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ͻThe word "skyscraper" originally was a term referring
to a small triangular sail set above the skysail on a
sailing ship. The term was first applied to buildings in
the late 19th century as a result of public amazement
at the tall buildings being built in chicago and new
York City
ͻSkyscrapersͶbuilt upward for space and because of
property values
ͻCast iron and then encased cast-iron (more durable
and fire resistant)







& @    



 ! The Guaranty (Prudential

Building), Buffalo, NY, 1894. |"#$%-
Äouis Sullivan's @ @
K Èhat is the chief characteristic of the tall
office building? It is lofty. It must be tall. The
force and power of altitude must be in it, the
glory and pride of exaltation must be in it. It
must be every inch a proud and soaring thing,
rising in sheer exaltation that from bottom to
top it is a unit without a single dissenting line
 ! The Guaranty (Prudential Building), Buffalo, NY, 1894. |"#$%-
*  +'   ,-!
- !./012./034.

ͻÄots of window light for white collar

ͻRomanesque portal


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The National Farmers Bank, Owatonna, Minnesota
Built 190'-1908, Äouis Sullivan, Architect
&   !& 
Èainwright Building, St. Äouis (1890)
 @ *   -
K Äouis Sullivan spent his life pushing for an
Architecture that truly represented the people in the
present, not one that copied the past.
K "Form should follow function..." was and is the Idea
that he sought to teach, even to his young draftsman
Frank Äloyd Èright. Perhaps the proper way to state
this idea is that function should define form. This
idea seems to gradually grow, as shown in his works,
as time passed.
K For Sullivan, "Ornament and structure were integral;
their subtle rhythm sustained a high emotional
tension, yet produced a sense of serenity. But the
building's identity resided in the ornament. It was
the spirit animating the mass and flowing from it,
and it expressed the individuality of the building.
Nurtured by the artists sympathy with life, the
ornament spoke: it was the voice of the artist and
the building -- indeed they were one, the building a
'stock personality' and the architect an interpreter
and prophet.

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