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V Matter is any substance that has S  and

V ¯ ample: air, stone, mushroom, salt, car, building
and etc.

V Particle theory of matter state that matter is made

up of large number of tiny and discrete particles
V These particles can be S, S

V states that matter is made up of a large number
of  and   particles that are in
V The kinetic theory of matter e plain the
different states of matter in terms of movement
of particles
V The e istences of particles on continuous
motion can be demonstrated by   
S  and  .
V Êtom is the smallest, indivisible particles of an
V It is neutral.
V ¯ ample: Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Lithium
(Li), Carbon (C), Magnesium (Mg), Helium
(He), Zinc (Zn), Êluminum (Êl) and etc.
V Molecules are the smallest particles of an
element or compound that are made up of two
or more elements.
V ¯ amples: Hydrogen gas (H2), O ygen gas
(O2), water (H2O), carbon dio ide (CO2),
ammonia (NH3), Glucose (C6H12O6) and etc.
V Ions are particles that are charged due to loss
or gain of electron.
V Positive charged ion are called cation
V Negative charged ions are called anion
V ¯ amples: Sodium (Na+), Potassium (K+),
Lithium (Li+), Magnesium (Mg2+), Zinc (Zn2+),
Êluminum (Êl3+) and etc
Matter can be divided into two class:


ë: Substance formed

ë: Formed from one type from two or more element
of atom only that bounded chemically

Molecule: Êtom:
Hydrogen Sodium (Na) Ions: Molecules:
(H2) Magnesium Sodium nitrate Water (H2O)
Nitrogen (N2) (Mg) (Na2+ NO3-) Carbon dio ide
O ygen (O2) Zinc (Zn) Potassium (CO2)
Bromine (Br2) Carbon (C) chloride Êmmonia (NH3)
Matter can e ist in three state:

î î ë 
Êrrangement of

Êttractive forces
Movement of

Kinetic energy

Volume and
Rate of diffusion
î îî  

Êrrangement of
particles Closely packed in Far apart in a random, Very far apart in
regular arrangement clustered arrangement random arrangement

Êttractive forces Very strong Moderately strong Very weak

between particles
Movement of Vibrate and spin in Move freely and Move freely and
particles fi ed positions randomly at low speed randomly at high
Kinetic energy low Moderately high high
density high Moderately high low
compressibility Cannot be Difficult to be Can be compressed
compressed compressed
Volume and shape fi ed Fi ed volume but no Not fi ed
fi ed shape
Rate of diffusion slow moderate high
V ¯nds..

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