PSK has proven to be useful
 2 bits/symbol → 4 combinations or levels → 4 symbols → 4-PSK or QPSK
5.5 Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK)

• One symbol/signal represents 2 bits.

• For example, for 4 different symbols they can be represented by
combination of 2 bits (00, 01, 10 & 11) and the phase will vary from 0 0 to
• For binary PSK the phase changes from 00 and 1800.
• Most common is 900 difference, QPSK changes from (/4) 450, (3/4)
1350, (5/4) 2250 to (7/4) 3150.
• QPSK is better than PSK because of the efficiency in the frequency
spectrum,  = 2 bps/Hz.
• The code used in QPSK is Grey code .

Dibit Phase
Mapping of QPSK signal
11 45 using Grey code
01 135
00 225
10 315
Mathematically they can be written as follow :

v11  t   E c cos  c t   / 4  Mapping is done to separate the

input bits into 2 components, I
v01  t   Ec cos c t  3 / 4  and Q.

v00  t   E c cos  c t  5 / 4  I => Inphase

Q => Quadrature
v10  t   Ec cos c t  7 / 4 

QPSK signal is given

as :
SQPSK(t) = A cos (ct + [2m – 1] /4) The carrier
phase varies for
Where m = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 dan 0  t  Ts = 2Tb every 2Tb

11 01 00 10
x(t) Bit duration = Tb
ao a1 a2 a3 a4 a5
Efficient bit rate = 1/ Tb

a1(t) I => Inphase

ao a2 a4
even Bit duration = 2Tb
Bit Rate= 1/ 2Tb
a2(t) a1 a3 a5
Q => Quadrature
odd t


QPSK is actually 2 BPSK system I

which has a 90o phase shift between I 90o (1)

i) Channel I is BPSKI with the + R

phase of 0o and 180o
180o 0o
ii) Channel Q is BPSKQ with the R 270o (-1)
(-1) (1)
phase of 90o and 270o
Channel I Channel Q

-cos ot + cos ot +

sin ot sinot sin ot
(-1,1) 01 11 (1,1) cos (ot +45o)
135o 45o

-cosot cos ot

225o 315o

(-1,-1) 00 10 (1,-1) cos ot

-cos ot -sinot -sin ot
- sin ot

QPSK spectrum is half of that of

BPSK with the same bit rate.
QPSK Transmitter

±cos ωc
I carrier
1 : +1 v
0: - 1 v cos ωc + QPSK
±cos ωc±sin ωc
sin ωc
Q carrier
1 : +1 v ±sin ωc
0: - 1 v BPSKQ

QPSK Transmitter Operation :

BPF is used to reduce the unwanted signals (noise, etc). The output from BPF => I and Q
signals. Both signals will be demodulated with oscillator of cos ct and sin ct signals.

Serrial to Parallel converter can be used to transform one binary series into two series.
In this example, logic 1 is given +1 volt and logic 0 given -1 volt.
Four possible outputs, +cos ωc+sin ωc ,-cos ωc-sin ωc , +cos ωc-sin ωc and -cos ωc+sin ωc
QPSK Receiver

(cos ωc) (+cos ωc-sin ωc)

I channel
b +1/2 V
+cos ωc-sin ωc LPF Voltage
BPF Power cos ωc
sin ωc

LPF Voltage
a -1/2 V Comparator
Q Channel
(sin ωc) (+cos ωc-sin ωc)
QPSK Receiver Operation :

BPF is used to reduce the unwanted signals (noise, etc). The output from BPF => I and Q
signals. Both signals will be demodulated with oscillator of cos ct and sin ct signals.

LPF will filter out the high frequency signals after demodulation process. Output from the
comparator is logic 1 if the sample value is positive and logic 0 if negative.
Binary signal will be produced by the parallel to serial converter.
Probability of error for QPSK, similar to BPSK :

1  Eb 
Pe  erfc 

2  No 

BER can be considered as the function of C/N, the ratio of carrier to

noise power at the receiver input.
C/N is an important performance metric, used to compare the
performance of multilevel shift keying techniques
The relationship between Eb/No and Es/No is given by the following
equation :
The relationship between Eb/No and C/N is given by the following
equation :E E E

n s
log M s
Eb C 21 C EBW s is the Energy per symbol
N o N N
o o  
No N N n isf bthe no of bits/ symbol
 If BW  f b ,
Eb C

No N fs No N

C/N is the ratio of carrier and noise power

Total Energy per bit = Energy per symbol x no. of bits transmitted per
symbol η is the spectrum efficiency = fb /BW

BW is the bandwidth for noise at the Rx

fb is the bit rate

Example 5.4 :
Compare the ratio of carrier to noise power (C/N) needed to send data at 120
Mb/s using BPSK and QPSK if BER required is 1.8 x10-7 .

Solution :

BPSK : So : C  f b   Eb   Eb 
    
1  Eb  N  BW    o   o 
Pe  erfc

2  No  C 120 
  13  13  11.14 dB
1  Eb  N 120 
10 7
 erfc 

2  No  Eb
For QPSK :  13 (= BPSK)
From the table: Eb
 13
No  spectrum QPSK :  = 2 bps/Hz
 spectrum BPSK :  = 1 bps/Hz BW = fb /  = 120 / 2 = 60 MHz
BW = fb /  = 120 / 1 = 120 MHz C 120 
  13  26.0  14.15 dB
N  60 
From :  QPSK system > 3 dB than BPSK to have
No N fb the same BER
5.6 Phase Shift Keying M-ARY

• Phase shift keying M-ary refers to the symbol used for modulation system.
• M-ary system includes 8 PSK, 16 PSK, 32 PSK, 64 PSK and so on.

In general every symbol can be represented by several bits :

M = symbol or level
M=2 n

n = number of bits
For 16 levels system, every level or symbol can be represented by 4 bits
as follows :

0000, 0001, 0010 ..............1111

The larger the no. of level => more complex circuit & higher C/N .
Table below is the summary of BER with 10-7 for M-ary system.
In the M-ary system bit rate is normally written as symbols/s or baud rate.

The differences for different modulation techniques, spectrum efficiency,  &C/N

Modulation Spectrum C/N (dB) (Pe = 10-7)

techniques efficiency,
BPSK 1 b/s/Hz 11.5

QPSK 2 b/s/Hz 14.5

8PSK 3 b/s/Hz 19.5

16PSK 4 b/s/Hz 25.5

32PSK 5 b/s/Hz 32.5

Figure below compares BER performance of modulation formats with
same  .
For a particular technique, the increases in energy per bit, Eb will
reduce the BER and increases the performance of the system.
PSK gives the best
performance followed by
FSK and ASK for the same
value of Eb/No.
More power is needed to maintain the same Pe for higher M. So it is
a tradeoff between bandwidth and power
Reflective Questions:
1.What are the three dominant modulation techniques in digital system? What
are the differences between them?
2.What is the relationship between bit rate and baud rate for an FSK system?
QPSK system?
3.What is the difference between standard PSK and M-PSK?..What is the
advantage of M-PSK?
4.How do you compare synchronous and asynchronous receiver?
x erfc(x)
2.2 0.00186285
2.4 0.00068851
2.6 0.00023603
2.8 7.5013E-05
3 2.209E-05
3.2 6.0258E-06
3.4 1.522E-06
3.6 3.5586E-07
3.8 7.7004E-08
4 1.5417E-08
4.2 2.8555E-09
4.4 4.8917E-10
4.6 7.7496E-11
4.8 1.1352E-11
God is the Light

How great the wonders of the heavens But how many hearts are closed
And the timeless beauty of the night To the wonders of this sight?
How great – then how great the Creator? Like birds in a cage, asleep with closed wings
And its stars like priceless jewels But like work stops with the call to prayer
Far beyond the reach of kings And the birds reside – here too are signs
Bow down for the shepherd guiding him home. God is the Light – God is the Light

But how many eyes are closed How great the works of man and the things he
To the wonder of this night? makes
Like pearls, hidden, deep beneath a dark How great – then how great the Creator?
Stream of desires. Though he strives to reach the heavens
But like dreams vanish with the call to prayer He can barely survive
And the dawn extinguishes night – here too are The wars of the world he lives in.
God is the Light - God is the Light Yet, how many times he’s tried,
Himself to immortalize?
How great the beauty of the Earth and the Like his parents before him in the Garden of
creatures Eden
Who dwell on her. But like the sun sets with the call to prayer
How great – then how great the Creator? And surrenders to the night here too are signs
As its mountains pierce the clouds God is the Light Everlasting
High above the lives of men
Weeping rivers for thousands of years.
I channel
X Voltage
-cos ωc-sin ωc LPF

BPF Power cos ωc

Parallel to
90° Convertor

LPF Y Voltage
Q Channel

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