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Getting someone’s else idea


Page 1
To avoid plagiarism
Direct indirect
• Copy another person’s • Report the person’s
exact words (spoken or words without quotation
written) and enclose them marks
in quotation marks

Page 2
Direct quotation
• According to Sports illustrated,
Usually we
“Eliminating drugs use from
Reporting phrase of…
Olympic sports would be no small
“according to”
chalenge.” (2001,p.12).
• “Eliminating drugs use from
After or before
Olympic sports would be no small
chalenge,” According to Sports
illustrated (2001,p.12).

Page 3
Direct quotation
Usually we
• One young bicyclist says, “To
Reporting verb of… win in world-class competition,
Say, claim, warn, you have to take drugs” (2011).
declare and so on • “To win in world-class
competition, “says one young
After , middle or before
bicyclist (2011), “you have to
take drugs”
• “To win in world-class
competition, you have to take
drugs,” says one young

Page 4
Indirect quotation
Use reported speech • One young bicyclist says,
“To win in world-class
1. Omit the quotation competition, you have to
2. Add the subordinator
take drugs” (2011)
“that” • One young bicyclist
3. Change the tense (2011)says that to win in
4. Change the pronoun
and time expression
world class competition, we
had to take drugs

Page 5
Indirect quotation
• According to Sports
Use reported speech
illustrated, “Eliminating drugs
1. Omit the quotation use from Olympic sports
marks would be no small
2. Add the subordinator challenge.” (Gall.2001,p.12).
3. Change the tense • Sports illustrated(2001,p.12)
4. Change the pronoun claimed that eliminating
and time expression
drugs use from Olympic
sports would have been no
small challenge.”

Page 6
Assignment 6: quote the sentences below!

1. In recent years there has been growing concern

among environmentalists and some car owners
about the pollutants that cars emit into the
atmosphere (Elliot, 2005).
2. Brazil’s Amazon jungle is alive with millions of
plant and animal species. But the jungle is
shrinking. Loggers cut down trees for wood and
paper (Better Lesson, 2011).

Page 7

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